- Clinton Machine Attacks Trump; Trump Blasts Clintons' Attacks on Women, Jim Kouri, 12-29-15
- Woman Who Helped Create ISIS Blames Trump, Jim Kouri, 12-24-15
- DHS secretary admits some Muslim refugees entering US are terrorists, Jim Kouri, 12-18-15
- N.C. GOP urges attorney general to enforce new law banning sanctuary cities, Jim Kouri, 12-14-15
- NBC and CBS caught lying about Trump's North Carolina rally, Jim Kouri, 12-7-15
- Hillary Clinton wrong on Muslims, wrong for America, Jim Kouri, 12-6-15
- Trump enemies may harm or sabotage his campaign, say GOP Conservatives, Jim Kouri, 12-2-15
- Muslim invasion of European Union is the price of politically correct policing, Jim Kouri, 11-25-15
- Special Report: Obama Importing Syrian refugees despite Paris, Jim Kouri, 11-17-15
- Trump's Latest News May Break the Hearts of Some Voters, Jim Kouri, 11-12-15
- Clinton Vs. Trump: Hillary claims veterans' healthcare deaths are a GOP created scandal, Jim Kouri, 11-9-15
- GAO report reveals Obamacare more corrupt and fraudulent than thought, Jim Kouri, 11-6-15
- Trump Vows to Reform the Veterans Administration - Stop Abuses, Jim Kouri, 11-3-15
- Obama sends $70mil to Pakistani girls, while American kids struggle, Jim Kouri, 10-30-15
- New docs: Benghazi cover up began while Americans were being killed, Jim Kouri, 10-22-15
- Obama's Chicago pal indicted for ripping off schools in black neighborhoods, Jim Kouri, 10-18-15
- Exclusive: Oregon massacre proves Gun Free Zones are Vulnerable Targets, Jim Kouri, 10-12-15
- ACLU Sues to Force Catholic Hospitals to Perform Abortions, Jim Kouri, 10-9-15
- German Woman evicted to make way for Muslim refugees, Jim Kouri, 10-6-15
- Media reveals its hatred for Donald Trump, Jim Kouri, 10-2-15
- Megyn Kelly's Obsession, Bring Down Trump, Jim Kouri, 9-28-15
- Obama Plans to Flood U.S. With Muslim Refugees, Jim Kouri, 9-25-15
- Trump Blasts Obama For Favoring Muslim Over Christian Refugees, Jim Kouri, 9-17-15
- DOJ declares war on white businessmen but not corrupt politicians, Jim Kouri, 9-14-15
- Update: Fight Over Orphaned Deer Continues; Judge Postpones Issuing Ruling, Sarah Foster, 9-12-15
- Woman Carries Fight to Courtroom to Stop Government From Killing Orphaned Deer, Sarah Foster, 9-8-15
- Mexican Illegal Aliens Dressed as KKK Rally Against Trump, Jim Kouri, 9-8-15
- Administration covers up violent crime in taxpayer funded program, Jim Kouri, 9-4-15
- New poll reveals voters agree with Donald Trump, Jim Kouri, 8-27-15
- DOJ urged to probe baby body parts scandal at Planned Parenthood, Jim Kouri, 8-21-15
- California gave driver's Licenses to More Than 1.5 Million Illegal Aliens, Jim Kouri, 8-17-15
- Pro-Life activist wins case against Planned Parenthood, Jim Kouri, 8-11-15
- Mexican criminal alien slaughters motorists who tried to help him, Jim Kouri, 8-4-15
- Obama's Kenyan visit: Media hides the Truth, Again, Jim Kouri, 7-29-15
- Under Obama, Americans take a backseat to the U.N., Jim Kouri, 7-20-15
- Citizen soldiers to be cut from Army, but illegal aliens recruited, Jim Kouri, 7-13-15
- Black man arrested for posting KKK hate signs outside black church, Jim Kouri, 7-5-15
- Highest Court Gives Oppressive EPA Thumbs Down on Jackboot Tactics, Jim Kouri, 7-3-15
- Woman Fights to Stop Government From Killing Orphaned Deer, Sarah Foster, 7-2-15
- Hillary Clinton ran a hostile work environment at the State Department, Jim Kouri, 6-25-15
- Criminal alien rapists, child predators freed in U.S. instead of deported, Jim Kouri, 6-19-15
- Lawmakers seek passage of 'Hillary law' to prevent Clintonesque corruption, Jim Kouri, 6-15-15
- Billions of taxpayers’ money spent on bogus airport security: New Report, Jim Kouri, 6-3-15
- CIA trained ISIS jihadists in Syria according to declassified documents that media ignored, Jim Kouri, 5-28-15
- New Documents Show U.S. Smuggled Weapons to Terrorists in Syria, Jim Kouri, 5-22-15
- Jeb Bush wants American citizens to show respect for illegal aliens, Jim Kouri, 5-18-15
- Grassroots group helps Trey Gowdy to Battle Clinton Criminal Organization, Jim Kouri, 5-11-15
- Iranian Official: Israel and U.S. Created Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, Jim Kouri, 5-4-15
- New allegations about Bill and Hillary's greed and corruption, Jim Kouri, 4-25-15
- Josephine County Oath Keepers and Militias React to Obama's BLM "Claim Jumpers", Jim Kouri, 4-20-15
