Merry Christmas in an Upside-Down World

By Frosty Wooldridge

Merry Christmas to you and yours during these waning days of 2020.  May the birth of Jesus soothe your soul and inspire the days ahead of you.  May your generous love for your family sustain them, bring joy and hope.

For this writer, this year has proven itself an “upside-down” event like nothing ever in my lifetime.  It’s been full of anguish, confusion and tragedy for 300,000 victims of this virus.  It’s brought our entire nation to the brink of despair.  My heart goes out to every person who has lost a loved one…a parent, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, niece, nephew.  It’s difficult to understand this “thing” that has happened to us in 2020.

If anything, I am grateful, thankful and appreciate the positive aspect of this year in America.  Such a dreadful event as we are facing has brought greater appreciation of our families, of our communities and of our good fortunes as Americans.

Perhaps the greatest gift for all of us remains a certain sense that we will work through this virus. We will struggle against great odds, yet remain determined to triumph.  That’s the message of Christ in that He struggled against great odds. He brought a message of hope.  He triumphed on the Cross.  He spoke to His Father and he connected that eternal God-energy to all of us.

In the scheme of things, we each face our own ‘battles’ in this life. We wage against evil in many forms.  Our greatest battle must be within ourselves.  Our fears, our doubts, our regrets and our misgivings.

During this special time of rebirth of a child in a manger, may we rebirth ourselves toward the light and toward a greater understanding of ourselves and life itself.   There’s this connectedness brought by Christ and imparted to all of us.

I’ve been told there are many paths up that mountain to gain an understanding of God.  Whatever path you take, keep at it, effort over time and perseverance over despair.  With such an attitude, your path becomes clearer the higher you travel up toward that summit.

May you share that path with loved ones. May they encourage you while you encourage them.  All in all, time and again, year after year, we each in our own way enjoy the blessings of life, the gift of life and the joy of life.

From my wife Sandi and I, we wish you every heartfelt Christmas gift. The gift of family, friends, children and hope for a better future.

Each night, Sandi and I enjoy dinner by candlelight.  We feel that the ‘flame’ from the candle kindles our hearts, inspires our spirits and creates light in the darkness.

Man loves company – even if it is only that of a small burning candle. Georg C. Lichtenberg

So, this Christmas, light a candle for your family. Say a kind word to a stranger. Pray for better days to come in 2021.  Give yourself and your family the gift of hope.  Take a walk in the wilderness. Laugh as your children unwrap their gifts.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Roosevelt

Merry Christmas from Sandi and Frosty Wooldridge, Golden, Colorado

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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