Nov. 5, 2024: Will a Winner Be Announced? Part 1

Authored by Devvy Kidd not AI

October 28, 2024

Let me start with the despicable and dangerous vomit out of the mouths of Trump haters in the prostitute media, members of Congress and the grand Dame of Lies and Deceit: Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton accuses Trump of ‘reenacting’ infamous Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden: We can’t ignore it – The 2016 Democratic nominee agreed with Kamala Harris, John Kelly in calling Trump a ‘fascist’, Oct. 4, 2024 // Hillary Clinton Says Everyone Who Attends Trump’s Madison Square Garden Rally on Sunday is a Nazi (VIDEO), Oct. 24, 2024.

That _itch, a career criminal who should have been locked up decades ago doesn’t want her mentally impaired sycophants and admirers to remember her past.

Harris Insinuates Trump Is Literally Hitler As Democrats Enter Election Panic Mode, Oct. 24, 2024: “Kamala Harris recently held a press briefing to make a statement comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, an action which smacks of panic in the midst of polling numbers which increasingly show Trump winning by a landslide in November.” // Holocaust survivor says Harris owes his ‘murdered’ parents ‘apology’ for comparing Trump to Hitler, Oct. 26, 2024:  “A Holocaust survivor tore into Kamala Harris for likening Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. Jerry Wartski, whose parents were murdered when the German dictator invaded Poland, denounced the Democratic nominee for calling the former president a “fascist.” The 94-year-old appeared in a nearly two-minute-long clip shared by the Trump campaign on Friday, showing his Auschwitz prisoner number tattooed on his arms.”

Ex-National Security Advisor Keith Kellogg, Senior Advisor Mercedes Schlapp, and Former Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Expose John Kelly’s Lies — Even Trump-Hating Mark Esper Admits He’s Never Heard Trump Praise Hitler, Oct. 23, 2024

This country is full of mentally unstable individuals and too many of them are “MAGA”/Trump haters.  (BOMB THREAT at Montgomery County Republican Committee HQ in Pennsylvania – The Radical Left Is Getting Restless, Oct. 27, 2024.)  These miscreants puking up Trump is another Hitler is just egging on these mentally ill and dangerous individuals.  Try recent assassination attempts on Trump’s life.  Most of the dullards listening to and buying into such dangerous lies don’t even know what Fascism means.

Major cities around the country are already preparing for “extreme violence” on Nov. 5th if Trump is declared the winner.  Great. Just like the George Floyd violent circus:  Rioting and burning businesses (who shut down for good) so important to your communities taking away paychecks your friends and neighbors need to feed their families.

Where’s the FBI?

Jamie Raskin is not a household word but he is a major player in the Democrat Communist Party USA. [D-MD].  Raskin is a very dangerous player and dedicated cult member of the Climate Change scam.  Please go watch this (less than a minute) video and come back here. (Emphasis mine.)  “Democrat Congressman Jamie Raskin telling us that they will disqualify Trump on January 6, 2025 & body guards will be needed for everyone in Civil War conditions because they will do what the SCOTUS failed to do in keeping Trump from being President.” If I said what Raskin did at some event the FBI would be at my door in five minutes.

In his deliberate lie, Raskin says Trump can be disqualified because of Art.3 of the Fourteenth Amendment which has been flushed down the toilet by courts. Amendment XIV, Sec. 3:

Section 3.

“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same,…”

Key Marxists like Raskin are set to meet before the counting of the Electoral College vote pledging they will refuse to certify the Electoral College vote.  Liar and cheat, VP Harris, will preside over the counting of the Electoral College votes same as Pence did as VP in 2020.  Digest that one.

Donald Trump has never been arrested, tried or convicted of engaging in any insurrection.  Questioning the outcome of an election is not a crime nor is it an effort to “overturn the election”.  It’s the right of any candidate to ensure their loss wasn’t due to fraud.  There’s a plethora of articles (most ‘click bait’) that martial law is going to be declared; the blame for rioting and destruction will be pointed squarely at Trump supporters.

I feel confident 99% of Americans haven’t a clue what ‘martial law’ means, and when it can or cannot be unleashed.  I was one of them until many years ago I got educated by a real expert (not some “fact checker” at some rag newspaper on-line).  This is a must read in order for Americans not to panic or fall into yet another manufactured trap like January 6, 2021A Primer of “Martial Law” by Dr. Edwin Vieira, Aug. 31, 2009.

Biden’s handlers let loose with a DoD directive that is burning up the Internet:  Videos/Pic: Biden-Harris admin approves military use of lethal force on US citizens, Oct. 25, 2024: “The Department of Defense (DOD) is facing significant backlash after releasing DOD directive 5240.01, which took effect on September 27. The Biden-Harris administration’s latest DoD directive has been accused of authorizing the U.S. military to use lethal force against American citizens.

“The directive gives the Pentagon authority to approve “assistance in responding with assets with potential for lethality, or any situation in which it is reasonably foreseeable that providing the requested assistance may involve the use of force that is likely to result in lethal force, including death or serious bodily injury.” Pentagon denies false claim that Biden-Harris admin authorized troops to use force against Americans – Pentagon says DOD Directive 5240.01 does ‘not authorize’ it to use ‘lethal force’ on US citizens, Oct. 25, 2024

5240.01 goes back to 2016. This new one dated Sept. 27, 2024 – hit > to go to page 2 and see yellow highlighted section.  The 2016 version deals with intelligence gathering and ways to skirt the Constitution.  In the new one, look at 3.3 Levels of Authority.

On Nov. 5, 2018, I wrote a two-part column: ‘Anchor Babies’, Posse Comitatus And The Invaders, Part 2.  In part 2: 

“The next real war we fight is likely to be on American soil. Our civilian-military face-off (November 30, 1997)

“One startling quote in this article is from Admiral Stanley Arthur, Commander of U.S. naval forces during the Gulf War, where he says, “Today the armed forces are no longer representative of the people they serve. More and more, enlisted as well as officers are beginning to feel they are special, better than the society they serve.”

“When you turn to page two of this story, the headlines read, “Bill of Rights no obstacle for the Corps.” Another disturbing quote jumps out at you, “Because of the rising potential for civil disobedience within the inner cities it is ‘inevitable’ the U.S. military will be employed more often within American borders.”…Why the concern that there is a potential for civil disobedience by Americans? Where did this come from? …..

“Further into this shocking story: “…Major Reeves notes, when faced with violating doctrine or violating the law, some Marines chose the latter course and detained suspects and conducted warrant less searches. Indeed, with characteristic Marine Corps bluntness, the major states that, “in interviews with Marine officers involved in domestic peacekeeping missions with officers responsible for articulating the Marine Corps’ policy on domestic peacekeeping, it became apparent to the author that Marines took whatever action was necessary. At times, these actions required Marines to violate U.S. law.

“Similarly, Marine Capt. Guy Miner reported in the Gazette that Marine intelligence units were initially worried by the need to collect intelligence on U.S. citizens, which would violate a 1981 Executive Order, but that “this inhibition was quickly overcome….” And to chill you even further, “To enable the Marines to execute these new domestic missions in the same way that they do abroad, Major Reeves calls for major alternations in U.S. laws. “Experience from the Los Angeles riots,” he warns, “demonstrated the need to grant U.S. Marine forces the legal right to detain vehicles and suspects, conduct arrests, searches and seizures in order to accomplish the peacekeeping mission.”

“Go ahead, print out the newspaper and read it. If this doesn’t give you the daytime version of pavor nocturnus, then you don’t grasp the severity of the problem.”

But all hypothetical at the time.  Posse Comitatus. While the link is dead, Brigade homeland tours start Oct. 1, I quoted from it back in 2018:

“The Posse Comitatus Act, a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385) passed on June 16, 1878, prohibiting most members of the federal uniformed services (the Army, Air Force, and State National Guard forces when such are called into federal service) from exercising nominally state law enforcement police or peace officer powers that maintain “law and order” on non-federal property (states, their counties and municipal divisions). In other words, the PCA limited to a great degree the powers of the federal government to use active military for law enforcement.

“There have been more laws enacted by Congress over the years explicitly allowing the military to be used in certain domestic scenarios. Legal hawks say the most significant is the ‘Military Support for Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies Act of 1981 (“MSCLEA”), the purpose of which is to allow the exchange of information and services between military and law enforcement “when necessary” to protect the people and interests of the United States.

“Major Craig T. Trebilcock, U.S. Army Reserve, penned a paper titled, ‘The Myth of Posse Comitatus ‘, in October 2000, where he said: “Is the Posse Comitatus Act totally without meaning today? No, it remains a deterrent to prevent the unauthorized deployment of troops at the local level in response to what is purely a civilian law enforcement matter.”

The link is dead but I did find his paper here and well worth the time to read.

Non-citizens voting

This is a huge issue the Democrat Communist Party is doing everything in their power to get non-citizens and illegals to the ballot box.  Biden-Harris DOJ Sues Alabama Over Effort To Remove Non-Citizens From Voter Rolls, Sept. 28, 2024.

