More News You Missed

By Sidney Secular

February 11, 2025

SHEDDING LIGHT ON “VACCINE SHEDDING”: The how and why of it are still being determined, but unvaccinated persons can “catch” maladies from the vaccinated. This condition is called “shedding,” a phenomenon that seems most common with mRNA vaccines that are actually a form of gene modifiers. Once this phenomenon gets more publicity, the unvaccinated who are affected by the phenomenon will undoubtedly display a lot of resentment over how the vaxxed treated them a few years ago! In theory, this “shedding” should be impossible, but we have learned that with most big pharma panaceas, all kinds of bad things are possible. Of course, the unvaccinated will again be gaslighted by the normies who insist that their condition is “all in their heads.” For about 18 months, the shedding phenomenon has been investigated by a team headed by Dr. Pierre Kory and an investigator who goes by the nom de plume “A Midwestern Doctor” writing regular articles for the Lew blogsite. At the present time about 1,500 reports from individuals affected by shedding have been collected.

By far, the most common symptom of shedding found in women is unusual, disrupted menstrual bleeding (also the most common symptom of Covid vaccine injury). The next most common symptoms are headaches, flu-like symptoms, nosebleeds, fatigue, rashes, tinnitus, sinus and/or nasal issues, shingles. palpitations, herpes, and hair loss. These symptoms are again quite similar to the mythical condition called “Long Covid” and other vaccine injuries, but are typically more superficial in nature, suggesting that the body is reacting to a harmful external pathogenic factor rather a natural condition of the body. Severity of reactions to “shedders” in terms of sensitivity can vary considerably. Some people are hypersensitive to shedders and can immediately detect them when in their presence, while others notice certain symptoms that develop after shedding exposures.

The spike proteins created by the Covid vaccines appear to be the culprit causing the shedding. In the majority of these cases, the effects of shedding are temporary, but in certain people, these can last for months, if not for years. Vaccine boosters also “boost” the severity of these symptoms, and, of course, successive boosters increase the frequency of shedding. Meanwhile, recent boosters are more potent and cause significantly more shedding than previous injections. This is a nasty “gift” that just keeps on giving.

BURNING UP OVER A LACK OF CONTROLLED BURNS: The fires in Los Angeles have been the most devastating in the city’s history. It could all have been avoided or the risks greatly minimized with the proper planning and preventive measures. Periodic large-scale controlled burns to eliminate the excess scrub vegetation and deadwood that greatly facilitate the spread of fires once started in the very dry climate of the area were not carried out regularly or at all, which should have been basic safety measures. Certainly, if one looks, historically persons owning property in these regions were forced by law to cull the areas of dense, dry vegetation or be fined and otherwise punished for their failure to protect such regions.

The organization, “Nature Sustainability” indicated that 20 million acres of bone-dry scrub should have been burned before the current dry season to alleviate at least most of the problem. That is equivalent to an area the size of the state of Maine. But it is also obvious from this finding that either those owning this property failed or were no longer legally expected to protect from wildfires or the property involved belonged to the State and that entity was not providing the protection formerly demanded by law. Of course, this procedure was allegedly not being followed in order to protect some endangered species but as it was done in the past – as legally demanded – the question then becomes what “endangered species” could have remained to be protected? These certainly could not have been native to the area!

It is also necessary to be able to supply by having available vast amounts of water to douse any fires or, in the alternative, to provide water when demands are expected to exceed supply by large amounts. But, but here again, the environmentalists got their way and had the final say so the habitats of a few fish and snails could be protected. At least one reservoir constructed to supply water to the area was bone dry. The Colorado River, a source of water for almost the entire Southwest, is down to less than 40% of capacity, so this is neither a temporary nor a local problem. Three water tanks and five fire hydrants in the Pacific Palisades area, the main area adversely affected, ran dry as the system wasn’t built to handle major conflagrations.

As discussed in another article herein, deranged or deluded CA governor Newsom has been sending firefighting equipment including fire trucks to Ukraine, leaving the state bereft of the wherewithal to fight fires by conducting unconstitutional trade or business with a foreign country which the Constitution prohibits states from doing. He also destroyed several dams that could have been used to help distribute water to places in need. The man is an enemy of his own voters!

