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By Geoff Metcalf July 22, 2003 NewsWithViews.com For years a myopic 'politically correct' lobby of "women's rights activists" have been attempting (successfully) to use the military as a venue for implementing social change. These rabid (self destructive) feminists refuse to accept significant differences between contemporary society and the military subculture. They wanted full inclusion and opportunity for women in the military. They were cautioned to "beware what you wish for you just might get it." In 1994 the Clinton Administration Defense Department established rules requiring women to serve in military units involving a "substantial risk of capture". And yes darling there ARE consequences to what we do and don't do� As a radio talk show host, columnist, and sometimes reporter, I sometimes face the challenge of information overload. I am exposed to a very broad spectrum of data from a variety of distaff sources. The constant challenge is to triage the information and cherry pick what I do and don't talk about or write. The challenge is compounded by assorted special interests attempting to provide or deny information that supports or refutes 'their' agendas. I have been, and remain, reluctant to share some information about the questions surround the captivity of Pfc. Jessica Lynch. Although some of the reports support my position that women in combat are an epically bad idea compounding the victimhood of Pfc. Lynch is uncomfortable. Elaine Donnelly is president of the Center for Military Readiness. Donnelly has delineated an excellent list of questions www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/ 2003/7/18/162538.shtml. Specifically it is worthy of note that:
Donnelly asks, "What is the purpose of what appears to be unusually restrictive management of news regarding enlisted women in combat?" Hey, it is classic C.Y.A. by those leftist sycophants praying that they can deny the inevitable ugly truth until it is overshadowed. The truth, when revealed (and it WILL sadly be revealed), will eviscerate the fiction that there is no difference between women and men in combat. The Pentagon remains diffident to talk about the deaths of soldiers and Marines involved in the ambush of the 507th Maintenance Unit. Those warriors who appear to have been grossly mistreated and eventually executed point blank in violation of international law have been ignored. Given the evidence of the Hussein regime brutality (to men, women and children) does ANYONE really believe Pfc. Lynch (the "blond and waiflike" American solider) was not brutally mistreated? Come on! Misinformation, disinformation and bovine excrement aside�ANYONE? Ambrose Evans Pritchard, in his book 'The Secret Life of Bill Clinton' wrote a crystallizing epiphany. He said, "The American elite, I am afraid to say, is almost beyond redemption. Moral relativism has set in so deeply that the gilded classes have become incapable of discerning right from wrong. Everything can be explained away, especially by journalists. Life is one great moral mush-sophistry washed down with Chardonnay." That Pritchard reference to "moral relativism" is a cornerstone of the left's politically correct dogma. However the Chardonnay won't cover the bad taste of combat realities.
However, men and women are NOT equal in all things. Women cannot shatter the glass ceiling because (in the military) it's not glass. It is steel and Kevlar and titanium. Despite the monumental efforts to control, spin, and restrict the more heinous consequences of women in combat, eventually the truth will be told. Tammy Bruce (author of 'The Death of Right and Wrong') writes, "The Left Elite has worked for years to brainwash us into a sort of values lobotomy." The feminists dream quest for total equality in the military is a fool's errand. The serial abuses Bill Clinton inflicted on a gaggle (hundreds?) of women pale in comparison to the inimitable harm he wrought in pandering to the feminist controllers with his 1994 Defense Department rules requiring women to serve in military units involving a "substantial risk of capture". Some enemies (and the Saddam Hussein regime is one of them) will abuse prisoners. Some enemies (and the Saddam Hussein regime is one of them) will use female prisoners in ways sufficient to make the Marquis de Sade roll over in his grave. � 2003 Geoff Metcalf - All Rights Reserved Sign
Up For Free E-Mail Alerts "Geoff Metcalf is a nationally syndicated radio talk show host for TALK AMERICA and a veteran media performer. He has had an eclectic professional background covering a wide spectrum of radio, television, magazine, and newspapers. A former Green Beret and retired Army officer he is in great demand as a speaker. . Visit Geoff's Web Site: www.geoffmetcalf.com. While you're at it - pick up a copy of Geoff's latest book! E-mail: geoff@geoffmetcalf.com
"Ambrose Evans Pritchard, in his book 'The Secret Life of Bill Clinton' wrote a crystallizing epiphany. He said, "The American elite, I am afraid to say, is almost beyond redemption. Moral relativism has set in so deeply that the gilded classes have become incapable of discerning right from wrong."