Most Governors are Cowards, Liars and Corrupt
Andrew C. Wallace
December 27, 2022
I have been told that my writing about foreign invaders ignores too much of the brutal truth, and that I am too polite. I intend to correct that criticism with this article.
State Governors have the Constitutional authority, obligation and military power to save the United States by using DEADLY FORCE to repel foreign invaders, and they refuse to do it. This is Constitutional Treason!
They should arrest these invaders (they call them “refugees”!) on sight and put them in chain gangs as a deterrent to others. They should arrest and punish those who give any assistance or employment to invaders, as that is Constitutional Treason. The Constitution does not allow government expenditures for health care, education, food, housing, transportation, or anything else for these invaders. Again, it is Treason against our country!
Open Borders is another deliberate regime policy along with Green Energy, Climate Change, and Digital Currency, etc., by the Ruling Class to destroy this country and make way for the New World Order, aka “Great Reset.” This, also is Treason against our country.
Note that most of these invaders are young men of military age with no loyalty to the United States; they are the “Communist Army of Occupation”. Most invaders have nothing to offer this country; they speak no English, have no skills or education, and carry diseases. They can only live off the taxpayers and crime while destroying our country. Can’t you see that our federal and state officials are committing Treason for money and power? And if not, it’s a matter of pure cowardice.
Governors must show balls by closing their borders with DEADLY FORCE, if necessary, and deporting and arresting all invaders! If the Governors remain in the pockets of the Ruling Class, along with federal officials, citizens will have no choice but to prepare for the worst.
We are talking about the worst of all possibilities. Inflation, while supporting millions of invaders will, by itself, degrade all government benefits, Social Security, Medicare, etc. People getting Medicaid have been cancelled so money could be sent to Ukraine and kicked back to Democrats. In simple terms, experts agree that our Economy will soon tank to levels far below those of the Great Depression (or any yet experienced in the United States). We are talking about widespread looting, riots, starvation in cities, anarchy, etc. Conditions would be perfect for a French-style Reign of Terror, and ultimately a horrific Civil War.
God didn’t give our Governors loyalty, honesty or courage. They are mostly gutless, godless hacks with their hands out, just like their federal associates. There can be no other reasons. If this were not true, they would solve the foreign invader problem and take back all the “powers” usurped by the federal government, which constitutes a majority of the federal establishment agencies. See Enumerated Powers in the US Constitution (in Article 1 Section 8). 81 of 108 federal agencies are unconstitutional, and most are usurpation of state powers! Let that fact sink in.
Assuming that, as usual, you don’t have the courage or energy to demand that your Governor perform his Constitutional duties, then you are screwed. Your only option is to stay out of the cities, buy 12 gauges and AR-15s, plenty of ammunition, food that lasts 25 years, medications and prescriptions, and other necessities to defend your home. Procure goods for barter, to use when money is worthless.
You will not be able to rely on the police for protection, even though most police officers are dedicated to serving the public. In the Communist Democrat cities, police rightly refuse to go where it is not safe for them. These officers are leaving these cities in droves. Only fools would put their lives at risk for people who would harm them. Only in suburbia, small cities, and rural areas can you expect support from police, sheriff’s deputies, and state police. But they will be pared thin, offering less prevention and more investigation. Your safety is still in your hands!
A last word to old duffers like me: You must accept the fact that the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class and their Communist minions consider us to be ‘Useless Eaters’ to be exterminated as soon as possible, by any means possible. We saw that recently when they killed us off in nursing homes. In Canada, they will give you a pill to die and encourage you to take it! But honestly, they hate everyone but themselves. Otherwise they would not be killing millions with the man-made virus and poisonous fake vaccines. This is nothing less than a genocidal crime against humanity, mass murder, and depopulation. If you need a blood transfusion, demand unvaccinated blood or you will have the poison in your body for the rest of your short life (remember AIDS)!
It would be helpful if you sent a copy of this paper to your Governor.
God Bless Our Constitutional Republic
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