PRESENT REQUIREMENTS FOR AMERICA THAT ARE ONGOING AND PERMANENT: These are requirements and conditions for stable, thriving, living conditions at least in the West. Most important, these needs must be met in the aggregate:

  • Affordable energy;
  • Affordable housing/long-term shelter;
  • Family stability (most important for nuclear families);
  • Affordable (and safe) healthcare especially for the very young, the elderly and those unable to contribute to the economy by virtue of life circumstances. This, however, is to be limited to those citizens who are residents of the country;
  • Education (including the transmission of the civilization’s accumulated knowledge, know-how, and wisdom to succeeding generations as well as the teaching of means of survival including economic survival);
  • A stable currency or medium of exchange not subject to extreme fluctuations, inflation, deflation and/or artificial manipulations or perturbations such as creating inflation by constantly printing additional money rather than cutting expenditures;
  • An historically true and civilized worldview establishing the people’s place or significance in the larger universe. This includes the freedom of religious expression including a belief in a transcendent reality, a “higher” agency and moral order;
  • Social trust based on people knowing what to expect in human social interaction because these interactions are sufficiently similar to insure that such behaviors and actions are predictable. The Internet is loaded with scams and gimmicks. Hundreds of emails arrive daily telling me my subscription to something I never subscribed to in the first is about to run out, or telling me that the hundreds of dollars I have given for a service never purchased has been taken from this or that account! Of course, this also includes where to call to “straighten the matter out if I never made the purchase!” These ongoing and numerous con games show the length these scammers will go in order to catch (especially elderly) people off guard. Non-tech savvy seniors and the cluless are scammed out of their life savings almost routinely. Social media shoves its users into online echo chambers while creating pseudo-communities, subjecting people to abuse from anonymous cyber-bullies. The cast of predators on the prowl proliferates while children are wedded to their phones and sites that take advantage of the young and foolish. The many “hoops” one must jump through to undertake certain activities now involves double and sometimes multiple or asinine authentications to prove “you are you” when there’s little chance of the user learning the truth about the site requiring all this proof. And where the site is legitimate, the ongoing crusade forcing the user to prove who he or she is, reveals the niggardly level of trust these corporations have in their clients to have hired lawyers to create mini-barriers making it burdensome and challenging to do business in the first place. This type of thing makes social trust a bust.

WE MAY BE AWAKENING FROM THE HYPNOTIC SPELL CAST BY THE WOKER JOKERS: The woke takeover wasn’t just about DEI or blaming the patriarchy. These “problems” are just ammo the leftids and anarchists use as tools to destroy Western civilization. Woke represents the perverse inversion of every version of western society and human morality. The goal of wokesters is to create a hell where all types of logic and critical thought are admonished and rejected, where lies are celebrated and truth is treated as treason and, finally, where one’s heritage – and especially its most admirable aspects – is hated and treated as being of no account. There was a point during the Covidiocy where we were on the verge of large-scale civil disobedience, even civil war! It’s lucky for the progressives that conservatives are patient and tolerant and usually expect the best outcomes in the end, even though they were close to striking back when the near removal of freedom is being attempted upon them.

Now that Trump has won, the wokery is receding and losing its luster – but this is not the time to lower our guard! The Karens never go away, really although the masses go with the flow and the flow is, at the moment, in another direction. The worship of corporate icons is lessening because they unreasonably went whole hog with the DEI thinking it the profitable thing to do, but apparently they are beginning to find out otherwise. That happened because We the People got up the gumption to start boycotting some of their products over it.

The Dems are realizing that the brouhaha over abortion being aborted is not the cause celeb that they wanted it to be – a great disappointment for the Planned Parenthood mavens! Most folks knew that it was always about birth control for irresponsible women and not “healthcare” as that term has traditionally meant. When it’s given that defintion by the medicos, it makes childbearing sound like a disease. Frankly, people are sick and tired of the puerile and pusillanimous unpleasantness, and given how much is now known about the child in the womb, are looking for a little purity. Abortion suddenly ranked near the bottom of almost every political poll of the most important issues to Americans in the run-up to the 2024 elections. In the end, access to abortion didn’t matter that much. Conservatives and normal people (pretty much the same people) kept trying to tell the leftists to leave the kids alone and stop promoting gender-benders and gender changes in schools and in children’s entertainment. When the left didn’t back off, it started losing the culture war big time, alienating middle-of-the-road and independent voters.

