Just because you don’t see them, doesn’t mean they’re not there
There are powers working behind the powers
“It would be so nice if something made sense for a change.” – Alice from Alice in Wonderland
According to Edgar Dale’s research, we retain about 5% of information we hear, 10% of information we read, 20% that we see, 50% we discuss, 75% we do and a whopping 90% we teach! So if you want to retain knowledge, DO it and TEACH it!
Teach it to your children, teach it to your friends, teach it to your peers, just teach! And then teach others to do the same. Ironically, this is the Great Commission and Jesus in His infinite wisdom covered this: “Go and make disciples [this is the DO part, which means you’ll retain 75% of what you’ve learned as Christ’s disciple by simply DOING it]…and teach them to obey …[this is the TEACH part. When we get to this point, we’ll really retain our learning!].
This can be applied to anything in life, really, right on down to the state of our nation. However, in order to get a better grip on this, it would help to understand cognitive biases. These biases can really short circuit our learning process. A bias is quite simply an inclination of the mind, the way a mind leans. Bias originates from “a weight on the side of a bowl which turns it from a straight line”. (From Webster’s 1828 dictionary) And if we’re honest, we’ll realize we all have biases. We all have minds that lean to our preferences, and our preferences are from our learning, our environment, our experiences, etc., so they vary.
Take for instance, the normalcy bias. This bias takes in what has been normal (usual) from our experiences. What we know as normal or usual, develops a bias in us for what we know, in other words, we lean toward what’s “normal” (or usual) for us. This is why children who grow up in abuse frequently abuse or turn to abusive partners. It’s the norm for them. This is why people who grow up in racist or prejudiced conditions think everyone is racist or prejudiced. The status quo in your life sets your mind to accept or receive your view of the status quo. This can be good, in that if your norm is healthy, you gravitate toward health; or it can be bad, in that if your norm is dysfunctional, that becomes your understanding.
The extreme danger in a normalcy bias is that the mind and/or emotions tend to reject data or circumstances that contradict its bias. The mind has difficulty computing new data that contradicts its norm. It may be factual data; it may be real; but because the mind doesn’t equate it with what it knows as normal, it doesn’t know how to process it and usually rejects it.
For example, I grew up staunchly patriotic. I was inspired by the founding of America. Its founders were heroes to me, and the premise of liberty for everyone was a beacon that lit my way. The history textbooks told me of great feats of US Presidents, and depicted a scenario that reinforced my bias. So when someone I greatly respect sent me a link and asked me to evaluate it, and that link was an hour and a half of evidence that 9/11 was not an issue of terrorists running planes into buildings, but instead all the evidence pointed to a planned demolition and a staged “attack”, my mind tilted. It did not compute. I believed that our government was the best in the world and were purely serving American’s best interests. I believed bad people wanted to destroy our nation because it contradicted their belief systems.
As I looked at document after document, listened to expert after expert, saw picture after picture, my mind was forced to either reevaluate or reject, and the mind’s tendency is to reject a contradiction to its bias. If we don’t understand that, we won’t overcome our biases.
Consider also the availability bias. This is when the mind develops a shortcut to judging the probability of a future event. It’s important to recognize that to the human mind, probability is processed as a feeling. Please get that. The human mind does not process probability by mathematical odds. It is not a factual process that happens in the mind. What happens is if the mind can recall a past event easily, it’s more likely to believe it will happen in the future. Memory and the feelings that connect with memories are the primary tools the mind uses for making judgments on probability.
For example, if I was abandoned by my parents at a young age, placed in multiple foster homes, and every time I began to attach to someone they or I were removed, my mind would process that future relationships have a high probability of rejection or abandonment. My mind will recall the past events easily, and those memories will carry sufficient emotional anguish and pain, and my mind will deduct that future relationships will result in rejection or abandonment. [This will probably sabotage future relationships, because I will be waiting for such to happen and possibly inadvertently cause them to happen, a self-fulfilled prophecy, if you will.]
This is extremely dangerous when you consider the impact and influence of the modern media. Consider what is being projected on the screen or paper, and let’s say it’s a plane crash. Now they play the video footage over and over for days and days. They interview survivors and witnesses who give emotional testimonies of the event. The event is replayed enough and makes enough impact on your emotions that the mind begins to project that plane crashes are probable, and you have a bit of anxiety the next time you board one, or a loved one flies. In reality, the odds of being in a plane crash are 1 in 29.4 million. You have better odds of dying in a bathtub (1 in 1 million) or dying by a dog attack (1 in 700,000). BUT the human mind projects probability by its availability and it uses its experiences and emotions to base its availability.
And lastly, consider the confirmation bias. This affects the way we view new information on a subject, and it’s a real snare to us. The human mind loses impartiality once we form an opinion. Let me repeat that, because this is a problem. The human mind loses impartiality once we form an opinion. This is extremely dangerous because it causes us to disregard new information if it contradicts our opinion, and this happens in varying levels depending on the strength of our opinion. Our subconscious minds believe any information that confirms our current thinking and it dismisses information that disagrees with it. Surely you can see how dangerous that is in a pursuit of truth.
So if I use the 9/11 example, the confirmation bias would strongly override the new data coming in and the mind would begin its work on rejecting the information. This is what makes discussion, debates and some dialogues so difficult. If the data coming in doesn’t support our previously held opinion or belief, we reject it. (Even though we SAY we’re open-minded, we really aren’t.)
