
by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

December 30. 2022

In 1928, William Paley was beginning CBS and hired Edward Bernays (Sigmund Freud’s nephew) as his chief adviser. In the same year, Bernays (known as “The Father of Public Opinion”) authored PROPAGANDA , in which he wrote: “Those who manipulate the organized habits and opinions of the masses constitute an invisible government and are the true ruling power of the country….The technical means have been invented and developed by which opinions may be regimented” (pp.45-46 of my SECRET RECORDS REVEALED).

In the 1930s, the Nazis developed hydrofluorosalicic acid and placed it in miniscule amounts in the water supplies of Czechoslovakia and other conquered countries, narcotizing a particular part of the brain to make the people more docile and less resistant to Nazi control. This is the same fluoride compound that is in the American water supply across the country today (re fluorine in water, see Part 14 of my “The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan” in NewsWithViews).

In the administration of President Truman, Bernays was hired to get fluoride in the American water supply. It was a “bait and switch” operation as Bernays paid some dentists to say sodium fluoride helped people’s teeth. However, any good sodium fluoride does for one’s teeth is only topical, not ingested. People began to accept the notion that fluoride was good for them, and they protested little when it came to placing hydrofluorosalicic acid in their water supply in miniscule amounts so no immediately dramatic negative effects could be seen.

By 1970, “the possibility of extensive mind control” was mentioned by Zbigniew Brzezinski (ZB) in his BETWEEN TWO AGES, in which President Carter’s future “National Security Adviser” (ZB) would also write: “Human beings become increasingly manipulable and malleable,” and he referred to “the increasing availability of biochemical means of human control.”

With the people’s brains being narcotized for decades by hydrofluorosalicic acid, it would be easy successfully to engage in a “conspiracy” to produce “an unaware and compliant citizenry,” which are the words a top Democrat strategist (Bill Ivey) emailed to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign manager John Podesta. Today one can see an “unaware” or clueless public walking around with their heads buried in their cell phones, ipads or laptops, and texting each other. It would not be surprising if in the future, there was a disease called “textitis” with symptoms of uncontrollable thumb movements!

Nero was right when he built the Roman Coliseum and said, “Give them circuses.” Then, it was chariot races. Today it is NASCAR. Then, it was gladiator fights. Today it is football and martial arts contests., etc. Keep the people fat, dumb and entertained. These people are oblivious to their surroundings and interested only in what they want at that moment. This selfish temperocentric attitude can be seen by their cutting you off to get a parking space and running a stop sign or red light right in front of you. For them, their slogan is “It’s all about ME and NOW.”

When I was in college, a psychology professor said the character “James Bond” was a sociopath, someone who cares only about what they want now. In Bond’s case, it was sex regardless of the consequences. It did not matter that the “Bond girls” could have easily pricked him with a lethal poison. Bond became admired by young men who became sociopathic during the historic time of the hippies’ “free love” obsession in the late 1960s. By the early 1970s, there were many young women who had become pregnant with the sociopathic fathers accepting no responsibility, thus resulting in women’s demand for abortion rights and Roe v. Wade in 1973. This was all part of the Power Elite’s plan, as I described on page 439 of the 2nd edition of my 1991 book NOW IS THE DAWNING THE NEW AGE NEW WORLD ORDER, where I quote former national medical director for Planned Parenthood Dr. Richard Day as saying in 1969, “Everything is in place, and nobody can stop us now….This time we’re going to do it right.” Among the many things he described that came true were “abortion would become legal and paid for by tax dollars” and “hard to cure diseases would be created.”

You want proof of the existence of a ME and NOW obsession in this country? Ask yourself how so many so-called Christians can say they like the Rolling Stones when they are known as “Satan’s Jesters” and composed an album called “Her Satanic Majesty’s Request” unless they’re narcotized? Another example would be to look at Covid. If I were to tell you that a future variant would cause your left earlobe and knee to itch, and that’s exactly what happened, would you say, “I wonder if it’s origin was accidental”? Of course not! However, the same year (2015) as UNC’s Ralph Baric and Wuhan’s Zhingli-shi co-authored an article on November 9 in NATURE MEDICINE expressing joy that they had just engineered a new coronavirus that could get into human airways, Bill Gates delivered a TedTalks saying: “You can have a virus where people feel well enough while they’re infectious that they get on a plane (to Seattle?) or they go to a market (Wuhan?)….It would spread throughout the world very, very quickly….” Yet people today, even media elite, still wonder whether its origin was “accidental”!

For some Chinese, the motive could have been as a possible bioweapon. In 2015, Xu Dezhong wrote a 261-page peper explaining how coronaviruses could be used as bioweapons, including harming an adversary’s medical system. He had believed that the outbreak of SARS-CoV-1 in China in 2003 killing many Chinese was not accidental. It was also at this time when the U.S. was engaged in the Iraq War under President George W. Bush. I have written before how my mother’s nurse in the hospital’s Covid wing had worked in Wuhan. At the time of the Iraq War, the Chinese Ministry of Health (CMH) sent her to Kuwait which was involved in the Iraq War. What do nurses do? They draw a lot of blood from patients. Could all of the nurses the CMH sent all over the Western world have sent small samples of blood back to the CMH for genetic profiling? Do not be surprised if a future Covid-19 variant effects the West more than China.

The Chinese military has openly stated that it is preparing for war with the U.S. Ask yourself this question—If you were President of the United States, would you invite large numbers of an adversary’s specialists (e.g., nurses, computer experts, etc.) into this country? Of course not! At the very least, you would consider the possibility they might be spies or sabateurs. Only if the American people had been narcotized could this have happened. In 1972, Council on Foreign Relations member Lester Brown, who was president of WorldWatch Institute that supports world government, authored WORLD WITHOUT BORDERS, a concept that is supported by the Pope. Brown said the current system of a world where countries have borders “must be replaced by a new world order, one based on cooperation and a sense of community” of all the people of the world.. This comes from pp. 265-266 of the 2nd edition of my 1991 book, NOW IS THE DAWNING OF THE NEW AGE NEW WORLD ORDER.

For some Americans, the motive in funding certain types of coronavirus research could have been at least partially for investments. Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases funded Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance which then subcontracted with the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Daszak in a 2016 book “reiterated that until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and an emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, he said, we need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.”

“Unaware”? “Manipulable”? NARCOTIZED ! As a “Secret Communist Plan” and the “Secret Nazi Plan” (see my book THE POWER ELITE AND THE SECRET NAZI PLAN offered on NewsWithViews) come to fulfillment right in front of a self-absorbed and clueless people ! Life expectancy had been increasing for many years, but now it has declined to the same as it was in 1996! This is what happens when George Orwell’s plan in his book, 1984, is coming to fulfillment, as Big Brother’s agent O”Brien told hero Winston, “What if we quicken the tempo of human life?” The answer, Burn-out without even time to think about what is being done to us.

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