Would people vote for a woman president? Probably if she were honest, forthright, intelligent and logical. But the Dems don’t have any such candidates and dragged up old dregs asking Americans to vote for them just because they were women! Even most Dem voters weren’t insouciant enough to go that far. Then you have the “issues:” sure, some of our ancestors were slaves, but after 150 years, does that matter anymore? Are you gay? That’s no longer novel and now is irrelevant despite the media’s constantly bringing it up. Along with the economy, the border crisis issue was suddenly front and center on people’s minds during the run-up to the election since Biden went overboard in erasing the border. It’s not surprising now that the natives are suddenly noticing what’s going on, and that is that a bunch of third world parasites are now on site and in sight and are seen getting gobs of GovMint subsidies and displacing them in the housing markets, driving up home and rental costs, while driving down wages in the construction and the home repair trades and handicraft fields by 30% to 50%. The massive additional demand far outpaces the supply and inflates prices further.

Americans no longer want non-western cultures flooding the West and elbowing out traditional American culture and mores. We don’t want to have to deal with over 100 languages requiring the hiring of expensive translators that are mandatory in judicial and other settings. Leftists can’t/don’t get that their open border policies are a source of regret to most of us, especially legal immigrants who did it the right way! Leftists can’t laugh except at their laughable version of comedy which necessarily involves some low-grade, brainless innuendo. The leftists, being killjoys, also try to take our laughter away by controlling what we are allowed to laugh at, including ethnic jokes which used to be a staple of a comedian’s repertoire, but which now are deemed able to hurt a pervert’s or snowflake’s feelings, something the culture can no longer abide, apparently. The society thus becomes humorless, and a very sick “joke.” Hopefully, enough of us are now “awake” rather than “woke” and know what’s going on so that we can take our country back.

THE ROLE OF MALES IS GOING DOWN THE MEMORY HOLE: The traditional roles of the male as provider, defender, and teacher have gradually (if not totally) disappeared, destroyed by feminism. The idea of this particular “philosophy” is that women cannot feel fulfilled unless they have a career in which they can equally compete with men, thereby obliterating for all practical purposes, the differences between the sexes. In the process, the special place that women enjoyed in human society have been pushed aside with concepts such as “the hand the rocks the cradle rules the world” being lost, together with such social “graces” given to women as men opening doors, tipping their hats, standing until women were seated, and, in general, placing women on a cultural pedestal. Today, men are no longer taught to protect women, something that it is a natural inclination in men. Studies show that the introduction of women into combat roles causes a loss of cohesion and focus in the unit involved as men naturally become distracted by their concern for these women.

Feminists cannot be happy until they negate traditional gender roles by eliminating male strongholds or institutions like men’s colleges, men’s clubs, and formerly male institutions like the Boy Scouts. To achieve their goals, they elbow out male leadership roles in politics, business, and the military with their militant demands. Studies show that males suffer depression from loss of their special role while the mental illness and suicide rates for boys and young men have been rising. But feminists are not content to destroy only men. Oddly enough, they see traditional women as every much an enemy as men. As such, they have abandoned the concept of the chaste woman. Helen Gurley Brown, the not-so-girlie editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan magazine used the publication beginning in the ‘60s to encourage women to become harlots. Cosmopolitan was a fixture in the waiting rooms of professionals, especially in what we would now call the “blue” areas. Typical articles were entitled, “How to be unfaithful to your husband without being caught”, “How to find a sex partner when on vacation without your boyfriend” and “How to manage multiple  sex partners”. Today, young women can support themselves with their own porn websites and sell nude photos of themselves as a means for viewers to “get familiar” or “friendly” with the individual involved. Women on social media sites brag about having had 150 sex partners revealing that sex has become an endurance sport rather than a manifestation of affection. Even American education has gotten into the mix with female teachers instructing their pupils “how to” do matters far different from arithmetic. Meanwhile, as a result of this ongoing situation, many mothers have had to place their 12-year-old daughters on birth control pills!

