Lockdown-Leaning Lefty Loons Need to be Locked Up

By Sidney Secular

April 2, 2024

As the Covidiocy conspiracy lengthened, the online vitriol expressed through the lunacy of leftist statements and positions both increased and intensified. Government directed lockdowns exacerbated the anti-social effects caused by increased isolation, and as leftists  participated the most in these lockdowns, they were the most and the worst afflicted. Families already under the strain of social discord splintered and the nation’s familial spirit rapidly evaporated in the remorseless and hate-filled milieu. Social events and sports activities, often a safety valve for cultural pressures, were cancelled and this resulted not only in boredom, but a general feeling of helplessness and bewilderment that resulted in a sharp increase in mental illness and attendant anti-social behavior. The World Health Organization reported that this epidemic of cultural craziness triggered a worldwide 25% increase in both depression and anxiety. This fact was verified through an NIH published study showing suicide rates swelling by as much as 145% from the standard figures.

The need to work from home worsened the weirdness and the stress for those who were not used to functioning in that environment normally. Ordinary office workers lost the normal social contact that gave them purpose other than their jobs while always being on call 24/7 led to blurring of work and home boundaries. Many companies found this “on call” situation to their benefit as the employee was no longer “released” from his or her duties simply because the clock had reached 5 pm. This ongoing “serfdom” made of the employee’s residence an extension of the work environment! And this was further exacerbated by the fact that, as many businesses were shutting down, those employees working from home could not afford to run afoul of their employer! It was definitely an employer economy as even unions were of little help. A UN study found that 41% of remote workers reported high stress levels compared to “just” 25% of those workers who were able to work in an office environment.

Then there were the omnipresent Zoom meetings which have since become only slightly less a feature in our society. Relaxing in slacks did not necessarily mean you could slacken your efforts while the setting of one’s home including children no longer attending school, pets and the ordinary vicissitudes of “home life” tended to embarrass all but the most perfect of homemakers. Personally, I have never participated in a Zoom meeting, but I’ve been repeatedly advised that it is highly stressful as you are constantly in a sort of “candid camera” environment in that you – and your home! – have to be on your best behavior, appearance and efficiency 100% of the time! Of course, such a situation is highly unnatural, stressful, and emotionally draining even on an infrequent schedule.

In many larger urban areas, the term “rush hour” lost its meaning as people were out and about at all hours to shop and visit instead of being confined to their office cubicles during normal working hours when there were no lockdowns being enforced. Of course, working from home has its compensations. This is especially true for women in general and especially those with children. When you are at home you can eat when you like and avoid spending large sums on expensive lunches to impress colleagues and customers. On the other hand, that also can have less attractive results. Either you’re more inclined to snack a lot and thus put on weight or, in the alternative, you lose the “schmoozing” that takes place during “business lunches” in many jobs. This new “spare time,” alas, permitted many leftists the opportunity to post vile things on social media attacking conservatives and play around with porn sites thus making money for the perverts and permitting more aberrant sexual behaviors as well. In short, a combination of generous expansions in unemployment benefits, an anemic Bidenista economy, jobs increasingly filled by immigrants, the turning of regular employment into “consultant” work, and lately, AI applications means there will be no significant return to the pre-plannedemic office environment. This has resulted in a constant drumbeat to hire new workers as many companies remain understaffed. Customer service, always a weak part of corporate America has been a major casualty of the thinned out workforce because it doesn’t produce an immediate profit. Thus, this “corporate service” is almost always farmed out to third world countries such as India because their workers are not paid what most Americans are paid. Obviously, the “press 1 for English” option is needed to fill in the short fall and save money. Of course, as a result, Americans now generally receive not only Third World but third rate service including vexing wait times on telephones in order to speak with people for whom English is a third, or fourth . . . or fifth language.

Small irritants and issues now get the people to respond against an increasingly invasive government demand for compliance. This results in the left reacting with sharply increased levels of resistance and foul fulmination against any such response by the enemy on the Right. All that is acceptable for the Left is absolute, complete and immediate compliance with the dictates of the WOKE agenda. The “snowflake syndrome” is one of the results of this lowered level of tolerance. Yet, people are striking back resulting in the above “increased levels of resistance”! For example, Billionaire Elon Musk’s halting of the banning of conservatives on the platform “X” has produced an increase in the number of trolls spewing out hate at alarming levels. Meanwhile, hostility on social media, the medium for so much (un)social discourse, continues to increase with Pew finding that 40% of Americans experience online harassment, with half of those stating the issue involved was politics. Democrats are twice as likely as Republicans to end a friendship over politics and family relationships are notoriously “non-exempt” from this field of conflict.  The weirder the Woker, the greater the stoking and spewing of nasty vitriol. One example of not only the issues but the difference in the reaction of both Left and Right is this: after Target stores received a backlash from conservatives for prominently displaying radical LGBTQ+ merchandise, the stores responded by minimizing these displays. The Left then responded with threats – ostensibly from LGBTQ+ supporters – to place bombs in Target stores! On the one hand you have the threat of economic boycott and on the other, the threat of injury and death! Big difference, don’t you think?

