John Kerry – The Anti-American Communist Subversive

The road traveled by John Kerry on his way to our nation’s top diplomatic job went from the Viet Cong, to Ortega and the Sandinistas, and now to Iran’s Mullahs, and the Palestinians.

There is consistency in John Kerry’s life.  He’s an anti-American subversive with a long career colluding with our nation’s enemies.  Anyone from the Vietnam era knows him well.  Some day he and Jane Fonda will walk hand in hand through the gates of hell for their disservice to Americans serving in that war. Kerry did not let his anti-American communist loving activities end with Viet Nam.  Current generations probably know little about him because he’s a progressive.  The media does not report negative character traits of progressives.  Sharks do not attack other sharks.

There is so much about this phony baloney, it’s difficult to do it justice in one article.  To understand what is at his core, start with Unfit for Command, Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry.  This little book was published in 2004.  It deconstructs Kerry’s questionable version of his four months of Vietnam service and his post-service anti-war activities.   The port-siders declared the book debunked and the liberal media coined a whole new reason for liberals losing elections.  He was “Swiftboated.”  To most of us being Swiftboated meant something different.  It meant someone was about to tell the world who you really are. There is another book that you’ll not be able to find, The New Soldier published in 1971 was written by John Kerry and The Vietnam Veterans Against the War.  You can read excerpts of the book here including Kerry’s testimony before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, April 22, 1971.

“We will not quickly join those who march on Veterans’ Day waving small flags, calling to memory those thousands who died for the “greater glory of the United States.”  We will not accept the rhetoric.  We will not readily join the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars-in fact, we will find it hard to join anything at all…”  From The New Soldier, By John Kerry, 1971

On February 18, 1966, Kerry enlisted into the Navy Reserve.  We’ll put aside his questionable and highly-debated Vietnam service, which by his 1971 account was a four-month long continual atrocity that magically became heroic service when he wanted to be our president.  Kerry is not defined by his military service but by his actions following service including collusion with the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong.

In May 1970 Kerry, still a commissioned Naval Reserve Officer, traveled to Paris and met with the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong delegation to the Paris Peace talks.  A year later during his Senate testimony Kerry pushed for an immediate, unilateral withdrawal and referred to the withdrawal plan offered by Madame Nguyen Thi Binh, the Viet Cong representative.  Kerry’s authorized biographer, Douglas Brinkley, confirmed that Kerry told him he met with the North Vietnamese in 1970 and 1971.

Kerry was anti-war, anti-American, and anti-military but when convenient to his run for President he became a proud American combat hero.  Evidence abounds that he received an other than honorable discharge from the Navy Reserve.  A discharge later upgraded under President Carter’s first Executive Order 11967 and Presidential Proclamation 4483 issued  Inauguration Day January 21, 1977.  For his six-year commitment, he should have been discharged in 1972, rather than 1978 following Carter’s pardon.

While you’re at  treat yourself to Hanoi Jane Fonda’s broadcasts on Radio Hanoi July-August 1972.  Those messages must have been such a great comfort to our Soldiers.  Just as comforting as was Kerry’s Senate testimony to our POWs.

“Capt. James Warner had already spent four years in Vietnamese custody when he was handed a copy of your testimony by his captors. Warner says that for his captors, your statements “were proof I deserved to be punished.” He wasn’t released until March 14, 1973.”Bring it on John, Oliver North August 27, 2004

“Maj. Kenneth Cordier, an Air Force pilot who was in Vietnamese custody for 2,284 days, says his captors “repeated incessantly” your one-liner about being “the last man to die” for a lost cause. Cordier was released March 4, 1973.”Bring it on John, Oliver North August 27, 2004

“The measure of a person’s character is their whole history up until the present,” he said. “It’s not what they say they believe or what they’ll do when president or all these platitudes. …And he has consistently take the side of our enemies and other countries that oppose us or have a different viewpoint.” – Cordier quoted, Ex-POWs slam Kerry’s war protest activities, Richard Tomkins, UPI Aug 4, 2004

“Navy Lt. Paul Galanti says your accusations “were as demoralizing as solitary (confinement) … and a prime reason the war dragged on.” He remained in North Vietnamese hands until February 12, 1973.”Bring it on John, Oliver North August 27, 2004

For Kerry the words change some, but the tune is always the same.

“They told stories that at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country.” – War Protestor John Kerry 1971

“And there is no reason… that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the – of – the historical customs, religious customs.” – Senator John Kerry-2006

“You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well.  If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”  – Senator John Kerry –  Senator John Kerry 2006

In the eyes of the North Vietnamese, Kerry is a war hero.  Only for their side.  His photograph, being greeted by Comrade Do Muoi, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, is prominently displayed in the Vietnamese Communist War Remnants Museum in the section dedicated to anti-war activists who helped the Vietnamese Communists win the War.

Kerry was certainly unfit to command and his traitorous support of our nation’s enemies did not end with Vietnam.

Dear Comandante:

“We want to commend you and the members of your government for taking steps to open up the political process in your country. The Nicaraguan people have not had the opportunity to participate in a genuinely free election for over 50 years. We support your decision to schedule elections this year, to reduce press censorship, and to allow greater freedom of assembly for political parties.”

That is the opening of a letter sent to Nicaragua’s Communist leader Daniel Ortega signed by Democrats including our future Secretary of State.  During this time, President Regan was seeking aid through Congress for the Contra resistance to Ortega’s communist reconstruction of Nicaragua.

A few days before a Senate vote on Contra aid freshman Senators Tom Harkin and John Kerry visited Nicaragua.  They returned with a peace proposal from communist Ortega which led to the defeat of the Contra aid bill.  A few days following, Ortega was in Moscow.  He returned with a $200 million Soviet aid package and promise of arms and Cuban advisors.  Aiding communist victory in Vietnam was not enough for Kerry.  A communist foothold in Central America was even better.

Now we learn that John Kerry continues his subversion as he meets, as a private citizen just as he did with the Viet Cong, with Iranians and European leaders trying to save the Iran nuclear deal.  Via his son-in-law, Kerry has family ties.  If he was a Republican, that alone would and should have ended any bad Iranian deals.

“I am proud of the Iranian-Americans in my own family, and grateful for how they have enriched my life,” Kerry said in the official statement. Kerry also said he was “strongly committed to resolving” the differences between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran, “to the mutual benefit of both of our people.”

There is also evidence he’s coaching the Palestinians to not give in to Trump in peace talks.  According to the Jerusalem Post Kerry advised the Palestinians not to yield to Trump’s demands because within a year there is a good chance Trump would not be in the White House.  He also suggested to the Palestinians that maybe it was time for them to put forth their peace plan.  Maybe it will be as good as the plans he supported from the Viet Cong and communist Sandinistas.  Or maybe a Palestinian peace plan would be as good as the Iran deal if bolstered by $100 billion cash delivered in the dark of the night.

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