Our leaders are insane

I hate conspiracy theories. Lizard People. Annunaki from Orion. The guy around the corner posing as a retired pogo stick designer, when in reality he manipulates human history from his laptop.

But what am I to make of this? Agatha Christie wrote it in 1927: “The worldwide unrest, the labor troubles that beset every nation, and the revolutions that break out in some… [T]here is a force behind the scenes which aims at nothing less than the disintegration of civilization” (Christie, “The Big Four,” 1927).

I would answer her, “But it’s not behind the scenes—it’s right out in the open. We see it every day. We know who these people are, who are destroying our civilization. They tell us what they mean to do, and then they try to do it.”

A recent example: unnoticed amid the Superbowl hoopla, the brass hats at the Pentagon—aka bootlicking yes-men of the president—ordered all commanders, from now on, to “prioritize Climate Change” in all military plans and operations.

How do we even work out what that means? Can it possibly mean that, in case of a life-and-death military emergency, the commanding officer is supposed to sit there and try to calculate the “climate change impact” of defensive measures?

But we do have a “president” who insists that Climate Change/Global Warming is the No. 1 national security threat facing America.

This is crazy. It is criminally insane. And there sits Congress mum as mummies and every bit as useful. The commander-in-chief is wack-wack-wacko and they just sit there. Maybe they’re nuts, too.

But this is nothing, compared to the collective craziness that has overtaken Western Europe.

One is forced to wonder: what do they imagine is the end game of all this Muslim immigration? What are we going to see when they’ve finally finished importing violent, lawless, rape-happy Muslims into Europe?

So what’s it gonna look like? If we were to go over to Syria, would we find the country empty? Or would it be ISIS still sitting pretty, still beheading victims because, for their purposes, any old victim will do, and laughing themselves silly at the chaos and the failure of the whole Western world? Will we find the Europeans still in Europe cowering in shelters, kow-towing to every passing imam?

I don’t know what Angela Merkel and Co. are hoping to accomplish. I really can’t imagine what her end game looks like. But it does seem obvious, based on what these leaders and thinkers say and do, that their dream, their end game, has national borders abolished everywhere and a global government with themselves in charge of it.

You can’t call it a conspiracy when it’s done right under your nose in plain sight, with the bad guys, the Soros-Obama-Kerry crowd, writing papers and giving speeches about how the time for global governance has come, publicly bragging about how clever they’ve been in creating crises and using them to prod the world toward their micromanaged utopia.

Thing is, there are sane and even common-sense answers to these “problems.” Answers no one wants to talk about.

Would there be a Syrian refugee problem, if Syria were not allowed to be a hell-hole? What if all the civilized countries of the West acted together to exterminate ISIS, get rid of the Assads, and create a protectorate over Syria, where the military might of the advanced nations would be used to prevent anyone from turning the place into a hell-hole ever again. Then no one from Syria would have to flee to Europe, right?

Is there any sane reason for thinking that people who have turned their own country into a slaughterhouse will calm down and be nice in any other country? Why are the people of Europe forced to pay the price for their leaders’ fantasies?

But our American leaders are just itchin’ to do the same to us.

Because they’re crazy.

2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved