Obama, Not Trump, is the Real Russian Agent

By Cliff Kincaid

March 1, 2025

On the eve of Ukraine President Zelensky’s arrival in Washington, D.C. to sign an economic deal with the United States, a prominent supporter of the anti-communist country has unleashed a bizarre attack on President Trump, repeating mostly old and discredited charges that there is a “possibility” he is a Russian agent.

Dr. Alexander J. Motyl, a professor of political science at Rutgers University-Newark, has attacked a president who has done far more for Ukraine’s survival against Russia than Joe Biden, Barack Hussein Obama, and Bill Clinton ever did. The economic deal guarantees America’s involvement in Ukraine, which is not a security arrangement but comes close.

Motyl, a painter as well as pundit, has demonstrated his passionate support for Ukraine’s defensive war for survival with his exhibition of drawings titled, “Ukraine in Ruins,” which depicts central Kyiv in ruins as a result of actions by the Soviets in 1941-1942, along with Ukraine in ruins in 2022-2023 as a result of Russia’s full-scale war.

What he does not understand is that those ruins are mostly the result of President Barack Hussein Obama’s disarmament policies and that Trump is the one U.S. president who helped Ukraine survive the Russian invasion which began in 2014 under Obama.

In an article for The Hill newspaper, picked up by the Drudge report, Motyl cites reported claims by three former KGB operatives over the years that Trump is a Russian agent or asset but admits none has provided any evidence. He goes on to say “…but the fact that three KGB agents located in different places and speaking at different times agree on the story suggests this possibility should not be dismissed out of hand.”

The Hill is a property of Nexstar Media Group, which says “We are committed to producing local and national news content that is fact-based, unbiased, and meets the highest standards of journalistic integrity.”

It’s difficult to see how Motyl’s article meets those standards.

One way of looking at his article is to conclude that opponents of Trump have launched another campaign to undermine Trump at a sensitive time in the Russia-Ukraine negotiations. In this case, the charges could easily backfire on Ukraine and its supporters.

If the charges had any credibility, wouldn’t they have been cited by the FBI’s investigation of Trump, known as Crossfire Hurricane, that came to be known as Russia-gate? Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s follow-up probe, estimated to have cost nearly $32 million in total, produced no evidence of a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia, no evidence that Trump or his people obstructed the investigation, and certainly no evidence that Trump himself was a Russian agent.

While Trump is currently pursuing a break with the Atlantic Alliance, Europe, and NATO that may serve Russian interests if not handled correctly, he is doing so in the belief that his “America First” policy requires a change in direction and emphasis in foreign affairs. However, his economic deal with Ukraine means that U.S. support for the country will continue in some fashion and that the country will have the resources to continue to buy weapons.

The Motyl article looks at various charges, including from an alleged former KGB officer who “recently claimed in a Facebook post that Donald Trump was recruited by the KGB in 1987, when the 40-year-old real-estate mogul first visited Moscow.”

It seems strange, to say the least, that such a charge would surface on Facebook. It could have been planted. But by whom?

Even anti-Trump outlets were dubious. A left-wing “fact-checker” debunked  the charge, saying the KGB agent’s on-line biographies contradict his claim, while the left-wing Daily Beast ran with the admittedly “unfounded” story and then deleted it.

I had scheduled a recorded interview with Motyl to discuss the article but he cancelled at the last minute.

It is likely the Russians are at it again and that Motyl is embarrassed over his poorly-sourced hit piece on Trump.

Justice Department Special Counsel John Durham’s review of the Russia investigations had discovered that Russians originated the idea that Trump was a Russian agent and provided the “disinformation” in the so-called Steele dossier which drove the FBI investigation of Trump and his associates. That is the document which claimed that Russia had video of Trump watching prostitutes urinate in a hotel suite.

Steele was the last name of former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele, a “confirmed socialist” in college at Oxford when he was hired by MI6, another point of suspicion for someone who would be dispatched to Moscow as a spy and later serve as head of the Russian desk at MI6.

Durham states that “it appears the FBI never gave appropriate consideration to the possibility that the intelligence [Igor] Danchenko was providing to Steele — which, again, according to Danchenko himself, made up a significant majority of the information in the Steele Dossier reports – was, in whole or in part, Russian disinformation.”

Igor Danchenko, who had Russian citizenship and an American green card, was a senior research analyst in the Foreign Policy Program at the Brookings Institution with high-level contacts in the U.S. Intelligence Community.

The term “disinformation” means that it was deliberately released to confuse and mislead people.