Below is from my dearest friend, a constitutional attorney for over 35 years who actually does the research and knows the law:

From Attorney Larry Becraft

Federal law makes it a criminal offense for an alien to vote in a federal election. See 8 U.S.C. § 611, set forth below. Conspiracies are illegal under federal law via 18 U.S.C. §371. See below. It is CERTAIN that aliens will be voting in the important Blue States, and election officials in voting precincts in those states will be encouraging such.

This is a criminal CONSPIRACY. Voters need, when they vote, to put such officials on notice that aliens are committing this crime and they are complicit in the commission of this crime.

Our voters, when they go to vote on Nov. 5, need to print out and distribute to election officials the following notice:


It clearly appears that aliens are now voting in this extremely important federal election, which is a federal crime, in violation of 8 U.S.C. § 611. This law provides as follows:

8 U.S.C. § 611 – Voting by aliens (a) It shall be unlawful for any alien to vote in any election held solely or in part for the purpose of electing a candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate from the

District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner, unless—

(1) the election is held partly for some other purpose;

(2) aliens are authorized to vote for such other purpose under a State constitution or statute or a local ordinance; and

(3) voting for such other purpose is conducted independently of voting for a candidate for such Federal offices, in such a manner that an alien has the opportunity to vote for such other purpose, but not an opportunity to vote for a candidate for any one or more of such Federal offices.

(b) Any person who violates this section shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

(c) Subsection (a) does not apply to an alien if—

(1) each natural parent of the alien (or, in the case of an adopted alien, each adoptive parent of the alien) is or was a citizen (whether by birth or naturalization);

(2) the alien permanently resided in the United States prior to attaining the age of 16; and (3) the alien reasonably believed at the time of voting in violation of such subsection that he or she was a citizen of the United States.


Participating in the commission of this crime is itself a criminal offense:

18 U.S.C. § 371 – Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States

If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.


Our purpose is to obtain evidence of this conspiracy to present the same to a federal grand jury. Conform your conduct accordingly. *End*

Election DAY means DAY.  I’ve written about two cases and on Oct. 25, 2024, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals handed down a big win:  BREAKING: Appeals Court Rules All Mail-In Ballots Must Be Received by Election Day In Order to Be Counted

“The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday ruled all mail-in ballots must be received by election day in order to be counted.

“The panel of three Trump-appointed judges – Andrew Oldham, James Ho and Kyle Duncan – said Mississippi was violating federal law by counting mail-in ballots that arrive after Election Day.

“Congress statutorily designated a singular ‘day for the election’ of members of Congress and the appointment of presidential electors,” the 5th Circuit panel said, according to CNN. “Text, precedent, and historical practice confirm this ‘day for the election’ is the day by which ballots must be both cast by voters and received by state officials.”

“The RNC and other watchdog groups like Judicial Watch filed lawsuits in Mississippi seeking to stop the counting of mail-in ballots received after Election Day.  “The Democrats use mail-in ballots to cheat.

“The 5th Circuit’s ruling is only binding on the three Southern states covered by the circuit, and for now, the panel is not ordering that the policy be blocked in Mississippi for the current election, instead sending the case down for more proceedings,” CNN reported.”  (My state of Texas is one of them. While it is an important win, as of this writing, it will be cheating as usual.)

If only Trump’s attorneys had filed an emergency injunction using Foster v Love back in Nov. 2020 directly to the U.S. Supreme Court since it was their decision, I believe he would be in office today.  Instead, we had a “law’ circus for months which cost him more than $10 million in legal fees.

You can read the transcript of the oral arguments in Foster v Love here.  Facts of the Case here.

November 18, 2020 piece, Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void & Preempted by Federal Law – Foster v Love (1997; 9-0 Decision)

The clock is ticking but this is a huge win for now, but the fight isn’t over.

What I wrote two columns ago:

Filed Jan. 26, 2024:  RNC Mississippi vs Justin Wetzel.

Sept. 23, 2024:  Mississippi Election Case Ruling Could Have ‘National Impact’: Attorney: “On Tuesday, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals is to hear oral argument in RNC v. Wetzel, a lawsuit filed by the Republican National Convention to disallow the counting of ballots that are received after Election Day in Mississippi.” They better hurry up.  Well, the decision came down explained above.

Second case mentioning Foster v LoveRNC Nevada, Donald J. Trump for President 2024, Inc Szymanski vs Cari-Ann Burgess, Case 3:24-CV00198 filed May 3, 2024.  Why the hell did the RNC and Trump’s lawyers wait until the last minute for these cases when they’ve had nearly 4 years to get it done?  I don’t know the status on that one, yet.