- Josephine County sheriff will not enforce new Oregon gun control law, Jim Kouri, 4-16-15
- Sen. McCain secretly urged IRS to target Tea Party, Conservative Groups, Jim Kouri, 4-13-15
- Feds gearing up for civil unrest with ammo buildup and paramilitary training, Jim Kouri, 4-7-15
- Bill and Hillary Clinton facing RICO racketeering case filed in Florida federal court, Jim Kouri, 3-30-15
- Border Patrol Whistleblower Reveals Obama's U.S.-Mexico Border Claims Are Myth, Jim Kouri, 3-23-15
- Hillary Clinton's E-Mail Scandal May Hurt Obama and the Globalists, Jim Kouri, 3-16-15
- Hillary Clinton’s Latest Scandal Only the Tip of the Iceberg, Jim Kouri, 3-9-15
- GOP lawmakers are gutless on illegal immigration, Mark Levin at CPAC, Jim Kouri, 3-3-15
- Big Government Power Grab: Taking Over the Internet, Jim Kouri, 2-28-15
- IRS to give illegal aliens bigger tax refunds than citizens, Jim Kouri, 2-23-15
- Border Patrol Ordered Not to Detain Illegal Alien Drunk Drivers, Jim Kouri, 2-18-15
- Most news reporters say Obama administration spies on them: Poll, Jim Kouri, 2-10-15
- Valerie Jarrett: Obama's real war advisor, says insider, Jim Kouri, 2-5-15
- Democrats and media slam Koch brothers, ignore Soros funding anti-cop protests, Jim Kouri, 1-30-15
- Obama's Lawyers dismantling rule of law with amnesty: State Attorney General, Jim Kouri, 1-23-15
- America’s visa program a hotbed of fraud and secrecy: New report, Jim Kouri, 1-16-15
- Al Sharpton a government sanctioned extortionist, says war hero, Jim Kouri, 1-13-15
- Pentagon to resume recruiting illegal immigrants as part of Obama amnesty, Jim Kouri, 1-6-15
- Thousands of gun owners rally against latest gun-grabbing scheme, Jim Kouri, 12-29-14
- Dish Network stops airing Fox News, Jim Kouri, 12-22-14
- Federal Court decision blocks Obama's immigration plan, Jim Kouri, 12-19-14
- American Sheriffs to Rally and Protest Against Obama's Unlawful Amnesty, Jim Kouri, 12-11-14
- IRS and Obama White House accused of unlawful transfer of taxpayers' files, Jim Kouri, 12-4-14
- Islamists Linked to Obama’s Kenyan Family Hijacked Bus, Killed Dozens, Jim Kouri, 11-25-14
- Obama’s treasonous deal with China slammed by Americans, Jim Kouri, 11-17-14
- American voters urge GOP to stop illegal alien election fraud, poll shows, Jim Kouri, 11-11-14
- Obama Accused of Allowing American Children to be Killed by Illegal Alien "Dreamers", Jim Kouri, 11-6-14
- Black pastors slam Supreme Court marriage protection non-ruling; Where are the white pastors?, Jim Kouri, 10-21-15
- Police raid and shutdown Obama family-linked radical madrassa in Kenya, Jim Kouri, 10-2-14
- New IRS e-mail loss more evidence of out of control government, Jim Kouri, 9-22-14
- News With Views Publisher Honored with ‘Fount of Freedom' Award in Nation’s Capital, Jim Kouri, 9-16-14
- Iran's New World Order: Under Obama U.S. lacks the might it once had, Jim Kouri, 9-8-14
- Civil rights commissioner blasts Obama's lawless immigration plan, Jim Kouri, 8-27-14
- The 9/11 Truth Movement Makes Big Comeback, Jim Kouri, 8-19-14
- Obama allowing Libyans from Benghazi to train in U.S. as pilots, nuclear scientists, Jim Kouri, 8-18-14
- Obama agencies’ lack of transparency blasted by his own inspectors general, Jim Kouri, 8-11-14
- Veteran Border Patrol Agent Exposes the Horrors at U.S. Borders, Jim Kouri, 7-28-14
- Chicago violence: Attorney General Holder to send ATF agents instead of cops, Jim Kouri, 7-21-14
- News With Views Editor to be Special Guest Speaker at Patriots Gathering in North Bend, Oregon, Jim Kouri, 7-14-14
- Liberals and media deceptive regarding Canadian healthcare system, Jim Kouri, 7-13-14
- Californians rebel against Obama, block illegal alien dumping in their communities, Jim Kouri, 7-5-14
- Obama provoking a Second American Revolution, say governor and policy expert, Jim Kouri, 7-2-14
- Illegal alien Tsunami to cost US taxpayers $billions annually, Jim Kouri, 6-23-14
- British Government Concerned Over Radical Muslim Infiltration of Schools, Jim Kouri, 6-13-14
- Illegal aliens nailed at Texas border now 'dumped" by feds in Arizona, Jim Kouri, 6-10-14
- Taxpayers cash used for professors' trip to meet with terrorist leaders, Jim Kouri, 6-5-14
- Lawsuit filed against Office of Special Counsel over White House stonewall, Jim Kouri, 5-30-14
- U.S. Citizens on Track to Lose Medical Privacy with Obamacare, Jim Kouri, 5-19-14
- William Baer, Father of teenaged girl arrested for condemning 'school porn', Jim Kouri, 5-14-14