THE HOLLYWOOD/MILITARY COMPLEX: The Pentagon (DOD) helps Hollywood make money, and in turn, Hollywood churns out effective propaganda for the American military regime. The US has the largest military budget by many orders of magnitude over the combined military budgets of (most) of the rest of the world. The US also has at its disposal the most successful propaganda apparatus in the world in the easily manipulated “stories” presented by Hollywood. Since their first collaboration in 1927 in the award-winning picture, “Wings,” the two entities have worked together to shape the military’s image in over 1,800 films and TV shows. To obtain the DOD’s cooperation, producers must sign contracts stipulating that scripts and final versions of films must be approved before they can be released to both big and little screens. In return for signing away creative control, producers have access to millions of dollars’ worth of equipment and props along with the free use of natural or fabricated backgrounds and locales for their productions. The DOD has no interest in nuances, truth, or artistic expressions, but only in the insidious jingoism that favorably manipulates public opinion. Hollywood is incredibly skilled in making entertaining propaganda presenting whatever view desired by the Government. Newsreels of exciting war actions were used in the past to “reel in” the public’s approval along with the desire for more before the rest of the program was shown, itself often involving more of the same, albeit fictitious.

Generations have been raised on John Wayne and other heroes storming beaches and establishing beachheads in Normandy and on Iwo Jima and are primed to support any military venture, having been conditioned to believe the US is always the benevolent hero. Spun tales like “Saving Private Ryan” (1998), “Black Hawk Dawn”(2001), and “Top Gun”(1986) were very effective public relations vehicles to keep public support of the military riding high. “Top Gun” as a top performer led to a major leap in the public’s approval ratings of the military. The above flicks were powerful antidotes to DOD-opposed flicks like “Apocalypse Now,” “Platoon,” and “Full Metal Jacket.” The CIA also works with film makers to enhance its image by distorting history. It aided the film, “Zero Dark Thirty” in enhancing the pro-CIA/pro-torture narratives initiated in the hit TV show “24” which ran from 2001 to 2010 and further enhanced in the Emmy-winning show, “Homeland.” Ironically, Best Picture winner “Argo” (2012), is the story of the CIA teaming up with Hollywood. Consider this in contrast to, and in spite of the unmitigated disasters of Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, there has been no cinematic renaissance, only a steady diet of mendaciously patriotic drivel like “American Sniper” and “Lone Survivor.”

President Eisenhower’s prescient if fundamentally flawed warning about the “military-industrial complex” should have been extended to include both the “intelligence community” and the entertainment industry. For the DOD/CIA/Hollywood alliance has succeeded in turning many Americans into militaristic zealots, demanding more bullying interference by America via foreign adventures propped up by astronomical military budgets and extravagant entertainment productions. The Middle East Muddle – already a major sapper of our tax dollars supporting our parasitic Israeli partner – might well be the scene of our next military misadventure.

NINE REASONS TO AVOID ALL VACCINES: The horror stories reporting vaccine damage seem to be increasing exponentially with each passing year especially with the rollout of the Covid jabs. We’re told that it’s all fear based propaganda with no science to back it up, but the overwhelming evidence being daily reported can no longer be effectively denied. Indeed, ever since the polio vaccines were rolled out, the vaccination campaigns have gone into high gear. But here are the top 10 reasons to avoid all vaccines:

  1. There’s no real scientific evidence proving all known vaccines are safe and effective.
  2. Bill Gates, the notorious multi-billionaire, openly pushes the use of vaccines while also being a leader in the campaign to depopulate the planet. This might mean nothing, but then, where there’s smoke there is usually fire!
  3. The risks far outweigh the benefits, especially when mRNA gene therapy injections are presented as vaccines, something that they definitely are not. As it is, millions are suffering and dying from the spike protein prions that clog the vascular system straining the heart, driving chronic inflammation and polluting vital cleansing organs. When the very definition of a product is changed to encourage its use, you know something is very, very wrong.
  4. Vaccines and concoction called vaccines contain neurotoxins that can pass through the cell barrier and can enter the brain.
  5. Since the 1990s, the CDC more than tripled the number of vaccines “recommended” for children some as young as newborn. During that same vaccine schedule, autism rates have skyrocketed from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 54 kids by age 8. This information is per CDC press releases.
  6. Vaccines, much like antibiotics, are known to decimate good gut bacteria, often producing the opposite of what everyone is told; that is, wrecking the immune system instead of boosting it.
  7. Vaccines are known to spread disease rather than prevent it’s spread, so the whole “herd theory” flies out the window in allowing the vaccinated masses get each other sick by the process called shedding (see article herein) which we are in the process of learning about at present.
  8. The Vaccine Industrial Complex through its chief mouthpiece, the CDC, has been caught flat-out lying about the Covid jabs, saying they would prevent Covid, or, if not, they would stop transmission of the disease and if the vaccinated did get sick, it would result in a minor case of the virus.
  9. Nearly all infectious diseases were already being phased out when vaccines were first invented with the exception of polio. Better plumbing and hygienic practices along with the treatment of foods being marketed were credited for much of this situation. As well, there were massive improvements noted in healing outcomes in hospitals because of newer antibiotics and cleaning techniques.