FBI officials may have been so anti-Trump that they were willing to use Russian disinformation to paint Trump as a Russian agent. In other words, Russian agents or sympathizers in the FBI knew the information was false and therefore disinformation and used it anyway. It may ultimately mean that Crossfire Hurricane was a Russian “active measures” operation using communist disinformation and propaganda from the beginning. Their objective was to undermine the Trump presidency, at a time when Trump was trying to save and help Ukraine.

Remember that FBI counterintelligence special agent Robert P. Hanssen was a Soviet/Russian mole inside the bureau. His record of treason spanned 22 years, from 1979 to 2001. Robert S. Mueller, the Russia-gate special counsel, became FBI director after Hanssen was caught. Mueller then failed to reform the bureau to catch future spies.

If supporters of Ukraine want to look for blame for the nation’s predicament, they would be wise not to cite unsubstantiated allegations against Trump but rather examine the role played by then-President Barack Hussein Obama, who was among a group of high-level officials, according to the Durham report, briefed on the plan to frame Trump as a Russian agent.

Consider the fact that when Senator Barack Hussein Obama was running for the presidency, the FBI raised no concerns about his relationship with Frank Marshall Davis, who was not only a communist suspected of being a Soviet espionage agent but a pornographer who wrote a semi-biographical novel about having sex with a 13-year-old girl. He mentored Obama for as many as nine years of his young life in Hawaii.

We obtained and posted the FBI file on Davis.

Our report on Obama’s mysterious trip to Russia and Eastern Europe in 2005 when he was a Senator reveals that Obama’s passport was briefly confiscated and examined by Russian authorities. We know that Obama then negotiated a treaty with Russia called the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.

In a 2017 interview with Reuters, Trump called the pact “one-sided” in favor of Russia and commented that it was “Just another bad deal that the country made” under Obama.

Professor Paul Kengor, the author of a book on Davis, The Communist,  told me during an interview at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) that while he has been appalled by some of Trump’s comments on Zelensky and Putin, Trump “is probably the only person in the world who could mediate right now” between them and suggested watching Trump’s actions rather than his statements.

Kengor noted that Putin “behaved himself” while Trump was office during his first term and that Putin invaded Crimea in 2014 when Obama was president. He added, “Then in February of 2022, a year after Trump leaves office and about 6 or 7 months after Biden pulled troops out of Afghanistan, what does he (Putin) do? Not only does he invade the Ukraine but he invaded Kyiv, which was shocking. He behaved badly when Trump was out of office and behaved much better when Trump was in office. He does seem to respect Trump.”

This means, contrary to what Motyl insinuates, that Obama and Biden were doing far more for Moscow than Trump. That is the objective reality.

It was Obama, in addition to Democrat President Bill Clinton, who disarmed Ukraine before the first invasion of 2014. Mark W. Smith’s book, What the Ukraine War Teaches Americans About the Right to Bear Arms, explains what then-Senator Obama did to Ukraine when he engineered its destruction of weapons stockpiles that included artillery, anti-aircraft weapons plus small arms and ammunition. Obama worked with globalist Republican Senator Richard Lugar in this effort.

If Ukraine had modernized the nuclear weapons it had inherited from the old Soviet Union and changed the launch codes in their favor rather than Moscow’s, it is entirely possible even probable that Russia would never have invaded in 2014. But President Bill Clinton signed an agreement, the Budapest Memorandum, to send the weapons to Russia, and Ukraine agreed. It was not a treaty that obligated the U.S. to come to Ukraine’s defense.

History shows that Clinton and Obama disarmed Ukraine and then, when Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014, Obama failed to send the Ukrainians the arms they needed to defend themselves.

Reversing Obama’s policy in 2018, the Trump administration approved a plan to sell anti-tank weapons known as Javelin missiles to Ukraine.

This is hardly the behavior of a Russian agent. If anything, the evidence suggests Obama was the Russian agent whose Russian handlers or controllers then instructed him to initiate the campaign to frame the incoming President Trump as a Russian agent.

In the Hill article, Motyl raises the possibility that Putin is behind the new KGB charges against Trump. “But he surely has no interest in undermining a president who supports his policies toward Ukraine, NATO and Europe,” he says. With such a statement, he exhibits gross ignorance of how Obama’s Russia-gate plot emerged from Russian disinformation and was designed to weaken and destroy the Trump presidency.

It was Trump who rescued Ukraine from the policies of the Democratic Party that led to the 2022 Russian full-scale invasion and that explains why the Russians were out to destroy him. He is Ukraine’s best and only hope at this juncture.

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