Let’s Celebrate the Natural Family

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

April 26, 2024

Pardon me if you think I am crazy for asking the question, but WHY do we spend an ENTIRE MONTH celebration GAY PRIDE?

At the risk of being called a bigot…or homophobe…or hater…could someone please explain to me what “pride” there is in celebrating UNNATURAL behaviors?  You see, there is a difference between acceptance and tolerance and it seems to me that those who engage in such deviant behaviors are not content with simply being free to live their lifestyle, but hell-bent on making the rest of us CELEBRATE their PRIVATE behavior.

If you believe the latest Government statistics,  only 7.6% of Americans identify as one of the Alphabet groups…up from 3.5% in 2012.  (BTW…spend some time on the link and you will find some eye-opening stats surrounding the LGBTQ behaviors.)  From the website…

Gallup collected its 2023 data through telephone surveys with more than 12,000 Americans 18 or older.

Of the respondents, 85.6% said they were straight, 7.6% identified with one or more identifiers within the LGBTQ+ community, and 6.8% of those surveyed declined to respond, Gallup said.

The data found that bisexual adults made up the largest proportion of the LGBTQ+ community, with 4.4% of U.S. adults and 57.3% of LGBTQ+ adults reporting that they are bisexual.

Folks…Gallup reports that over half of the GAY community are switch hitters.  They aren’t “Homo” sexual…they are PANSEXUAL.  READ THIS.  GAY means sex with ANYONE…not just same-sex attraction.

(Sorry…didn’t mean to drag you into the weeds…but I thought maybe the SCIENCE might interest you…you know…with jabs and all.   Trust the Science…right?  Or does that only apply to Science one agrees with?)

Soooo…7.6% of ALL AMERICANS get an ENTIRE MONTH to make the rest of us acknowledge their deviant attractions.  (DEVIANT is defined as “departing from the norm.)   Now, we love them all, of course, but why are we FORCED to join in the celebration of their “diverse” ways of having orgasms?

A month mind you.  BTW…a month is 1/12 of a year…or 8.2% of the calendar year.  Funny how those numbers match up.

Anyway…one of my buddies has launched a movement to celebrate the NATURAL FAMILY…you know, the one comprised of “one biological born man and one biological born woman committed in a lifelong monogamous relationship to include their biological and or adopted children.”  You talk about inclusion…every person walking the earth today is the fruit of just sort a “family.”  Isn’t it time we celebrated such an inclusive holiday?

Here is the plan:  Help Us Celebrate NATURAL FAMILY MONTH. As you are aware, our ministry does the best we can to TRAIN, EQUIP, and MOBILIZE the Saints for the WORK of the ministry and we are asking your help to help this initiative go national!!  One of the ministries we promote is NaturalFamilyStrong.com. lead by long-time cultural warrior Jim Harrison.  JR, as he is called, has labored long and hard over his passion of seeing the RESTORATION of the NATURAL FAMILY as the foundation of American society.  NATURAL, meaning one biological born man and one biological born woman committed in a lifelong monogamous relationship to include their biological and or adopted children.  What better way to promote the family than dedicate an entire month…MOTHER’S DAY TO FATHER’S DAY…the celebration of the first institution that God ordained!  The goal is to eventually make this a NATIONAL CELEBRATION…sort of like Gay Shame Month is today.

Look at What They are DOING in Wisconsin

Salt and Light Brigadier Ray LeBlanc has grabbed the bull by the horns.  He approached the Mayor and City Council in his small town of Marshfield, Wisconsin and has encouraged them to make an official proclamation of NATURAL FAMILY MONTH in Marshfield.  Their hesitancy has not stopped Ray and his wife Jeign as they have launched the FIRST IN THE NATION…NATURAL FAMILY DAY celebration in the city park!!  As their flier says “The Natural Family Festival is a positive, uplifting celebration of the family. It is an opportunity to connect children with their parents, parents with their children, grandparents with their children and grandchildren in substantial, meaningful, hands-on ways. It is a community event that draws families together, in ways they may not have experienced in a very long time. It gets kids back to being kids — away from the harmful influences of pop culture, social media and electronics. An opportunity for our oldest generations to connect with the youngest generations, for Dads and Moms to bond with their kids and for kids to learn to VALUE, respect and honor their parents, grandparents, and elders. It is a chance for families to BUILD something significant, and strengthen the community at large.”

Start a Movement in YOUR Town!!

Despise not the days of small beginnings!  Get involved.  Go to HERE to order some signs to put in your yard!!  Let us start a groundswell of support for the NATURAL FAMILY and begin the restoration of sanity in this land.  This will not happen overnight but you can make a difference RIGHT NOW as we build the momentum for a NATIONWIDE CELEBRATION of FAMILY the way GOD DESIGNED IT!!  If the GAYS can have a month to celebrate their sin, shouldn’t we  promote the NATURAL FAMILY as the way the overwhelming percentage of American citizens live it!!    IT IS TIME FOR CHRISTIANS TO COME OUT OF THE CLOSET AND DEMAND

YOU can do this!  YOU can make a difference.  YOU can help launch a movement!  I say, get off your couch and do something!!

Look at what they are doing in Wisconsin!!

© 2024 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com