Paper Ballots are Not Enough
By Lex Greene
March 3, 2025
Election fraud has been around as long as elections have been around, long before anyone dreamed up electronic voting machines. 244-years into the grand experiment of freedom and self-governance in our Constitutional Republican form of government, the 2020 elections set a worldwide record in massive election fraud, on a level never before seen on earth.
No one has done more or risked more, to uncover and expose the 2020 fraud than Mike Lindell and his Lindell Offense Fund. But the courts ran blockers at every turn.
But 80% of that fraud in 2020 took place via “paper balloting.” Hundreds of Americans, doing the job government officials, news media and the courts are supposed to do, uncovered literally dozens of methods used to steal the 2020 elections. Over a hundred law suits were filed across the country in an effort to bring indisputable evidence into court to expose exactly what had been done. But not a single court in the country allowed any evidence to enter a courtroom.
The fraud was absolutely blatant!
In 2016, Trump won the Presidency via the Electoral College, with under 129-million Americans voting. In 2020, Trump received an astounding 11-million more votes than he received in 2016, a whopping 18% increase in voter support for reelection, an increase never before seen in the USA for a second term.
But suddenly in 2020, the overall number of voters leaped from under 129-million to over 155-million voters counted and certified. In many blue districts across the country, the states “certified” more votes than they had registered voters. 80% of the fraud was via “paper ballot” … due to “COVID emergency” mail-in voting, dropbox voting, and ballot harvesting.
The overall number of certified Presidential ballots jumped by over 26-million ballots between 2016 and 2020. The numbers were statistically impossible and every intelligent person knew it. The 26-million overvote ballots were never verified, or even verifiable. But they were all counted and certified by Congress and the “steal” was in effect for a 3rd Obama term under the guise of a totally corrupt and inept Biden Presidency.
Machine Fraud Too!
What was basically happening is two foundational forms of cheating. The cheating via “paper ballots” described above, but also Electronic Voting Machine fraud as well. In blue districts, the flood of unverifiable paper ballots dumped into the system before, during, and after election day, guaranteed a Democrat Party victory in those areas, even though the Democrat candidate never even campaigned.
But in red districts, where democrats could not use paper ballot dumping to manipulate the outcome of the election, electronic machine manipulations were used to switch votes from Trump to Biden in a calculated software program designed to move votes from one candidate to the other via “fractional” vote counting. There’s no such thing as a 1.3 vote, or a .7 vote, one-person…one vote, remember. Yet that’s what was discovered, a vote for Trump was counted as a fractional .7 vote while a vote for Biden was counted as a 1.3 vote, as an example.
Electronic Election Equipment was purchased and used from foreign companies with foreign interests. Even electronic election tabulating was being done via outside contracts with foreign companies and governments abroad, with the votes tabulated overseas, the results sent back to the USA after manipulation. The tricks used are numerous, and citizen groups across the country were investigating and seeing it all in real-time, but the courts rejected every effort to expose the evidence, along with the news media.
Then in 2024, people working together to prevent the fraud succeeded in preventing approximately 3-million fraudulent votes, bringing the overall voter tally from over 155-million in 2020 back down to 152-million ballots counted in 2024.
Another 3.5-million votes counted for Biden in 2020, were cast for Trump in 2024, providing a 7-million vote swing in Trump’s favor between 2020 and 2024, making Trump the most popular President in U.S. history. Trump won the popular vote, the Electoral College, all seven swing states and 83% of the counties across the country.
True Accountability is the ONLY Solution
You can talk about paper ballots, same day voting, voter ID, and hand counts from now until hell freezes over, and you will not have stopped fraud in our elections. It has always been “illegal” for any “non-citizen” to vote in U.S. elections. Yet you have state governments working around the clock to make sure that who is voting in their elections, or how many times, is hidden from public view via illegal anti-American election procedures.
There’s only ONE WAY to stop states from actively administering fraudulent elections.
An election which is not “verifiable” can’t be “certifiable.” No longer can we allow states to “certify” election results that they can’t or won’t “verify.”