MUST READ: One Citizen Platform Has Found a Way to Catch the Fraudulent Ballots and Illegal Voters Before November 1st – Here’s How They Are Doing It, Sept. 23, 2024: “NGOs are active in each swing state, operating ballot mills registering illegal aliens and other migrants – capturing their ballots – and voting them.

The Common Sense Elections Dark Money Tracking System tracks every NGO influencing U.S. elections – dollars they spend, dollars they receive.

Texas AG sues Biden-Harris admin for not verifying citizenship of 450K ‘potentially ineligible’ voters -Ken Paxton says Texas voter registration system does not have DHS-issued immigration identifiers needed in federal SAVE program, Oct. 23, 2024

Texas Ban on Paid Vote Harvesting Is Back in Effect, The Texas Minute, Oct. 8, 2024

JUST IN: MI GOP and RNC Files Appeal In UOCAVA Case Demanding SOS Benson Follows Constitution Requiring Overseas Voters to Provide Proof of MI Residency, Oct.23, 2024

Wisconsin Elections Commission and Staff Announce Ways to Stop Non-US Citizens from Participating in Wisconsin Elections

VOTER REGISTRATION | Scan. Check. Protect

Video Streaming of Ballot Dropboxes – “Welcome to the 2024 Ballot Drop Box Video Streaming project! Here, you can help protect election integrity by reviewing ballot drop box video and reporting any concerning sightings. Our goal is to promote transparency, empower citizens, and support fair, lawful elections. If you observe concerning activity, please report it here – VoteAlert (Listed by state).

I’m taking the unusual step of making these two parts as I want Americans to see where the fraud is going on and how.  Early voting started last week in many states and make no mistake about it:  The Democrat Communist Party USA is using every dirty trick they can and probably more than even I’m aware of, much less the public.  In 2020, poltroon AG Bill Barr and POS, FBI Director Chrisopher Wray and their minions assured us 2020 was a fair and clean election.  Sure and I’m the Queen of England.  It’s worse this time as the evil doers are going all in because this is their last hurrah to take total control and destroy our Republic once and for all.

Their spokes mouths have bragged they have thousands – not hundreds – of attorney’s standing by to make sure Donald Trump is cheated again. Only YOU can stop it in your voting precincts alone along with your local RNC committee and county officials.

This is it, fellow Americans.  Part 2 – Help get this out there to show Americans how the cheating already exposed is underway. Please share this everywhere.  As to my question will a winner be declared Nov. 5th? Who knows? Several blue states have announced it will take them up to a week to count ballots in violation of Foster v Love just like 2020. Takes time to manufacture the number of bogus ballots needed to cheat Trump, again.

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

© 2024 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

Part 2: Cheating Exposed with more to come

Related: (Don’t believe the polls.  They want you to think it’s “close” when nothing could be further from the truth- except for the fools who support Ho Harris in some big urban areas in swing states.  They want to discourage Republicans and Independents from voting.)

Mark Levin: Raskin, Other ‘Revolutionaries’ Already Plotting to ‘Cripple’ Future Trump Presidency, Oct. 26, 2024, video

BOMBSHELL: Iranian Hackers Broke Into State’s Voter Roll Database – Used Names, SS and Driver’s License #’s to Fill Out UOCAVA Registrations – Shared Video of Their Actions Online!, Oct. 23, 2024

Probe Into Whether Democrats Use ActBlue Platform to Cheat at Fundraising Expands to 19 States, Oct 12, 2024

Sean Spicer reveals the exact moment that made John Kelly hate President Trump, Oct. 24, 2024

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Sues Biden-Har­ris Admin­is­tra­tion for Refus­ing to Ver­i­fy the Cit­i­zen­ship Sta­tus of Poten­tial­ly Inel­i­gi­ble Vot­ers on Texas Vot­er Rolls, Oct. 22, 2024

GOP consultant files lawsuit alleging identity fraudulently used to make ActBlue donations to Dems, Oct. 14, 2024- “Plaintiff did not make, authorize, or consent to these donations to the ActBlue Campaigns,” the lawsuit against a John Doe donor declared”.

Democrats, Who Claim to Defend Democracy, Use Dirty Tricks to Get Power, Oct. 26, 2024: “Democrats are using and promoting third party candidates, sometimes candidates who appear conservative, to trick voters and defeat Republicans in House races.

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Makes Crim­i­nal Refer­ral to DOJ Con­cern­ing Wide­spread Sus­pect Polit­i­cal Dona­tions Made Through ActBlue’s Fundrais­ing Platform, Oct. 24, 2024

Suspect identified in break-in at Trump campaign office in Virginia: Sheriff’s office, Aug. 14, 2024