- Ron Paul opposed BLM SWAT tactics displayed in Nevada standoff, Jim Kouri, 4-28-14
- Homeland Security watchdog accused of corruption by Senate Committee, Jim Kouri, 4-28-14
- ACLU attacks conservative Americans on behalf of illegal aliens, Jim Kouri, 4-17-14
- IRS' Lois Lerner who targeted conservatives and Tea Party faces contempt of Congress charge this week, Jim Kouri, 4-7-14
- Unborn, Stillborn and Miscarried Babies Used to Heat British Hospitals, Jim Kouri, 4-2-14
- Senator pressured state health insurance bureaucrats to lie about numbers, Jim Kouri, 3-21-14
- IRS probe reveals Obama administration’s aggressiveness against Tea Party members, Jim Kouri, 3-17-14
- Imperial Presidency: Obama's executive overreach must be stopped, say lawmakers, Jim Kouri, 3-9-13
- African American Christian leaders urge Eric Holder's impeachment, Jim Kouri, 3-4-14
- Labor union leaders supporting arrested liberals, indicted for racketeering, Jim Kouri, 2-24-14
- Utah lawmaker proposes bill to shutdown water supply to NSA facilities, Jim Kouri, 2-17-14
- New Survey: 15,000 cops gives Obama gun agenda thumbs down, Jim Kouri, 2-13-14
- State lawmakers seek end to cooperating with Obama 'gun grab', Jim Kouri, 2-6-14
- Texans execute illegal alien murderer in spite of John Kerry interference, Jim Kouri, 1-27-14
- Top 10 nations persecuting Christians exposed by human rights group, Jim Kouri, 1-13-14
- Obama underlings propose revisions to the firearms background check system, Jim Kouri, 1-8-14
- Oregon and other states see health insurance cancellations due to Obamacare, Jim Kouri, 1-3-14
- Poll ignored by media reveals most Americans believe U.S. government is corrupt, Jim Kouri, 12-26-13
- Obamacare Mandate Challenge by Christian Headed to the Supreme Court, Jim Kouri, 12-17-13
- Unions hire protesters to impersonate workers to hurt Christmas retail sales, Jim Kouri, 12-9-13
- Attorneys: IRS regulations may put Americans’ free speech in jeopardy, Jim Kouri, 12-2-13
- 46 Senators Attempt to Destroy Americans’ Second Amendment Right, Jim Kouri, 11-26-13
- Code Enforcement: Oregon County Voters Say No to Big Government, Jim Kouri, 11-19-13
- Police State: Cops use physicians to probe a suspect's rectum, Jim Kouri, 11-10-13
- Obama's spy program causing anger and frenzy, Jim Kouri, 11-4-13
- Art Robinson and the Future of the Oregon GOP and Beyond, Jim Kouri, 11-1-13
- Report: Feds and some States are militarizing American policing, Jim Kouri, 10-27-13
- NYC Mayor Bloomberg sued for documents about shady gun control activities, Jim Kouri, 10-15-13
- Lawyers slam Obama administration's treatment of Fast and Furious whistleblower, Jim Kouri, 10-9-13
- New York's Governor Cuomo sued by national gun rights group, Jim Kouri, 10-2-13
- China's forced organ harvesting may be duplicated in the U.S., Jim Kouri, 9-26-13
- Attorneys plan to challenge Obamacare unilateral rewrites, Jim Kouri, 9-17-13
- DEA Spy Program More Intrusive Than NSA Privacy Invasion, Jim Kouri, 9-9-13
- Media Ignores White House Ban On Military Surplus Guns, Jim Kouri, 9-2-13
- President ignores murders of Americans committed by his illegal-alien constituents, Jim Kouri, 8-12-13
- Judge slams Obama's backdoor amnesty, Jim Kouri, 8-6-13
- Tea Party conservatives urge probe of new allegations of IRS corruption, Jim Kouri, 8-2-13
- Obama assaults 'Stand Your Ground' laws with phony facts, say experts, Jim Kouri, 7-24-13
- Justice Dept. helped organize anti-Zimmerman marches and protests, Jim Kouri, 7-12-13
- Border Patrol drones used by Obama administration to spy on Americans, Jim Kouri, 7-8-13
- NewsWithViews editor weds film star Yutte Stensgaard, Jim Kouri, 7-3-13
- Catholic Bishops in Lockstep With Obama Attacks on Freedom, Jim Kouri, 6-17-13
- Commissioner Keith Heck questions Pledge of Allegiance, Jim Kouri, 6-12-13
- High-Tech surveillance by Obama minions highlights his hypocrisy, Jim Kouri, 6-10-13
- U.S. development and use of robotic weapons troubles many, Jim Kouri, 6-3-13
- Obama's EPA Attempts to Ban Ammunition, Jim Kouri, 5-27-13
- IRS Admits Attacking Conservatives and Tea Party Groups, Jim Kouri, 5-12-13
- Obama's comments on Mexico deceptive, say law officers, Jim Kouri, 5-8-13
- Obama's DHS ignores security breaches at biochemical laboratories, Jim Kouri, 4-17-13
- Is the gun law frenzy by politicians causing ammunition shortages?, Jim Kouri, 4-8-13
