By Geoff Metcalf January 19, 2004 NewsWithViews.com President's Bush proposal to provide 'illegal' immigrants with a mechanism to 'kinda' make them clean and 'sorta' legal has sparked an excrement storm among defenders of our borders. Even sycophant Bushies feel unclean defending the indefensible. Some of the most violent criminals at large today are illegal aliens. The New York Post reported recently, "A Queens mother who was savagely gang-raped in Flushing Meadows Park said the five homeless (four of whom were illegal) immigrants who beat and brutalized her carried out their attack like "a pack of wild wolves in search of their prey." All of the attackers, except one, were in the United States illegally. The case has been widely cited by critics of the Immigration and Naturalization Service who say the agency consistently fails to deport dangerous illegals. The woman was sexually tortured for three hours before cops rescued her. The men were arrested and gave confessions. [Read] However, cities where the crime of illegals is chronic, police cannot use the most obvious tool to apprehend them: their immigration status. In Los Angeles, dozens of members of the ruthless Salvadoran prison gang have sneaked back into town after having been deported for crimes from murder, and assault with a deadly weapon, to drug trafficking. Cops know who they are�but if a cop arrests an illegal gangbanger for felonious reentry, it is the police officer that gets dinged for violating the LAPD's rule against enforcing immigration law�which frankly has to be 'criminal political correctness.' What is wrong with this picture? Read: The Illegal-Alean Crime Wave Meanwhile at least a half dozen conservations organizations have finally become outspoken in their criticism of Congress spending line "drunken sailors," and the diffidence of the President to stop it. Many are not only accusing the President of being an 'enabler' to dysfunction, but "contributing" to profligate spending. Even the Heritage Foundation has projected that passage of the bill would "mark the third consecutive year of massive discretionary spending growth" following increases of 13 percent and 12 percent in the previous two years. The Heritage report says the omnibus bill will set the stage for discretionary spending to increase by 9 percent in 2004 to $900 billion, not the 3 percent claimed by Congress. For more than a year, a rebellion in Republican ranks has been brewing over the spending issue. Add to that the controversy over the illegal alien amnesty by any other name, and a perfect storm is brewing. Read: Conservative Groups Break with Republican Leadersip In a recent column (Exploiting Opportunity www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2004/1/ 4/41704.shtm) I referenced Dr. Bill Wattenburg's recommendation to California's new governor. Basically Wattenburg suggests, "Send Mexican prisoners back to Mexico � with a profit for Mexico and save hundreds of millions per year for California." Duh!?!? Notwithstanding the persistent claim of the Bush administration that the immigration proposal is NOT another amnesty (ala the '80s)�if it walks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it IS an amnesty�kinda/sorta. However, despite all the acrimony and defense of the indefensible, what if this is a brilliant Machiavellian political finesse? Think about it. The buzz is all about changing the LAW. The Executive Branch (the President) doesn't make law? CONGRESS makes law. In other words, regardless of the wants, needs, and desires of the President to accommodate illegal immigrants, the stark reality is, CONGRESS would have to make the law. ALL politicians recognize that the Hispanic vote is crucial and all politicians want to pander however they can to win the favor of Hispanics. HOWEVER, the annoying reality is that IF congress falls victim to the sirens call, there WILL be consequences in their home districts. Yes, there ARE consequences to the things we do and don't do. I don't believe congress is going to green light the Presidents Mexican workers initiative. Congressman Tom Tancredo will conduct jihad against it and he ain't gonna be the Lone Ranger. So, why would a smart President pitch a proposal doomed to failure. Well, it depends on whether you see the glass as being half empty or half full.
I have come to believe the brouhaha over the "non-amnesty/amnesty" is in fact a Karl Roveish political finesse. It is form over substance�perception overshadowing reality. I could be wrong�but the Bush illegal worker program is a dog that won't hunt. This time�. � 2004 Geoff Metcalf - All Rights Reserved Sign
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"In Los Angeles, dozens of members of the ruthless Salvadoran prison gang have sneaked back into town after having been deported for crimes from murder, and assault with a deadly weapon, to drug trafficking. Cops know who they are�but if a cop arrests an illegal gangbanger for felonious reentry, it is the police officer that gets dinged for violating the LAPD's rule against enforcing immigration law..."