By Geoff Metcalf February 2, 2004 NewsWithViews.com
Follow Up To 'Flipping Off The UN'
I recently observed that those of us complaining about the dysfunctional malfeasance of the globalists nexus have been pleasantly surprised by the surprise visitation of some strange bedfellows. Two incidents, that I see as very positive, sparked considerable email response from readers and listeners who thought I was being stroked and lulled into a false sense of confidence by Machiavellian manipulators. Labor Secretary, Elaine Chao recently warned www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2004/1/ 23/103603.shtml that Americans must pay more attention to the United Nations and its related organizations and The Wall Street Journal documented in a recent column, 'The New Multilateralism' that outlined significant success of The Proliferation Security Initiative is a new effort that has already yielded success in the area of controlling weapons of mass destruction the UN could only dream about. I asked if "we are in the midst of a globalist sea change?" and I got A LOT of response�ranging from "Hooah" to "are you out of your (expletive) mind?"
For the record (and for clarification), I do NOT really think we are in a sea change. The would-be controllers STILL want and intend to control everything and everybody. Their goal is unchanged. However, the recent official "dissing" of the UN, and the introduction of programs that undermine the UN and introduce programs (like PSI) that are effective and WORK is STILL significant. The one-worlders may be rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, but notwithstanding their presumed objectives, the glass is half full�not half empty. This paradigm shift represents an opportunity to be exploited. Too often folks get wrapped around the axle of "them" versus "us" and can't embrace good results without tainting it with WHO is involved and "hidden agendas". Perhaps critics are right and the president is merely tweaking the globalist infrastructure. However, in the process he is helping us underscore the dysfunctional malfeasance of a broken ineffectual institution. And that IS a good thing. � 2004 Geoff Metcalf - All Rights Reserved Sign
Up For Free E-Mail Alerts "Geoff Metcalf is a nationally syndicated radio talk show host for TALK AMERICA and a veteran media performer. He has had an eclectic professional background covering a wide spectrum of radio, television, magazine, and newspapers. A former Green Beret and retired Army officer he is in great demand as a speaker. Visit Geoff's Web Site: www.geoffmetcalf.com. While you're at it - pick up a copy of Geoff's latest book! E-mail: geoff@geoffmetcalf.com
"The one-worlders may be rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, but notwithstanding their presumed objectives, the glass is half full�not half empty."