- U.N. overwhelmingly approves global arms trade treaty, Jim Kouri, 4-3-13
- Predictions of the end of Posse Comitatus now a reality, say experts, Jim Kouri, 3-24-13
- Southern Poverty Law Center's war on Patriots revealed, Jim Kouri, 3-14-13
- Obama death drones creating fear among Americans, Jim Kouri, 3-4-13
- State of the Union speech features Illegal alien stage props, Jim Kouri, 2-17-13
- The commander in chief was AWOL during Benghazi attack, Jim Kouri, 2-13-13
- Hillary Clinton bids the world farewell, for now, Jim Kouri, 2-4-13
- Legal group files federal lawsuit against Obama and his gun initiative, Jim Kouri, 1-22-13
- Eliminate ATF instead of cutting national security budgets, say officials, Jim Kouri, 1-11-13
- Obama vows to push new gun laws in 2013, Jim Kouri, 1-5-13
- Dump gun free school zone law for Christmas, says Gun Law Expert, Jim Kouri, 12-21-12
- UN's Doha climate meeting disappoints environmentalists, Jim Kouri, 12-13-12
- Defense spending: Pentagon wastes billions on non-military projects, Jim Kouri, 12-6-12
- President Obama’s stealth termination of CIA global warming unit, Jim Kouri, 11-28-12
- Obama welfare vote buying hits $1 trillion before re-election, Jim Kouri, 11-11-12
- Environmental Swindle by Obama Exposed, Jim Kouri, 11-4-12
- Obama supporters make death threats, riots, if their President loses, Jim Kouri, 10-19-12
- Illegal campaign fundraising exposed by watchdog group, Jim Kouri, 10-12-12
- Govt. officials allowed billions in Medicaid overpayments for New York, Jim Kouri, 9-25-12
- Sheriff Joe Arpaio Victorious Against Obama Justice Department, Jim Kouri, 9-4-12
- Attorney Discovers Hundreds of Thousands of Invalid Voter Registrations, Jim Kouri, 8-22-12
- Obama to bypass Congress and sign cyber executive order, Jim Kouri, 8-17-12
- Obamacare to Create Big Brother, says Lawmaker, Jim Kouri, 8-6-12
- Obama outsourcing millions of dollars in handouts to China, Russia, Jim Kouri, 7-17-12
- Lawmakers blast U.N. gun control pact and U.S. participation, Jim Kouri, 7-11-12
- Border Patrol officers told run and hide from armed illegal aliens, Jim Kouri, 7-5-12
- U.S.-Cuba healthcare fraud conspiracy uncovered in Miami, Jim Kouri, 6-25-12
- Holder, DOJ file lawsuit against Florida despite proof of illegal voters, Jim Kouri, 6-18-12
- Obama-Holder DOJ attacks Las Vegas casino for enforcing immigration law, Jim Kouri, 6-4-12
- Obama and DOJ lawsuit claims Arizona Sheriff Arpaio a Racist, Jim Kouri, 5-14-12
- Occupy Movement members arrested in conspiracy to bomb Ohio bridge, Jim Kouri, 5-4-12
- Obama’s DOJ persecutes Border agent over illegal alien's rights, Jim Kouri, 4-29-12
- Michigan SWAT Teams Invade Farms, Forces Farmer to Kill His Own Livestock, Jim Kouri, 4-20-12
- Obama's illegal alien uncle gets driver's license after DWI, Jim Kouri, 4-17-12
- Obama administration corruption in Solyndra deal confirmed, Jim Kouri, 4-10-12
- Report: Peoples medical records security easily breached, Jim Kouri, 3-30-12
- Foodborne disease outbreaks rising in U.S., Jim Kouri, 3-19-12
- Food stamps used to purchase drugs, guns and contraband, Jim Kouri, 3-12-12
- Corruption in Afghanistan creates more terrorists, Jim Kouri, 3-5-12
- Voter Fraud: Research study suggests major election problems, Jim Kouri, 2-23-12
- Unions threaten and intimidate American workers, Jim Kouri, 2-17-12
- U.S. taxpayers pay for inept and corrupt federal prosecutors, Jim Kouri, 2-13-12
- Court Criticizes Obama DHS on Stealth Amnesty Document, Jim Kouri, 2-6-12
- United States another step closer to North American Federation, Jim Kouri, 1-30-12
- Border Patrol agents slam their superiors and Obama Administration, Jim Kouri, 1-20-12
- Group fights genetically engineered food sold secretly, Jim Kouri, 1-11-12
- New Year's Tax to Help Ration Obamacare, Jim Kouri, 1-6-12
- Government report: U.S. border security still has weaknesses, Jim Kouri, 12-28-11
- DOJ plots with ACORN-connected group to stop "Voter ID" laws, Jim Kouri, 12-19-11
- Cop-Killer's death sentence reprieve tied to activist judge, Kim Kouri, 12-9-11
- Illegal alien deportations suspended for hundreds of thousands, Jim Kouri, 12-5-11
- Oregon Sheriff Gil Gilbertson Continues Stand Against U.S. Forest Service, Sarah Foster, 11-23-11
- Another Global Warming Intelligence Unit Created by Obama, Jim Kouri, 11-22-11
- Penn Football Child Rape Scandal Opens Door to Elitists, Jim Kouri, 11-16-11
