Oregon’s High-Minded Muddle

By Dennis Linthicum, Oregon State Senator

December 23, 2023

I’ve been off-line for a while because I ran straight into the voracious appetite of the Censorship Industrial Complex’s very own information shredder – OMNIVORE –

There was never any violation of the so-called: Acceptable Use Policy! Although, I have been adamant about the need for holding government to account with regard to CxVid, I never made false claims or tried to sell any products, other than TRUTH. Yet, because my Newsletter referred to CxVid. And… in my next breath I mentioned the high possibility of fraXd. That was enough to get my account served up to Omnivore. This is nothing less than government control over what speech is acceptable and what is not. (… No, this isn’t just a private company exercising their private contract rights.)

This is the start of a very dangerous trend.

Oregon’s own Secretary of State is trying the same tactic. Several of us have filed a Motion for a Preliminary Injunction to immediately halt the unConstitutional practice being implemented by RFP 7470 with regard to MDM (Mis-, Dis-, Mal-Information.)
Who, exactly, will define what is Mis-information? Dis-information, or Mal-information? The government, apparently.

These guys can’t define a woman and don’t know the difference between a heifer and a bull-calf. They have totally screwed up our education and criminal justice systems, increased homelessness, poverty, and drug abuse, and put the economy into the ditch. So, why not give them control of our thoughts, speech and language too?

Most people I encounter, as I travel about Oregon, raise questions about government overreach. They are anxious to share their opinions about this danger and the potential for tragedy.

We see government growing. We see more programs with dreamy titles and no meat on the bones. Proficiency tests are no longer used in Oregon for students to graduate.

We have gone from STEM to NM, or from Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math to Never-Mind for a High-school diploma. Our tax dollars are being wasted by agencies and bureaucrats and many programs negatively influence children by filling them with the state’s propaganda instead of skills they can use.

Whether these actors are elected office holders, executive appointees, agency directors or only members of the bureaucratic army, everyone is just doing their job. They are happy to be employed. They don’t want to be cancelled. It’s better to keep your mouth shut than get into trouble. Everyone seems to be happy doing their job, doing the bidding from higher up…

But isn’t this the universal tragedy of big government? Isn’t this exactly why the USSR collapsed? Hasn’t this been the tragedy of all dictatorial rulers, across all time and history?

This is not a modern problem. It is not a new dilemma. It is the same old gigantic problem that has always faced mankind. It is a universal evil. It is a giant so big and dark, so omnipresent, and so filled with lust that its overreach can contaminate every aspect of life.

In Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago he recalls:

“[It was while I] … lay there on rotting prison straw that I sensed within myself the first stirrings of good. Gradually it was disclosed to me that the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either, but right through every human heart, and through all human hearts.”

This is how so many are easily bought. Everyone is just hungry. Hungry and worried about their families’ futures, their health and their well-being. Solzhenitsyn points out that there is only a thin-line between right and wrong and that distinction is not based on your political affiliation, or your national heritage. There are no tribes here, only people. The moral hazards we face can entangle anyone willing to deny Truth.

In our Founders’ era, people commonly understood that, “TRUTH may be burnt alive, but never dies.” In other words, it always prevails, there is no denying what is True.

Yet today’s academics advance new definitions that promote petty distinctions without any differences, except now everyone is confused, like the heifer-bull. They end up muddling Truth with falsehood. Unfortunately, this muddle gets picked up by media and broadcast about until finally a handful of dim-witted advocates for vice and villainy will try to teach this high-minded muddle to our kids.

Truth must be sought, respected, and obeyed. Otherwise, lives will become materialistic nightmares as people greedily receive the rewards flowing from their respective bosses. People will get sucked into the false sense of happiness by doing something immoral or wrong-headed because their boss made a request.

So, the real question is, “Who is the boss?”

John Adams, in Thoughts on Government (1776) helps us sort this out:

“Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it.”

So, all the above referenced actors, whether accidental, coincidental or purposeful, become one grand collusion team and their behavior plays a pivotal role in enabling state tyranny over the people.

Our responsibility is to advance Truth and Liberty – not empower the state, fund wasteful programs or protect diabolical state actors.
Best Regards,

Dennis Linthicum
Oregon State Senate – District 28

© 2023 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum: d4linthicum@gmail.com