By Geoff Metcalf April 20, 2004 NewsWithViews.com "I don't make jokes -- I just watch the government and report the facts." --Will Rogers I have often noted that "some people don't want to be confused with FACTS which contradict their preconceived opinions or prejudices.' John Kerry has expanded on that axiom in a fool's errand that ignores facts in evidence about his own political identity and apparently hopes to manufacture a new "reality". In addition to his growing problems with the veteran community and Catholic Church hierarchy, the New York Times reports "The Most Liberal member of the Senate" intends to define/redefine himself as a centrist? Say what? If John Kerry is a centrist, then Newt Gingrich is a gay black female liberal Muslim cleric�.. This counterintuitive Kerry dream quest to redefine himself as centrist is supposed to be based on some vain hope of attracting moderate Republicans. In a classic case of 'tell them what they want to hear', Kerry told a group of $25,000-a-plate deep pocket Dems at the "21" Club in the Big Apple, he wanted their help to paint his own portrait (or to paint over his 18 year liberal record in congress). Despite his aides acknowledging there are no specific plans or timetables, Jonesing John promised he was about to launch "a positive affirmative advertising campaign" (right after he finished with the heavy lifting of raising money). Absurdly, Kerry told his marks, "A lot of people still don't really know who I am�" Huh? Not really?!?! The problem for the four term Democrat is that a lot people DO really know who and what he is. So how does "the most liberal US Senator" defend
the indefensible?
Duplicity notwithstanding, Kerry has a tough row to hoe. Maybe he can 'try' to suggest his ubiquitous flip flopping on issues is a mathematical 'mean' where if you 'average' diametrically opposite positions you are 'statistically' in the middle? You think? I don't think so����.His Ionesscoish statement that "I actually voted FOR it before I voted AGAINST it�" is destined to become a GOP ad refrain.
Kerry can (and will) try to sell 'form' without 'substance' but even wannabe supporters like the Brookings Institution question his inability (or unwillingness) to offer an alternative to "Bush bad�me good." Helmut Sonnenfeldt at Brookings said http://www.factcheck.org/ar ticle.aspx?docid=170, "I haven't the faintest idea what his prescriptions in Iraq would be�At some point, he is going to have to get serious if he is going to be taken seriously about how he would actually deal with the issue in a way that he as a patriotic American can support it. But he hasn't done that," Kerry says, "We have to convince America of my ability to be able to manage that as effectively, or more effectively, if possible." Since there are no facts in evidence to support that objective he offers 'Kerry as Centrist'/a new 'reality'? THAT dog ain't gonna hunt! � 2004 Geoff Metcalf - All Rights Reserved Sign
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"Kerry can (and will) try to sell 'form' without 'substance' but even wannabe supporters like the Brookings Institution question his inability..." |