- New World Order: European Union Seeks Tax on Americans, Jim Kouri, 11-9-11
- Abortion workers murder newborns and adult witness in shocking case, Jim Kouri, 11-4-11
- IRS attacks religious groups for exercising free speech challenged in court, Jim Kouri, 10-28-11
- Dairyman's Hunger Strike for "Raw Milk Justice" Moves Into Third Week, Sarah Foster, 10-18-11
- U.S. government giving taxpayers' personal info to foreign nations, Jim Kouri, 10-18-11
- Judge's Decision May Lead to Government Sanctioned Starvation, Jim Kouri, 10-12-11
- Eric Holder has habit of lying under oath, claim critics, Jim Kouri, 10-9-11
- Obama's illegal support group mobilizing for 2012 elections, Jim Kouri, 10-4-11
- White House green jobs agenda filled with corruption, Jim Kouri, 9-27-11
- Regulatory agencies destroying U.S. economy and freedoms, Jim Kouri, 9-25-11
- Grenade attack on Mexican casino may be part of ‘Fast and Furious Scandal’ Jim Kouri, 9-17-11
- SmartGrid: Technology For "Big Brother",Sarah Foster, 9-14-11
- Open borders groups pushing sanctuary status, Jim Kouri, 9-12-11
- Obama and Holder’s Scapegoats Nailed for Operation Fast & Furious, Jim Kouri, 9-5-11
- DOJ seeks to ensure illegal aliens get federal housing, Jim Kouri, 8-25-11
- Stealth Illegal Alien Amnesty Passed by Obama, Jim Kouri, 8-22-11
- ACORN gearing up for 2012 Obama campaign, Jim Kouri, 8-15-11
- Wall Street and Obama Scamming Americans, Say Analysts, Jim Kouri, 8-6-11
- Tea Party Candidate Warns of U.N. and Obama’s Agenda 21, Jim Kouri, 7-26-11
- Obama Administration hurting Appalachian job creation, energy production, Jim Kouri, 7-19-11
- NWV Columnist Weighs Run For White House, Sarah Foster, 7-16-11
- Obama Must Be Stopped Now, Say Conservative Leaders, Jim Kouri, 7-15-11
- Ron Paul demands an end to federal airport security, Jim Kouri, 7-11-11
- Obama's EPA Scam Hurts Taxpayers' and U.S. Farmers, Say Critics, Jim Kouri, 7-5-11
- Oregon Sheriff Stands up Against the US Forest Service, Sarah Foster, 7-2-11
- Scandal Prone ATF Celebrates Gay Pride Month, Jim Kouri, 6-27-11
- Obama's Law Enforcement Out of Control, Say Americans, Jim Kouri, 6-16-11
- Obama Czar Reveals Agencies Refuse to Identify Job Smothering Red Tape, Jim Kouri, 6-14-11
- Obama's "Religion Czar" Compares Evangelicals to Islamic Terrorists, Jim Kouri, 6-6-11
- U.S. Energy Policy Held Hostage by OPEC and Politicians, Jim Kouri, 5-30-11
- Senate Votes to Boost FDA Police Powers With GOP Help, Sarah Foster, 5-21-11
- TSA lies about the U.S. Constitution, Jim Kouri, 5-17-11
- Obama Administration's alleged deception of U.S. food safety, Jim Kouri, 5-9-11
- Illegal farm labor produces big profits, but no consumer savings, Jim Kouri, 5-5-11
- Obama's ATF threatened with contempt charge, Jim Kouri, 4-27-11
- Cops to hijack citizens' cell phone data, Jim Kouri, 4-23-11
- Taxpayers Paid for Obama Propaganda Campaign, Says Report, Jim Kouri, 4-18-11
- Soros NPR Connection Grounds for Ending Gov't. Funding, Jim Kouri, 4-12-11
- Obama's war in Libya disturbs Americans, Jim Kouri, 4-4-11
- Sheriff who testified before Congress has ties to suspected Islamist group, Jim Kouri, 3-28-11
- Afghan Gov't. Crime, Corruption Creates More Terrorists: British Think-Tank, Jim Kouri, 3-21-11
- Obama Administration Turns Cigarette Selling into Organized Crime, Jim Kouri, 3-14-11
- Charity Slump Caused by Government, Say Conservative Christians, Jim Kouri, 3-7-11
- Obama Usurps Power of the Judiciary on Behalf of Gays, Jim Kouri, 2-28-11
- Calls for Defunding Obama's Shadow Government Growing, Jim Kouri, 2-23-11
- Raising Debt Ceiling Will Hasten U.S. Destruction, Say Economists, Jim Kouri, 2-14-11
- George Soros' plot to control state supreme courts, Jim Kouri, 2-9-11
- Defense, Nuclear Experts Aid China's Nuclear Security, Jim Kouri, 1-31-11
- Obama, Napolitano cancel virtual fence project at US-Mexico border, Jim Kouri, 1-15-11
- Napolitano promises to protect Afghanistan border, ignores US borders, Jim Kouri, 1-4-11
- Afghanistan: The Pedophilia Capital of Asia, Jim Kouri, 12-23-10
- Dems Pull Fast One With Food-Safety Bill, Sarah Foster, 12-10-10
- Civil Rights Commission blasts Justice Department's corruption, Jim Kouri, 12-6-10
- Amtrak Gun Ban Expires December 15, Sarah Foster, 12-4-10
- Don't Ask, Don't Tell report rife with contradictions, Jim Kouri, 12-3-10
- Whoops -- Food Safety Bill Hits Constitutional Snag, Sarah Foster, 12-2-10
