Media cannot delegitimize the people’s choice

When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic. —Dresden James.

If people in the media cannot decide whether they are in the business of reporting news or manufacturing propaganda, it is all the more important that the public understand that difference, and choose their news sources accordingly. —Thomas Sowell

The Rabid Media

Delegitimizing Trump’s election is what the media is all about today. Fake News is bantered about as though it all comes from the “Alt-right,” (a Hillary invention) when in fact, it is the mainstream press that presents us daily with literally fake news.

Despite Trump winning and winning by a very high margin, despite Hillary being vanquished, despite the left suffering defeat after defeat, the MSM is still doing the same damnable thing they’ve always done. They are trying to set the agenda, trying to destroy the win, trying to tell the American people that they really didn’t choose this man who is not a globalist politician, but an outsider businessman. They are trying their very best to get everyone to talk about what they’ve determined is important. And it is all LIES! 

What a crock of garbage we’re now being fed about Russians leaving fingerprints on the 2016 election! Trump’s massive rallies were not caused by Russian hackers!

Hillary Joins Stein Recounts

Jill Stein’s so-called recount has proven there were even more votes for Trump. In the Wisconsin day-five recount update, 32,423 votes for Hillary Clinton were erased resulting in a 28,830-vote net increase for Donald Trump. [Link]

The fact that Hillary joined with Stein is hilarious. Remember what she said during the debate when Trump refused to say whether he would accept the outcome of the election? He was right to say that knowing the outrageous voter fraud perpetrated again and again by the Democratic socialists.

In the third debate, Trump answered Chris Wallace’s question about accepting the outcome of the vote, by saying, “I’ll let you know at the time.”
Clinton, thinking she’d be the winner, responded, “That’s horrifying.”

She went on to say, “That’s not the way our democracy works. We’ve been around 240 years. We’ve had free and fair elections, and we’ve accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them, and that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. President Obama said the other day that when you’re whining before the game is even finished it just shows you’re not even up to doing the job.”

She added, “And let’s be clear about what he’s saying and what he means. He’s denigrating—he’s talking down our democracy. I for one am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our major two parties would take that kind of position.”

Clinton was later asked by reporters about Trump’s statement at the debate and she said, “I truly doubt he has ever read the Constitution.”

Well Hillary, we’re a representative Republic, not a democracy, although I know you would prefer the latter. I also know you were taught the Constitution in high school by our teacher, Paul Carlson, just like I was, and we know you read it in law school, but all you’ve ever done is trample it under your feet.

Media says Russian Hackers

Even Limbaugh has been quoted by The Hill, saying no one can prove Russia hacked the election, and they agree with him!

Grasping at straws, because there is no proof whatsoever of Russia hacking anything to do with the election, but the media and their socialist comrades in the Obama administration are hellbent to try to prove there actually was Russian influence for Trump. All of this because of the released Podesta emails.

The Independent Journal Review tells the story. Former British ambassador, Craig Murray, has come forward in the foreign press to assert the DNC emails released by WikiLeaks were not obtained by hacks, but rather came via leaks within the Democratic National Committee.

Jon Rappoport’s article, Top 11 “Russian-hack” questions the “rogue-Electors” should ask the CIA, truly spells out the idiotic useless attempts by the media to cast aspersions on the resounding defeat of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.

Unlawful for Electors to Change Votes


Now, a group entitled, Unite for America, is using celebrities (if you can call them that) to urge electors to break the law and change their votes to Hillary.

The video, released on Wednesday by the group, is framed as a public service announcement with celebrities such as Martin Sheen, Debra Messing, and James Cromwell begging Republican members of the Electoral College to cast their votes against Donald Trump on Dec. 19.

“Thirty-Seven Electors can be American heroes by voting their conscience for a real leader,” the group says on its YouTube page. It is the first and only video uploaded by Unite for America.

The group’s website,, describes the organization as a “multi-partisan movement” of “concerned citizens, organizations, unions and grassroots networks formed in the wake of the 2016 Presidential Crisis.”

What crisis? There is no crisis…the American people voted, and decided who they wanted, and soundly rejected Hillary Clinton, and the other also-rans.
Despite the group’s reference to alleged foreign influence in the presidential election, (Vladimir Putin sham) a trace of the group’s URL shows that its website was registered in a foreign country.

According to a search on ICANN WHOIS, a website that provides public access to data on registered URL names, was created on Nov. 26 with internet service provider Tucows Inc., located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. [Link]

Isn’t this just typical? These celebrities, most of whom are socialists, and many who are avowed communists, have decided they must interfere with the will of the American people.


Our new president should be confirmed by the electoral college on December 19th, and then inaugurated on January 20, 2017. Our Constitution was followed, and he was rightly elected by the people, despite huge Democratic voter fraud.

Donald Trump is not perfect, and as far as I’m concerned has already made a couple glaring mistakes in choices, especially for Education Secretary, but the vast majority of his choices have been superb, and we need to give the man time. He will make mistakes, but he has no problem rectifying them and saying, “You’re fired.”

I’ve even watched him invite those who were his enemies during the campaign to meet with him. I do believe this man holds no grudges and has tried to bring all of them into the fold to work for what is best for America and her people. His attitude is a Christian one, and one we haven’t seen from our presidents in far too long.

The fact that these leftist rabble-rousers cannot accept the will of the people without trying to destroy our Constitution and the electorate’s choice, is typical of their failure to accept America’s rejection of their socialist candidate.

Hillary’s words now ring back at her. “How horrifying!” “I’m appalled.” Eat those words Hillary, they belong to you.