No Longer Capable of Freedom?
By Lex Greene
December 2, 2023
Over the past 247-years, Americans have held the absolute power and had every opportunity to protect their own liberty and the future of freedom for all. All political power in the USA is derived from the People. The problem is…the deafening silence is the People’s consent.
The basic fact is, nowhere on earth, throughout human history, has there ever been a government deserving of the People’s trust. All governments, at their very best, remain a necessary evil not to be trusted. As it always has been, so it remains today.
Despite the best efforts of our Founders, they too failed to create a system of government that could never become despotic and tyrannical towards its own people. That’s why they took great care to warn all future generations to “be forever vigilant” in constant protection of individual liberty and the future of freedom for all.
Unfortunately, the American People stopped paying attention (being forever vigilant) more than a hundred years ago and for generations now. Citizens assumed that because everything seemed fine today, it would always be fine. 247-years into the great freedom experiment, that would prove to be a fatal assumption.
Most Americans have never experienced the kinds of evil that have been common throughout the rest of the world, since the beginning of time. Most who are aware are only aware due to their own research and learning. But still, they have never experienced it personally, so even they struggle to believe it exists, much less, could visit them here in the land of milk and honey.
The modern American holds little trust in government or mainstream information systems, such as our government, network news, cable entertainment networks often believed to be news, internet search results and social media posts, none of which are real “news” outlets today. What we have in this country is for-profit commercial information systems with heavy government censorship. The golden rule applies, wherein those with the gold…make all the rules.
News in the USA is based upon advertising revenue. The huge international corporations and governmental organizations that spend billions per year in advertising certain ideas, products, services, concepts, and agendas, are in total control of the information available to the citizenry.
Yet most Americans believe that they are “well-informed” and in control of their own lives.
In discussions or speaking events, I often use this example to illustrate the point… If I randomly ask 100 Americans what kind of ketchup they like, over 70% will say Heinz. If I ask which other brands they have tried, the answer will most often be none.
So, the decision to put Heinz ketchup on your shelf was not your original idea. It’s on your shelf simply because someone, in this case Heinz, told you to put it in your grocery basket because Heinz is the best ketchup. Is it the best ketchup? Nobody really knows because they have seldom tried any different brand. To them, the idea that Heinz is the best is true, because it’s the best they have ever had.
The same goes for where you live, the kind of car you drive, your favorite restaurants, the clothes you wear, the cleaning products you use, even the people you vote for or are told to hate. All of these are decisions you think you made on your own, but in every case, you simply did what you were told to do. None of it was your idea…
So, it should come as no surprise that when the people you have been following all your life told you to lock down, social distance, wear a mask and accept mRNA bioweapon “vaccines,” about 70% lined up to follow orders as they had been all their lives.
Three years later, evidence is everywhere around the globe that the entire CV19 event was a lie from the start and the “medical protocols” put in place were more dangerous than any version of the common cold, otherwise known as a “corona virus.”
Most people don’t believe what is true. In fact, most don’t even know what’s true and not true today. That information has been kept from the general population. As a result, they only believe what someone told them to believe, most often, what they want to believe, whether true or not.
Only two types of people “hate Trump” as yet another example. The first is everyone in political power who feels threatened by Trump, who and what he represents, and that he can foil their global agenda. The second is those who will only listen to the people in group one. 99% of the time when interviewed, Trump haters struggle to come up with a single cognitive reason for their hate. They just hate…because they were told to.
This is not a society well-suited for freedom anymore. Freedom requires truthful leaders, not blind followers. Freedom requires a society more focused on preserving freedom for all, than cancelling everyone and everything they disagree with. It requires action, not mere chatter…and it requires courage, not people waiting for someone else to do something.
At least two American generations no longer even desire freedom…Pavlov trained via government-controlled education to believe that some form of socialism or communism will serve them better in life…even though these ideas have only been used to enslave people or kill them all over the world, and have as a result, failed everywhere on earth they have ever been instituted.
The younger generations simply have not lived long enough, experienced enough, to know what they don’t know. Those who hold the gold, told them not to even listen to common sense, truth, or advice from those with decades more knowledge and experience. “Those people are the past…you are the future…”
But if those who will shape our future have been denied the benefit of learning from the past, the future they will shape is one they won’t even be able to survive.
And so it is, once again, history must repeat itself, for all who have failed to learn from the past.
Every child would burn their hand on the stove, if not for the parent there to teach them from past experience, also known as wisdom. And if memory was only 24-hours long, they would burn their hand every day for the rest of their lives.
No, a vast majority of Americans are no longer capable of freedom, therefore, the hour glass on freedom will soon expire. It’s one problem to be ill-informed. It’s a whole different problem to be unteachable or unreachable.
As I told my kids while they were growing up… smart people learn from their mistakes. But brilliant people learn the easy way, from the mistakes, successes and failures of others.
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