- "Lame-Duck" Harry Reid Flying High With Food Safety Bill, Sarah Foster, 11-30-10
- Court: Illegals entitled to cheaper tuition than American kids, Jim Kouri, 11-18-10
- FDA Food "Safety" Bill Poised For Senate Vote This Week, Sarah Foster, 11-16-10
- UN facilitates Christian persecution worldwide, Jim Kpuri, 11-10-10
- Iraq's Christian bloodbath ignored by Obama White House, Jim Kouri, 11-4-10
- La Raza: Arizona teachers suing to restore racist program, Jim Kouri, 10-26-10
- Bank CEO cheats Americans out of millions in TARP money, Jim Kouri, 10-14-10
- Obama urged to fire his Homeland Security adviser, Jim Kouri, 10-4-10
- UN Seeks Control of Planet's Drinking Water, Jim Kouri, 9-28-10
- Chelene Nightingale Ends 190-Mile "Save California" Walk, Sarah Foster, 9-14-10
- Obama and FDA secretly altering fish genetically, Jim Kouri, 9-14-10
- Feds fail to protect Americans from counterfeit medications, Jim Kouri, 9-7-10
- Justice Dept. Out of Control, Say Growing Number of Americans, Jim Kouri, 8-29-10
- Federal Cops Openly Blast Obama and His Appointees, Jim Kouri, 8-17-10
- NWO: US and Russia conducting joint military operations, Jim Kouri, 8-10-10
- Whistleblowers not illegal aliens face criminal charges, Jim Kouri, 8-3-10
- Political goon squads becoming the norm, Jim Kouri, 7-26-10
- Whistleblower Reveals Obama-Black Panther Party Collusion, Jim Kouri, 7-18-10
- Scott Brown, Others Help Pass Obama's Finance Bill, Sarah Foster, 7-16-10
- "Financial Takeover Bill" Seems Poised For Passage, Sarah Foster, 7-14-10
- Obama One Step Closer to Internet Control, Jim Kouri, 7-11-10
- Obama's ICE Chief Opposes Immigration Enforcement, Jim Kouri, 7-5-10
- Oklahoma Man Pleads With Cops: "Don't Taze my Granny" Sarah Foster, 7-1-10
- Fremont Nebraska votes "No" to illegal immigrants, Sarah Foster, 6-23-10
- Obama Administration: Protect Border Rodents, Not Citizens, Jim Kouri, 6-23-10
- Feds Allow Mexican Officials to Aid Criminal Immigrants in U.S., Jim Kouri, 6-14-10
- Obama Ignores Nuclear Threat at US-Mexican Border, Jim Kouri, 6-8-10
- Obama's Energy Plan: Corrupt or Misguided?, Jim Kouri, 6-2-10
- Obama Promises a New World Order at Military Academy Graduation, Jim Kouri, 5-25-10
- Muslim Group Targets Tea Party congressional candidate, Jim Kouri, 5-22-10
- Border Patrol Agents Slam Opponents of Arizona Immigration Law, Jim Kouri, 5-16-10
- Obama Eyes Global Gun Control and Martial Law, critics say, Jim Kouri, 5-10-10
- Henry Waxman's Sneak Attack on Dietary Supplements, Sarah Foster, 5-4-10
- Obama Admiral Promises "Relationships" with Canadian & Mexican Militaries, Jim Kouri, 4-18-10
- Progressives to attempt power grab before November elections Jim Kouri, 4-9-10
- Obama's amnesty will undermine American workers, Jim Kouri, 4-3-10
- Attorney General Holder and His Non-Transparency, Jim Kouri, 3-21-10
- "Global Warming" Skeptic Art Robinson Challenges Peter DeFazio, Sarah Foster, 3-15-10
- Congressman Charlie Rangel Violates House Ethics Rules, Jim Kouri, 3-9-10
- The Horrors of Socialized Medicine Uncovered, Jim Kouri, 3-6-10
- Covert Agents Sneak Radioactive Material Across U.S. Border, Jim Kouri, 2-25-10
- Government Seeking Control of Americans' Pets, Jim Kouri, 2-21-10
- Tea party candidate Debra Medina on track in Texas Governor's race, Sarah Foster, 2-17-10
- Google to Join Forces with NSA, Jim Kouri, 2-10-10
- Redevelopment Fighter takes Oath as a California Lawmaker, Sarah Foster, 2-3-10
- New Obama Executive Order Angers US Constitutionalists, Jim Kouri, 1-18-10
- Nanofood Secrecy: Manna from Heaven or Frankenfood?, Jim Kouri, 1-11-10
- President Gives Foreign Cops Power Over Americans, Jim Kouri, 1-4-10
- Christmas Terror Attempt May Open Door for Military Action in US Cities, Jim Kouri, 12-27-09
- Harry Reid Schedules First ObamaCare Vote for 1 a.m. Monday, Sarah Foster, 12-21-09
- Progressives Push to Revisit Amnesty for Illegal Aliens, Jim Kouri, 12-20-09
- Will Congress Give America "ObamaCare" For Christmas?, Sarah Foster, 12-19-09
- Michele Bachmann: "Financial Bill Worse Than Healthcare Measure" Sarah Foster, 12-16-09
- Obama, Congress Strive to Bankrupt America, Jim Kouri, 12-13-09
- Climate Change Hoax Ignored by Obama, Gore and the Elite Media, Jim Kouri, 12-6-09
- New World Order: First President of Europe Elected, Jim Kouri, 12-1-09
- Internationalists Push for the Creation of World Spy Agency, Jim Kouri, 11-20-09
