No Pain, No Gain

By Lex Greene

April 22, 2023

Most of us have heard “no pain, no gain” before at some point in our lives, usually referencing physical workout routines intended to strengthen the body. But this rule of life actually pertains to absolutely everything.

Human nature is to avoid pain at any cost and seek pleasure. The USA is known all over the globe as the most overweight and out of shape society on earth…because it is! …and the same applies to our freedom fitness.

Americans have had it so good for so long, at little or no personal “pain” that they actually forgot that freedom isn’t free, and that in fact, it’s the most expensive commodity ever known to mankind.

In watching people flood the market with an endless stream of what’s wrong in America today, sometimes right and sometimes not in my opinion, I find myself still dumbfounded by the elephant in the room…

  • When will all of this information become actionable information?
  • And why have Americans not stood up together to end this insanity, long before now?

I recently spoke with several brilliant doctors and scientists about the facts concerning the deadly “vaccines” and they are all growing increasingly frustrated with the reality that despite how much evil they uncover and present to The People, no one ever reacts to the information with appropriate ACTION.

In other words, they are fast learning what I learned decades ago…that no matter the mountain of information, or hard indisputable evidence made available to the American people, they do not stand up together to stop any of it. While our enemies are on the move 24/7 and willing to use every asset at their disposal to destroy the USA and every American, true Americans never seem to get it together, no matter how threatening the circumstance.

In thinking about this, I was reminded of the “Pleasure-Pain Principle” that is human nature, to seek pleasure and avoid pain at all costs, until the pain becomes so intolerable that The People end up with no choice but to fight.

Our Founders knew this reality a long time ago, when they wrote in our Declaration of Independence, the following;

“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly, all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by [altering or] abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

When all of the current events are accounted for and all of those dots are properly connected, one must conclude that we are not witnessing literally hundreds, of lethal “coincidences.”

  • COVID19 scamdemic
  • Lethal fake “vaccines”
  • Record inflation
  • Shrinking economy headed for total collapse
  • Death of the US Dollar
  • Teen violence in every major city
  • Rampant mental illness
  • The Fentanyl crisis
  • The worst public education in the world
  • Weekly train derailments
  • Soros AG’s and Prosecutors refusing to prosecute real crime
  • Political persecutions
  • Attacks on Faith
  • A totally unstable world on the brink of WW3
  • WEF, WHO, IMF and UN international money laundering
  • Fake elections rotten with massive fraud
  • Insanity everywhere you look
  • Mass censorship prosecuting truth, promoting outright lies 24/7
  • A totally decimated “woke” Military
  • Totally corrupted intelligence and national security agencies
  • Supply shortages in all sectors, including Military readiness
  • Tyrannical Executive Orders directly at odds with the Constitution and Bill of Rights
  • many more… and the evidence is all around us! NONE of it, properly addressed by The People!

Coincidences of this nature and magnitude just don’t happen. Someone, somewhere, is making it all happen.

Only mindless boobs think Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are capable of winning the 2020 elections, much less running even a summer lemonade stand. These are the dumbest two individuals to ever occupy any political office in U.S. history. They are also the most criminally corrupt individuals to ever occupy any political office in history and every sane person knows it.

Hundreds if not thousands of doctors and scientists worldwide have exposed the “bioweapon” attack on humanity labeled COVID19 and warned of more bio attacks on the way.

But no matter how much truth and evidence is presented to the modern American, it all draws a collective yawn and no appropriate action.

As we all watch our country and the future of freedom and liberty decline to the point of no return, Americans sit on the sidelines unable to stand up, unite with others, organize, and mobilize to prevent the end of the greatest free nation ever known to mankind.

I think it’s simply due to human nature, the desire to seek pleasure and avoid pain. The Founders were right (again), people will tolerate the intolerable until they just can’t anymore. Most will go-along to get-along until circumstances make that impossible.

Famed Psychologist Dr. Sigmond Freud noted accordingly…

“Freud contrasted the pleasure principle with the counterpart concept of the reality principle, which describes the capacity to defer gratification of a desire when circumstantial reality disallows its immediate gratification. In infancy and early childhood, the id rules behavior by obeying only the pleasure principle. People at that age only seek immediate gratification, aiming to satisfy cravings such as hunger and thirst, and at later ages the id seeks out sex.

Maturity is learning to endure the pain of deferred gratification. Freud argued that “an ego thus educated has become ‘reasonable’; it no longer lets itself be governed by the pleasure principle, but obeys the reality principle, which also, at bottom, seeks to obtain pleasure, but pleasure, which is assured through taking account of reality, even though it is pleasure postponed and diminished”

In other words, the USA appears a nation of children not yet mature enough to accept the pain associated with protecting and preserving freedom and liberty today, for the delayed gratification or pleasure of freedom and liberty tomorrow.

There’s a problem with the childish thought processes here, believing that by running towards pleasure, we can escape pain. It isn’t so…

We can only delay the pain, allowing the pain to grow greater as we seek pleasure. We can either face the pain today and preserve the pleasure for our futures – or we can seek pleasure today and guarantee ourselves an even greater pain tomorrow.

FEAR is the greatest motivator on earth. While fear moves some to paralysis, it moves others into action. But in both cases, people will do what they do, out of fear.

Similarly, it’s the perception of pain that will prevent most people from confronting things associated with pain. But the promise of a greater pain tomorrow will move others into action, confronting things associated with pain today, to avoid an even greater pain tomorrow.

The only open question is… which type of American are you?

Chronic complainers are NOT activists. “FIXERS” are activists. Those who are not part of real solutions, are an equal part of the problem!

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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