The burden of proof should never have been placed upon American citizens to prove that election fraud exists in our elections. Instead, the burden of proof must be placed upon the government officials who took an oath to make sure our elections are lawful, legitimate and transparent.
Unless every state can transparently “verify” their elections in broad daylight, we cannot continue to accept a “certification” from that state. We have constitutional “checks and balances” in our system. The Electoral College is supposed to be a critical “check and balance” to prevent fraudulent elections from being certified, determining the course of the nation. Electors are not locked into casting their final ballot for the candidate they originally declared for, if they believe the outcome of the election is faulty.
Bottom line, no state election certification should be accepted unless and until the state has demonstrated that every voter and every ballot has been properly “verified.” If a state can’t or won’t comply, then their election results shall not be certified at the federal level, period. The burden of proof is on the state officials.
This is why democrats are desperate to eliminate the Electoral College.
Congress is supposed to be another “check and balance.” Congress is not supposed to “certify” election results in the face of election fraud evidence, yet they have been. The Vice President, President of the Senate is yet another “check and balance” with the power and duty to stop the certification of faulty elections. Mike Pence continues to lie about what his power and duty was in 2020.
The U.S. Supreme Court is yet another “check and balance” there to prevent the certification of fraudulent elections. The news media, “the eyes and ears” of the American people, are still another “check and balance” that has done nothing but carry water for the massive government corruption for decades.
Last but not least, YOU, the American citizens are the final “check and balance.” If everyone who took an oath fails you, then it’s YOUR job to take care of business yourself and do it together, in active groups.
Would you allow any “unverified” doctor to work on you? Do you know how many “doctors” have gone to prison for practicing medicine with a fake certification on the wall, that in the end, couldn’t be verified?
Why would we allow our country to be run by “unverifiable” voters, just because corrupt political figures have been willing to “certify” unverifiable election results?
Know it or not, like it or not, a government elected by fraud is not a government of, by, or for the legal American electors, you, the citizens. It’s an overthrown government working against you.
Do you trust that same government to protect your elections?
Isn’t that a bit like expecting the fox to guard the henhouse? Are you familiar with CIS (Center for Internet Security)? Are you familiar with CIS oversight of our elections? Or the CIS “Albert System?” If not, look into it. The false claim that “the voting machines are not connected to the internet” has been repeated many times. But the CIS Albert System will not work unless the machines are networked.
Creating Confidence in the Connected World™
“At CIS®, we’re harnessing the power of the global IT community to safeguard public and private organizations against cyber threats.” How’s this going for you? How many times have you been hacked online?
What do you not understand about the “global IT community?” It’s not American citizens, working for American companies, or even the U.S. Government, who is controlling IT over our elections. It’s a “global IT community,” using foreign election machines and software from foreign companies with “global IT” support. It’s all established by the same people telling you they are concerned with “foreign intrusions into our elections.”
Like just about everything else in the USA under democrat leadership, even our elections have been “outsourced” to overseas entities.
“Russian interference” in our elections? Russia is about the only country that hasn’t been interfering in our elections. What about Barack Obama’s regime changes all over the Middle East and Ukraine? What about Barack Obama interfering in the French elections on behalf of President Emmanuel Macron?
Thou dost protest too much…
If you haven’t figured it out yet…everything the LEFT accuses the RIGHT of doing, the LEFT has been doing for decades, here and abroad. How about “Terror Finance at the State Department and USAID” all under the Democrat leadership, now working around the clock to prevent DOGE from exposing where your money has been going?
Guess who has been running the election fraud systems across the country? Yes, D.C. traitors with the help of democrat Governors, AG’s and State Secretaries…even democrat county election commissions, state party officials and County Clerks.
So… there is only ONE WAY to put an end to it all and that is true accountability.
From this point forward, no matter how the elections are run, if a state cannot “verify” its voters and election procedures as “free from fraud,” the “certification” of that election must be rejected by Congress and the Courts.
So long as there is no penalty for cheating in our elections, unlawful cheating and fraud will continue, no matter how you run the elections. The consequence of election fraud must be the disqualification of election results, stopping the certification of unverifiable elections, state-by-state.
Maybe then, the citizens of each state will confront their state leaders on the matter and clean up their own houses.
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