- Obama Cover Up of Fort Hood Massacre Information Suspected, Jim Kouri, 11-14-09
- Senate Pushes Climate Bill Through Panel; Ditch “Cap & Trade” Name, Jim Kouri, 11-8-09
- Army Working with Obama Administration for US Deployment, Jim Kouri, 10-26-09
- Ireland Says 'Yes' to the New World Order, Sarah Foster, 10-20-09
- Congress Moves To Control All U.S. Water, Jim Kouri, 10-20-09
- Lawsuit Filed to Halt Swine Flu Vaccine Distribution, Sarah Foster, 10-14-09
- NY healthcare workers rebel against mandatory forced vaccinations, Sarah Foster, 10-1-09
- National Ammo Shortage Caused by Fear of Obama, Leftists, Kouri, 9-26-09
- Critics Say Obama-Care Prescription for Fraud and Abuse, Kouri, 9-11-09
- Obama's Latest Cyber Space Power Grab, Kouri, 9-2-09
- White House Sued For Hosting Online 'Snitch' Box, Foster, 9-1-09
- Obama Consolidating Power Over Americans, Kouri, 8-29-09
- Obama Fails to Address Criminal Aliens During Mexico Visit, Kouri, 8-23-09
- Oregon Cities 'Soak the Poor" With Hidden Surcharges, Foster, 8-21-09
- Activists: GOP Out of Touch with the Internet's New Media, Kouri, 8-14-09
- House Set to Vote on Fast-Tracked "Food-Safety" Bill, Foster, 7-28-09
- Americans Skeptical Over Obama's Health Care, Kouri, 7-21-09
- Climate Bill Spells "Skyrocketing" Energy Rates, Unemployment, Foster, 7-14-09
- Obama's Immigration Plan a Threat to Americans' Safety, Kouri, 7-12-09
- A.G. to Classify Pro-Life, Pro-Gun, Americans as Terrorists, Kouri, 7-5-09
- Victory: Texas Governor Vetoes "Take Away Your Child Act", Foster, 6-24-09
- Government Report Faults US Gun Owners for Mexico's Violence, Kouri, 6-21-09
- Coalition Asks TX. Governor to Veto "Take Away Your Child Act", Foster, 6-18-09
- EPA to Institute Oppressive Tax & Control Plan for Farmers, Kouri, 6-14-09
- Feds to Imprison Thousands on Tax Charges, Kouri, 6-7-09
- Increase in Unmarried Childbearing: US & Other Countries, Kouri, 5-24-09
- Congressman: Janet Napolitano Disgraceful, Kouri, 5-17-09
- Federal Govn't. to Regulate the Internet & Social Networking, Kouri, 5-9-09
- New Hate Crimes Bill Criminalizes Words and Thoughts, Kouri, 5-3-09
- US Measles Cases Result of Unbridled Immigration, Kouri, 4-26-09
- Grants Pass Oregon Tea Party a Huge Success, Jorgensen, 4-22-09
- Obama Administration Targets Conservatives and War Vets, Kouri, 4-15-09
- GOP Congresswoman Warns About Americorp, Foster, 4-13-09
- Federal Government Turning Citizens into Criminals, Kouri, 4-10-09
- Tax Day Tea Parties Spreading Across Oregon, Jorgensen, 4-8-09
- Obama Hijacking US Census 4-5-09
- Human Subjects Research Vulnerable to Unethical Manipulation 3-28-09
- Obama, Congress Again Push Amnesty for Illegal Aliens 3-25-09
- Will Congress Wipe Out Home Gardens, Growers Markets? 3-23-09
- Child Support Collections from Federal Income Tax Refunds 3-15-09
- GOP Conference: Influenza Pandemic Life Threatening 3-11-09
- News Media Cover Up Identity of Chandra Levy's Murderer 3-4-09
- Obama's plans for gun control 3-2-09
- Individual States Declaring Sovereignty 2-23-09
- USA Tomorrow Newspaper Ponzi Scheme Uncovered 2-18-09
- Liberals, Socialists Want to Ban Ammo 2-16-09
- Conservatives Say Gov't. Health Care Will Literally Kill You 2-12-09
- New Continental Congress to Meet in Philadelphia 2-8-09
- Is the US Government Preparing to Send Dissenters to Prison Camps? 2-5-09
- Lawmakers Seek New Gun Legislation: Ammo Control Laws 1-26-09
- Five Dead, 450 ill from Contaminated Peanut Butter 1-20-09
- Secret Police? Obama Selects Dirty Trickster Panetta to Head the CIA 1-10-09
- Ohio AG Dept. & State's Top Cop Sued For Food Co-Op Raid 1-7-09
- The Global Poverty Act: Redistributing America's Wealth 1-6-09
- Obama Appoints Biotech Industriess’ Vilsack as Agriculture Secretary 1-3-09
- Just an "Uneventful Execution" of a Search Warrant 12-23-08
- Bush and Lawmakers Sneak a National DNA Databank into Existence 12-22-08
- UN Security Council Authorizes Violation of Nations' Sovereignty 12-18-08
- Grassroots Activists Derail Ohio Con-Con Resolution 12-15-07
- Army Brigades Train for Homeland Response Mission 12-13-08
- Immigration Group Offers Roadmap for Reform in the New Admn. 12-10-08
- FDA Provides Few Details On Its Food Protection Plan 12-3-08
- Washington State Voters legalize Physician-Assisted Suicide 11-24-08
- Global Push to Create Multi-National Spy Agency 11-15-08
- Lawsuit Continues Over Obama's Birth Records 11-10-08
