Our Public Belief System—Really?

The Roman Empire didn’t care what your personal religious beliefs were, as long as you publicly worshiped the emperor as a god. Christians couldn’t do this, so they were persecuted.

Here in our own time and place, an employee of the Augusta, Maine, school district was punished recently for telling another employee, in a private conversation, “I will pray for you”. That this was part of a private conversation between two members of the same church cut no ice with school officials.

The employee was “coached,” whatever that means, never to use “phrases that integrate public and private belief systems.”

Does America have a public belief system, like ancient Rome? You’d think the First Amendment to the Constitution, supposedly the law of the land, would forbid it: “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion…” How can one be punished for violating some public belief system that legally cannot exist?

So what is this sacrosanct public belief system? Who established it, how did they do it, and when?

You can search all over the Internet for the answers to those questions and never find them. At last I consulted the American Civil Liberties Union website.

Here the ACLU exhorts you to “become a freedom fighter” and “Take a stand for what you believe in.” Well, that sounds promising—but wait. On the same page, you are also urged to “push back against xenophobia” and “fight relentless attacks on reproductive freedom.” So if you believe in securing America’s borders, or believe that babies should be born instead of killed, I don’t think they want you standing up for those beliefs. If you do, watch out.

This still doesn’t tell us exactly what our public belief system consists of, so I went on to look elsewhere. Maybe some actor could tell us what it is. Being an actor is almost as good as being an ACLU lawyer.

I read an interview with a British actor. His name is not important; let us call his name Legion, because there are so many just like him (Mark 5:9). Asked what makes him angry, he promptly replied, “Religion!” Because, you see, if only there were no religion, the whole world would be a never-ending feast of peace, prosperity, wisdom, and social justice. I don’t think the ACLU or the Augusta school district would argue with that.

One begins to suspect that this public belief system, found not only in America but throughout the Western world, at the very least consists of support for abortion, borderless countries that aren’t really countries anymore but simply multicultural flophouses, and an absence of “religion.” Of course, it would be racist and unforgivably non-multicultural to complain about non-Christian religions, like Islam, so what they really mean when they invoke “separation of church and state” is the dis-establishment of Christianity. Somehow the Constitution’s prohibition of establishment of religion morphs into a requirement to dis-establish Christianity. And they go about it zealously.

As for who put this in place while the rest of us slept, or went about our own business peaceably, obviously it wasn’t Congress. Who needs Congress, when we’ve got leftist judges and lawyers, leftist schools and universities, motor-mouthed actors and celebrities, sneaky little bureaucrats that no one voted for, and a whopping great mass of left-wing nooze media? Any act of Congress would merely be an afterthought, and totally unnecessary.

They won’t throw you into the arena to be eaten by lions or killed by gladiators. Instead, they’ll give you “coaching,” “sensitivity training,” or simply take away your job. Mockery and public vilification are also on the menu. Boil it down to one word—a word that they’re particularly fond of: bullying. That’s what they accuse us of doing whenever we “take a stand for what you believe in.”

What they demand is that *we* take a stand for what *they* believe in. No other stand will be allowed.

Will there ever come a time when we’ve had enough of this, and send these people packing? They told us we couldn’t possibly elect a president, but we did.

Maybe the next impossible thing we do is just around the corner. God grant it be so.

I have discussed this topic and others throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Please stop in and visit! A single click will take you there.

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