Our Finest Hour

Dennis Linthicum

July 5, 2024

On June 18, 1940, Winston Churchill addressed the British – House of Commons with one of his most famous speeches, the legendary “Finest Hour” speech. It is one of the most inspiring and uplifting speeches of our modern era. Churchill made the claim that,

“Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization. Upon it depends our own British life, and the long continuity of our institutions and our Empire. The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us. … If we can stand up … , all Europe may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands.

“But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science.

“Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, ‘This was their finest hour.'”

I see similarities with our current age and the dilemma before us. Will we show steadfast courage and bravery while bringing Truth, Goodness and Mercy with us into the battle for our American values and culture? Or, will we, “sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science”?

Here’s a quick layout of a practical battle plan that can provide us with victory.

We need to raise up an army of citizens who realize that they have a right, a duty, an obligation to put an end to the tax, spend, rule and regulate crowd of administrative bureaucrats that are playing games with our futures.

In the May Primary, there were 456,000 registered Republicans, who did not vote. Additionally, there are nearly 1.3 million unaffiliated or minor party voters who lean conservative but could not vote for partisan candidates. These conservative, patriotic, and traditionally-minded voters are tired of being blown about and tossed around by the glamorous winds of the well-moneyed and powerful political elites.

Taxpayers sent more than 3 million people a Voters’ Pamphlet. Then, we sent them all a personal engagement letter (i.e., a ballot) that already had a stamp on it!

Yet, nearly seventy-five percent of these people did not vote.

These are people in our communities whose voices we need to harness. They are the silent watchers; they don’t like the turmoil and perhaps feel their voices don’t count. Other than funny cat or grandkid videos, they rarely use social media. They are waiting for us to step forward and on a personal level engage them as real, sincere people.

We can win votes their without spending like members of the Democrat Party because we don’t need to buy votes. We are offering what people really want – Smaller government, Lower taxes, Fewer rules and regulations – more Freedom.

This is really just common-sense and believe me, on county-by-county basis this is very do-able. Look at the following numbers; look at the turnout in your county. How do we reach these people?

Here’s one way you can help: Attached is a one-page, single-sided PDF flyer that you can use, print, and distribute at fairs, events and upcoming Independence Day parades. You might even choose to print off 10 copies to handout in your neighborhood.

Every day we are faced with making intelligent choices – How much does it cost? What time should I leave to get to Grandma’s on time? How should I plan my errands, where should my first stop be? Should we eat out tonight, or should I cook at home?

All of these examples take place in what I call the miracle of the free-market. These are all choices that we can freely make; it’s on us, on our dime; it’s our choice – BBQ-chicken or meatloaf.

Unfortunately, most of the people we’ll see everyday around in the grocery store or on the street aren’t paying attention to politics. They want to live their lives and be left alone. Many people seem to have been suckered into complacency by big government programs and proponents who have created the big problems plaguing our state and nation.

The wide-open drug culture, rising homelessness, unbelievable home prices, and rampant metro-area crime didn’t explode on us accidentally. These first-world horrors have been ushered into our communities straight from left-field. The socialist-left has brought uncertainty into our lives by destroying the vocabulary we have traditionally used to deal with Truth.

In turn, the personal decision-making skills which people use for determining their own success has been supplanted with a confused and docile mind. Those in authority are banking on this confusion to continue their deception and rob each of us of our hope, our motivation, and our independence. But don’t worry they promise to keep us safe as our complacency forges the chains of our daily existence.

To counter this, Republican Liberty-lovers, have a worldview that champions objective truth, moral ethics, natural law, reason, science, individual liberty, personal responsibility and virtue. A worldview without coercion and where choices actually make a difference.

This is what is needed to win the minds of those conservative leaning voters. We can offer them engaging arguments about the moral superiority of free-market solutions vs. more government intrusions being forced into their private lives.

Our worldview isn’t based on Statism, it is based on Liberty.

Reject the Democrat Majority’s Grip on our lives, businesses and property!

Help me organize the new Secretary of State’s office to:

Reclaim every citizen’s God-given Right to Free-Speech and Privacy.
Terminate the censorship and monitoring of social media outlets.
Secure Transparent, Honest, Fair, and Secure Elections.
Remove Propaganda from the IP (Initiative Petition) process so that citizens rightly understand proposed ballot measures
Audit Executive Agency and Departmental spending and overreach.
Restore Common-sense to the Land-Use Board and the State Sustainability Board.
Bring Back Accountability and Transparency

Sure, this PDF isn’t a glossy palm-card, but times are tough, inflation is high and we can each manage a few sheets of paper. So please, feel free to print out this flyer and distribute at your events throughout the summer and fall.

Again, thank you for your continued support – Your help and efforts will secure our success in Oregon!

Here’s some more information about me and my candidacy:

Election Website
April 16, Video of Oregonian interview
A series of newsletters on election integrity

Your support is vital and
your VOTE is appreciated!

Best Regards,

Dennis Linthicum
Oregon State Senate – District 28

© 2024 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum: sen.DennisLinthicum@gmail.com