My Christmas Message – A Time for Truth – Insanity
By Pastor Glynn Adams
December 22, 2024
It looked for a while like America was waking up to spiritual things. But most Christians still refuse to face reality. While darkness is overtaking our nation and our enemies are gathering all around us, there is no sense of urgency in our churches. Christians today are doing the same thing that caused our nation to be over taken by this evil Marxists Socialism, which is insanity.
Let’s take just one area of darkness in our nation – “Marxists Socialism.” Since 1968, our children are being given the full dose of how wonderful Marxists Socialism is. They are hearing only one side of the story. They are being lied to everyday about this darkness. As a result, most children think Marxists Socialism is cool and better than our current government system.
Few people realize that in this century alone, 130 million people have lost their lives to tyrants who aspire to socialism. Your children actually think they can keep their car, cell phones, property, and wealth under socialism? Bernie Sanders has a following of young people in our nation. They are socialists and want everything from free food to free education through college.
Marxists Socialism is pure evil. The Bible does not teach socialism as some claim in Acts 4 and 5. But our churches continue to ignore evil rather than resist evil. Satan and his creation of Marxists Socialism are building demonic strongholds, doctrine of demons, and evil spirits to spread the gospel of socialism in America. He has little to no opposition from the local churches scattered all over this nation. Moses warned God’s People about curses. The Apostle Paul warned us about being overtaken by vain philosophies. Jesus warned us about causing the children in our culture to stumble and the dire consequences to a nation.
The basic concept of Marxist Socialism is that the state either owns or controls property and the means of production. Those who had private property and defended it died under Marx, Engels, and Lenin by the millions. However, the Bible teaches the concept of private property. Peter said to Ananias in Acts 5, “While it remained unsold, was it not your own?” Barnabas in Acts Chapter 4, was not forced to sell his property. In socialism, he would be forced to lay the money at the feet of Pontius Pilate, Caesar, or the local tax collector. But the Spirit led Barnabas to freely lay it at the feet of the apostles.
Hell is opening its door wide to receive the cowards, carnal, worldly, asleep, deceived, disobedient, unfaithful, and unfruitful church goers in America who hate the Lord Jesus by pretending obedience to Him. We refuse to defend the government God gave to us. Today evil has more influence in our nation than Christianity. This is insane!!! If you attend a local church in this nation led by false prophets and hirelings, it is time for a gut check. What the average church is doing in this nation is an affront to God and is not working.
While millions attend church this weekend, our nation will ascend deeper into evil. It is evil to sat in a church all of your life and bear no spiritual responsibility or fruit. It is totally insane for a person to worship, pray, hear the Word, and not open their heart to the love and truth of God, and not devote their will and life to the purpose of God. It is pure evil and insanity – doing the same things over and over in church and not get spiritual results.
The only hope for America is for the Body of Christ to repent and to lead this nation to repentance. Folks, we are we in big, big trouble as insanity, and not God, rules America!! We will have a new President soon. Do you remember in his last term, the Body of Christ was to get their house in order and help this President and WE DID NOT!!! And God took our leader from us and gave us an unfriendly leader to the Body of Christ. Well, if we do not step up this time, then we can only expect severe judgment to come upon our nation!!! God bless, I remain His watchman and minister, Glynn Adams.
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