It is difficult to keep track of this hate because it is typically not reported as such. Leftist reporters leave the depredations and fulminations of “their side” out of the statistics. Why? Because they consider them justified reactions to “right wing Christian” hate! Groups like the ADL, The Southern Poverty Law Center, and Human Rights Watch exist to harass those on the Right. This they do by engaging in “lawfare,” the use of the legal system to prosecute (and persecute) their “enemies” while squeezing contributions from their clueless supporters by painting their victims as hateful miscreants. It can’t be that the hate is emanating from the right since, other than on the “X” platform, Big Tech is banning content they deem offensive before that content can be posted, leaving the left with very little to bash. They are not bashful in bashing the little that leaks through the censorship net, however. In contrast, the left has free reign to create fictions that generate mounting friction and the further formation of factions. The mainstream media reinforces this paranoia by publishing trumped up puff pieces on leftist political figures with the assistance of supportive icons from the entertainment field. Meanwhile, having the entire field to itself, the Leftist Media is able to ignore, ditch and/or pulverize any opposing pieces from the right that might sneak under its ubiquitous partisan radar.

To top off this over-the-top program of deceit and dysfunction, the NIH study showed that prior to the plannedemic, the left had already exhibited worse levels of mental illness than the rest of the population while the plannedemic itself exponentially exacerbated these problems and that resulted in massive attacks on the right including vile attacks that often involved death threats. Part and parcel of the left’s increasingly outlandish behavior involves their ongoing (and increasing) practice of psychological projection. This type of mental gymnastics validates the sufferer’s suspicions that the other party – whether a person or an organization – is, in fact, evil. This, in turn, produces an unshakable conviction that what is not real, is, in fact, so. As a result, the deceived person “just knows” the other – whomever that is! – is wicked and dangerous, even if there is no evidence to validate his or her “knowledge.” There are no “gray areas” for this person and therefore no possible rationale projecting both good and bad aspects or features of the individual or the group he has determined is evil. In the end, whatever argument is used, even if there were any good aspects that the individual might be willing to concede, it wouldn’t matter anyway.

This phenomenon is especially displayed when any historical figure fails to condemn or was silent about the institution of chattel (black) slavery a weapon more deadly than bullets when it comes to any study of history. Whoever that person was, whatever they did for the good of the country, if they in any way were involved in slavery, their role as a “force for good” is simply abandoned. Nowhere is this more obvious then in the condemnation of those of our Founding Fathers who owned slaves and that includes men like Thomas Jefferson and George Washington. Washington grew to hate slavery and even opined that if America became established as a nation and slavery was not ended in the South, he would move North! But even that doesn’t matter in these days of righteous stupidity! The man owned slaves, period! And he didn’t free them until his death! Awful – unforgivable!!! Historically, those who did not openly, loudly and eternally condemn slavery during its existence in this country – is automatically persona non grata no matter how much this nation owes to that person.

In the realm of modern communications, accusations from the Left are accepted wholesale no matter how ridiculous they may be. Republicans, and especially Trumpers, are thus considered “bad” (evil) without any doubt or misgivings. “Bad” includes and encompasses the entire plethora of negatives such as evil, racist, scheming, gun loving, white supremacist (even if non-white), Christian nationalist, fascist, neo-Nazi, and, of course, ignorant. If the malcontents are from the Deep South, well, that’s all you really need to know about them! They are geographically condemned! Thus, the J6 protester rabble/deplorables conducted an insurrection and “the greatest assault on our Capitol and democracy since the “Civil War” even if the participants didn’t carry any firearms and were allowed – even invited into that building! (The doors to the Capitol can only be opened from the inside!) Democrats and Rhinos are thus justified, even compelled, to mete out unprecedented levels of harsh punishment – now called “justice” – to the supposed traitors, for they are certain that our “democracy”* will fail if they do not. Consequently, the libbers and their ilk remain unmoved by the suffering of many hundreds of otherwise ordinary American citizens and Trump supporters who have been arrested and jailed for grossly exaggerated or non-existent offenses, while being kept in pre-trial detention indefinitely. In this situation they are often locked down in filthy isolation cells for up to 23 hours a day, abused by guards, denied medical care, denied visitation by family members or even their lawyers, despised by their “public defender” attorneys and given  harshly outlandish sentences if and when they go to trial. .[*The United States is NOT a “democracy,” it is (supposed to be) a constitutional Republic!]

Without understanding this process of psychological projection – that is, accusing the other fellow of that of which you yourself are guilty, it is impossible to appreciate how Americans could treat each other do despicably and with such conviction of self-righteousness, or could, in the alternative, endorse such treatment. The game is no longer one of rhetoric, playacting, political sparring or gamesmanship, but one of survival in a hostile environment that has become an actual physical battlefield.

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E-Mail Sidney Secular: Success_Express@yahoo.com