Once we get a basic understanding of the mind’s natural biases and how it structures, we can go about circumventing our biases. This is really, really important if we really want truth. The problem is people believe their opinions are truth, and thus don’t challenge them or allow them to be challenged.
If we can begin to understand how these biases work to our detriment in a myriad of ways, we can begin to sift through daily events with better clarity and in healthier places. We should quickly be able to see how the media plays a huge role in influencing thinking and changing the status quo. For instance, if the narrative on the media outlets (news, entertainment, internet, etc.) is constantly projecting the LGBT agenda, whether it be in marches, protests, TV shows, stories, movies, retail, etc., then after a consistent barrage of data output the mind begins to accept the LGBT agenda as normal. In fact, the LGBT population in America is roughly 3.8% – hardly a majority of anything. (according to Gallup [1]) 3.8% of anything is never the norm and never the status quo. But by the way it is presented in our society, our minds are beginning to accept it as norm. Remember the availability bias? If something is put before you so you experience it regularly, you become biased toward it. Your mind accepts it as the norm, even if it isn’t.
And if the media outlets can change the social climate regarding something so insignificantly small (3.8%)in comparison to mainstream (96.2%) America, what else is it changing?
I have gotten to the point that I’ll switch on mainstream media for a brief lapse of time to see what they’re saying. Then I’ll ask myself is, “Why do they want me to believe that?” Because that’s why they spin the “news” the way they do. They are promoting something, and it is very rarely the truth. Oh they will use some truth in it, but it is never to lead its audience to truth. It is always to lead its audience to its agenda by drawing the conclusions they have led the audience to.
Once we can begin to see through the façade, we can equip ourselves to search for real truth. To do that, we must acknowledge biases in our own minds first, then recognize them in other’s. After we have a beat on that, we can data input and begin processing in a healthier way.
Biases are the reason I have so much trouble exposing agendas to the general public. It’s the reason my children cannot have healthy debates with their public education teachers and peers. It’s the reason my child couldn’t have a reasonable discussion in her high school class when someone said, “Jesus was the first liberal.” It’s the reason we don’t change our minds when new information is presented.
For instance, if I told you there’s an Establishment in America whose purpose is to dismantle the liberties of Americans, strip America of its power (militarily and economically), and emasculate America’s national sovereignty… And if I told you this Establishment was made up of Republicans and Democrats that party means nothing to them… And that the Reagans, Bushs, Clintons and Obamas are all inter-connected… That they have been devising this plan for over a century and pass the agenda down to future generations… That multi-millionaires and multi-billionaires are deliberately buying supporters and protestors to create racial, socio-economic, and social divisions, protests and crises…
What would be your reaction? If it was an adverse reaction, if you just can’t get your head around that way of thinking, if a list of reasons that could not be true begins forming based on your perspective of what’s normal or usual, you are deceived by a number of biases. If you agreed, was your next line of thinking, “yes, but I can’t tell people I believe that.” This reaction is still a product of biases.
As long as we’re captive to our biases, we are not agents of truth. Our paradigms need shattered if we want to see the picture correctly and more clearly. Keep these things in mind as you watch the media work feverishly to paint pictures of what’s going on in DC right now. As long as Trump doesn’t rock the Establishment’s boat TOO much, they’ll let him live. All the while, they are feverishly working to undercut him, undermine him, thwart his plans, impeach him, and somehow stop the unraveling effect he has on what they’ve already done and have purposed to do.
Is Trump part of the Establishment? I hope not. He seems to have qualities of both sides, but his actions are proving anti-Establishment and the media’s reactions to him are indicating he is anti-Establishment. However, there are areas where he has Establishment ties that don’t make sense.
What you see on the screen isn’t what’s really going on. There is an anti-American group of globalist bankers, criminals and thieves, (some are American, some aren’t), that have been systematically dismantling our economy, our legal system, our Constitution, our liberties and our sovereignty for decades now. They have handed down the agenda to their posterity who has continued the agenda. Their objective is to remove obstacles to meet their goal of world dominion. America is the last great obstacle. Europe is already in its decline. Russia and China are still obstacles but they are less formidable once America is crippled. For America to be destroyed, her economy will have to collapse, her military will have to be castrated, and its people disarmed and disorganized.
The Rockefeller family has led this group for a century, and where their power is waning recently, others have picked up the agenda. George Soros, (multi-billionaire close friend of Clintons), in an interview with Newsweek June 27, 2006, affirmed that he did say and does believe that “the main obstacle to a stable and just world is the United States”. To him and others, that “obstacle” needs brought down.
And the media is one of their most powerful tools. Really consider the meaning of these words David Rockefeller uttered in June of 1991:
“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”
This thinking, this agenda, this shadow government, Establishment, whatever you want to call it, does not resonate with the average American’s thinking. We don’t think like this, we don’t believe things like this, we don’t want to believe things like this. It is not normal or usual, it is not made available, and it is not confirmed with how we have been taught or molded. So we reject it. But when we move our biases aside and really take in the overwhelming data on the subject, and when we open our eyes past our prejudices and pet convictions, we cannot help but see that when we see it, things begin to make sense for a change.
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