GREEN ENERGY PROPONENTS ARE “GREEN” ABOUT THEIR TOUTED TECHNOLOGY: The fallacies and lies go unchallenged about the supposed environmental advantages of wind, solar and other types of “green” energy production technologies. The climate cult crowd drowns out any discussions of the possible negative consequences of these green technologies, and what it would mean for the future. For years to come, hydrocarbon energy consumption will be necessary for about 80% of our needs. while so-called green energy will provide about 20% with nuclear providing only about 2.5%, biomass at 7.5%, and with wind, solar and geothermal making up about equal amounts of the remainder. These green energy alternatives generate their own environmental problems, and all “function” (if you can call it that!) at unacceptable and unnecessary costs to consumers.  To have your eyes opened about the immoral, excessively costly, and inefficient aspects of these modalities, there are 3 books and one documentary to help get the public up to speed on these issues:

  • “Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All” by Michael Shellenberger
  • “A Critique of Wind and Solar” by Norman Rogers
  • “The New Energy Economy: An Exercise In Magical Thinking” by Mark Mills
  • “Planet of the Humans,” a documentary by Michael Moore

Environmentalists say that the excess power generated by wind and solar can be stored in grid-scale storage batteries to provide power during periods when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine. This is a bald-faced lie. There aren’t enough batteries in the world to accomplish this. It would require 1,000 years to produce enough batteries just to meet 2 day’s worth of American electrical demand. It would require 100 pounds of Lithium for every pound of battery produced. How does the hydrocarbon-fueled and lubricated machinery required for mining operations (for the lithium, etc.) reduce greenhouse gasses or carbon emissions? What is the life of a lithium battery and how are they disposed of?  Will they end up in landfills like the worn-out wind turbine blades? Grid storage battery safety is never discussed but grid storage battery facilities have already exploded causing massive fires. Every plastics product (bottles, bags, etc.) uses compounds made from oil in the manufacturing process. many environmentalists are not even aware of this. Why is no one challenging the fraudulent untruths and outright lies of the purveyors of the climate crisis brainwashers? We all know why! Because “climate control” means “people control!”

The climate-change crowd perpetuates the poop that global “climate change” is caused by humans, but, in fact, less than 3% has human origins. This is basically a natural process the earth has gone and is going through. Our planet has been doing this for millions of years.

SEED OILS AND DISEASE FORMATION: A study by the University of South Florida finds that seed oils may promote inflammation, suppress the immune system and promote cancer. The average American consumes almost 100 pounds of seed oils per year, which is up by 1,000-fold since the 1950s. This may explain why the global incidence of colon cancer has increased by 266% for adolescents and young adults over the past 3 decades. Seed oils such as cottonseed oil, canola oil, safflower oil, corn oil, sunflower seed oil &etc. are omnipresent in nearly all the manufactured foodstuffs that people stuff themselves with nowadays.

A DISSENT FOR PARENTAL ASSENT: A Vermont court has ruled that schools can vaccinate children against their parents’ wishes without consequence. The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act grants immunity to vaccine manufacturers, healthcare workers, schools, and government personnel when a vaccination is mandated but refused by the child’s parents or guardians. It also prohibits the family from taking legal action against the purveyors and perps that issue and administer the poisons (jabs). This matter must also be viewed against the now obvious facts being released regarding the deadly consequences of these “vaccines!” If this information were still unknown there still would be no excuse for any such ruling. Remember, globally, we are still under the Nuremburg Law that prohibits people from being forced against their will into taking part in any medical experiment, something that all of these “vaccines” are admitted to be! The punishment for forcing people to be “experimented upon” according to the Law is death. Time to dust off that old precedent and bring it home to those institutions and people who continue to demand that we embrace our own deaths in the name of “medicine” or “science” or, more to the point, “profit.”

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