- Obama and ACORN Officials Set Sights on Gunowners 11-8-08
- Will the Next US President Be Unconstitutional? 10-30-08
- Freedom Watch Attorney Serves Complaint on OPEC Oil Minister 10-25-08
- Financial Crisis Leading to One-World Socialism? 10-19-08
- Presidential Candidate Chuck Baldwin to Hold Rally in Medford, OR. 10-13-08
- Ron Paul Supporters Mistreated During RNC Convention 9-8-08
- OR. Republicans & Democrats team up to end third party competition 8-25-08
- Mexican Soldiers Invade US; Capture Border Agent at Gunpoint 8-10-08
- Rampant Voter Fraud by Illegal Aliens Ignored by Gov't. and Media 7-25-08
- Judicial Watch sues US gov't. on behalf of imprisoned Ramos & Campean 7-20-08
- Eighteen Deaths Linked to Gardasil Vaccine Report Claims 7-17-08
- Man Sues Publishers Over Bible Verses Condemning Homosexuality 7-14-08
- Americans Will Be Taxed for Their Carbon Emissions 7-7-08
- Healthcare Report: Americans Paying More for Less 7-3-08
- Not to Offend Lesbians, Father's Day Banned in Scottish Schools 6-27-08
- Military commander advocated testing new weapons on Americans first 6-25-08
- House Members Expand Federal Police Powers in Sweeping New Bill 6-23-08
- NV. Rancher Awarder Millions in Decades Old Property Rights Dispute 6-17-08
- Oregon Legislature Continues to Erode the Fourth Amendment 6-2-08
- Democrat Senators Attempting to Pass Stealth Amnesty Program 5-28-08
- FCC Rule Endangers Conservative Talk Radio 5-25-08
- Conservatives to Obama: Don't Bring Socialism to Oregon 5-12-08
- Farm Animal Production Poses Dangerous Risks to US Public Health 5-8-08
- Pastor Chuck Baldwin Gets Constitution Party Presidential Nod 5-3-08
- The CDC'S Deadly Mistakes Exposed by Infection Expert 4-23-08
- Critics: Feds and Media Stoking Up Repeat of WACO 4-12-08
- County Commissioner Targeted by Corrupt Political Machine 4-8-08
- Obama's UN Sanctioned Global Tax Plan 4-1-08
- A New Oregon Law Hitler Would be Proud of 3-20-08
- North American Military Agreement Signed by US and Canada 3-11-08
- Mercenaries Training US Local Police Officers 3-7-08
- Judges Want to Terminate Family's Homeschooling Rights 3-5-08
- US Vaccine Maker Target of Homicide Investigation 3-3-08
- Internet Troller Attempts to Silence NewsWithViews 2-28-08
- Adverse Reactions and Deaths Linked to Botox Use 2-18-08
- Toledo Mayor Tells Marines "No" to Urban Warfare Training in City 2-14-08
- Walgreens Fouls up on Prescription Order 2-11-07
- Another Republican Busted for Sex Crime with Minor 2-5-08
- Another FEMA Scandal Brewing in Washington 2-4-08
- House Pets the Biggest Victims of US Economic Woes 1-29-08
- Secret Gov't. Report Describes Armed Campaigns by Mexican Militia 1-21-08
- CAL. Gov't. Officials to Control Private Homes' Thermostats 1-16-08
- Supreme Court: ESA Can Be Trumped 1-14-08
- Senator John McCain Accused of Selling Out Law Enforcement 1-11-08
- Bush Turns Green with New Legislation 1-8-08
- Midst of Presidential Race Lawmakers Pull Fast One on Americans 1-6-08
- "Fair & Balanced" Network Limits Choice 1-2-08
- Law Enforcement Hampered by Sanctuary City Advocates 12-12-07
- Children and Adults Exposed to Killer Chemicals 12-7-07
- Judge Blackmails Parents Over Immunizing Their Children 11- 19-07
- Nation's Cops Applaud Presidential Candidate Ron Paul 11-14-07
- Illegal Aliens Jeopardize Biosecurity of US Food Service Industry 11-8-07
- President Bush Seeks UN Jurisdiction Over USA 11-3-07
- Internationalists Gaining Influence Over US Law 10-27-07
- Pandemic Protocols May Prove Worse Than the Disease 10-23-07
- Bush Treating Terrorists Better Than Imprisoned Border Agents 10-19-07
- Prediction Now Reality: "Moms & Dads" Banned in California Schools 10-15-07
- Lawmakers Pander to Radical Feminists with Taxpayer Money 10-12-07
- Mexican Gov't. Reveals Plans for Trans North America Corridor 10-8-07
- Social Chaos Imposed by Politicians; So Where Are the Pastors? 10-7-07
- NWV Columnist to Appear at California Tax Freedom Rally 10-5-07
- Gov't. School Officials Attack Christian Traditions to Pacify Muslims 10-1-07
- North American Union Debate to Begin in Congress 9-27-07
- Incestuous Pedophilia Promoted by German Government 9-20-07
- Public School Assignment Has Students Renounce US Citizenship 9-18-07
- Florida Microchipping Alzheimer's patients Despite Cancer risks 9-16-07
- Bush Favors UN Influence Over American Healthcare and Law 9-4-07
- ICE Agents Secretly Reassigned by President Bush 8-30-07