NAACP Attacking Jerry Jones Confirms Betrayal Of Its People
As a black proud American, I was repulsed learning that the NAACP sent out a press release accusing Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones of violating his players free speech rights. In a nutshell, Jones told his employees, if you don’t stand for our national anthem, your derriere will ride the bench I say, “Right on bro, it’s about time!”
The NAACP is scum, betrayers of its people. Their attack on Jerry Jones is another example of the far-left bitter hate group throwing absurd excrement against the wall, believing their fake news media homeys will make it stick. Sadly, the NAACP sold its soul to liberalism many moons ago, abandoning its mission of empowering blacks.
I will go as far as to say the once great civil rights organization has become anti-black empowerment. Before you call me crazy, please hear me out.
Back in the days of Dr Martin Luther King, Jr, the NAACP was a class act. Participants in NAACP rallies, protests and events were required to be sober, clean and well behaved. As a kid, I was blown away by the eloquence of Dr King whenever he spoke on TV. I thought, “Oh, how I wish I could speak like that.” I was proud that Dr King was our guy, representing us, black Americans, on the national stage. Blacks instinctively knew Dr King and the NAACP stood for black excellence. We were reasonably requesting equal opportunity to pursue and achieve our American dreams.
Oh how the modern civil rights movement as fallen. Dr King would be appalled that the movement for which he sacrificed his life has made thugs/criminals, Trayvon Martin, Micheal Brown and Freddie Gray civil-rights heroes, household names; representing our people. Black teacher, Colby Burnett took the top prize in Jeopardy’s Tournament of Champions. With the epidemic of black school dropouts why hasn’t the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus, Leftist black leaders and their fake news media buddies pushed to make Colby Burnett a household name?
The modern civil-rights cartel does not care about Colby Burnett because a black man hitting the books, making right choices and achieving success does not fit their America sucks for blacks lie. Mr Burnett does not move Leftists’ transformation of America ball forward.
The Alabama State marching band spelled “Trayvon” on the field during their halftime show. Black students would have been better served had the band spelled “Colby”on the field, the name of the Jeopardy Champion.
Somewhere along the way, the NAACP lost its way, becoming about exploiting their people to get paid. Did the NAACP, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and other black civil rights leaders meet in a smoke-filled room with America hating Leftists? “Look guys, keep your people believing they are victims of an forever racist America, hating cops, hating conservatives, hating the rich, hating Republicans, addicted to government dependency and loyally voting for democrats. We will pay you.”
Leftists have paid black hate America groups over a hundred million dollars to incite racial division, violence and chaos in our streets. The NAACP has morphed from black activism into operatives of Liberalism. Rewarded with money and political power, the NAACP has a vested interest in blocking real black empowerment. This is why the black civil right cartel seeks to destroy conservative and Republican blacks who achieved their American dream without kissing the ring of Leftists.
Blacks unknowingly assumed Obama was their black president. In reality, Obama was first and foremost a Leftist, committed to implementing the Leftist agenda against the best interest of black Americans.
For example. Leftists hate business. Obama implemented thousands of new job-killing overreaching government regulations rooted in Liberalism. Obama’s regulations sent black unemployment through the roof. Blacks actually moved economically backwards under Obama.
Leftists hate having babies because they believe childbirth harms the planet. Obama and the democrats are huge advocates for Planned Parenthood. PP was founded on racism to reign in black births. Most PP chop shops (79%) are in black and Latino neighborhoods.
Blacks are aborting themselves into extinction. A black pastor revealed that 1,800 black babies are killed daily via abortion. Why aren’t the Black Lives Matter people screaming about this massacre? A pro-life group sponsored a billboard in a black neighborhood which read, “The most dangerous place for an African American is in the womb.” Guess who was outraged and demanded that the billboard be removed? Al Sharpton on behalf of the civil-rights cartel.
It is not surprising that the NAACP did not do the right thing; advise black NFL players to respect their country, their fans and their employer who has made them wealthy. That is what I believe MLK would mentor players to do. The NAACP does not have the NFL protesters’ best interest at heart. The NAACP views the NFL protesters as useful idiots, offering them an opportunity to further Leftists’ anti-football, anti-Trump and anti-America agenda.
I place the NAACP atop my list of Black Betrayers. These blacks have forgotten where they came from; abandoning their mission of black empowerment for mammon and approving pats on the head from Leftists. Truly unfortunate.
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”
Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist
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