Pelosi, Biden, Clinton’s Money And Wheeling And Dealing
By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri
Even with the members of the nation’s elite news media covering up — or making excuses — for Democratic Party presidential hopeful Joe Biden, who served as Vice President for Obama’s two-terms, the story regarding Biden’s son’s history is a sore point as more and more Americans learn about Hunter Biden’s money-trail.
Hunter’s dishonorable Navy discharge, his DWI arrest record, his cocaine addiction, and his being hired by a Ukrainian energy company without any experience in energy technology, business administration or any other marketable skills is an example of what happened in the Democratic Party that helped in creating the “Washington, D.C, Swamp.
Not only did Paul Pelosi Jr. get paid thousands for a no-show job for which he wasn’t qualified in an effort to buy influence with his politician parent Nancy, but the same company that paid him is financially connected to the Clintons as well.
We reported yesterday that Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul is also on the board of an energy company.
Paul Pelosi Jr. also traveled to Ukraine support’s for his work.
AND — Better Yet — Speaker Nancy Pelosi even appears in the company’s video ad!
According to Patrick Howley at National File Speaker Pelosi’s son Paul Jr. was an executive at Viscoil.
Shortly after his mother Nancy Pelosi became the first woman speaker, Paul Pelosi Jr., was hired by InfoUSA for $180,000 a year as its vice president for Strategic Planning in 2007.
Pelosi kept his other full-time day job as a mortgage loan officer for Countrywide Loans in California. And, unlike all of the other InfoUSA employees, Paul Pelosi did not report to work at the company’s headquarters in Omaha.
It must be nice being the spawn of a powerful Democrat politician.
Newsmax reported on Paul Pelosi’s shady dealings in 2007:
Today we find out that the company that paid the younger Pelosi money for doing nothing is also connected to the Clintons. In a court ruling from 2008, the Clintons were benefactors of InfoUSA as well.
President Clinton was paid by InfoUSA for consulting arrangements from 2002 to 2005. Also, in 2002, Vinod Gupta granted options of the Company’s stock to former President Clinton, as a third-party consultant, without proper authorization and approval.
We also know from the far-left Washington Post that Gupta also gave between $1 and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation.
A man leaves India for Omaha with $58 in his pocket. He starts a company in 1972 that reaches peak revenue of $400 million, spends a night in the Lincoln bedroom, puts bill Clinton on its payroll, sails bill on his 80-foot yacht with an all-female crew, and flies Hillary Clinton to campaign events on his corporate jet.
And he’s as happy as a clam — despite getting sued by shareholders, being pushed out as CEO, incurring over $12 million in debts to settle shareholder lawsuits, and using insurance to pay $13 million to settle a lawsuit alleging that he sold his company — netting him $150 million for his 40% stake — at too low a price.
The man is Vinod Gupta, former CEO of INFOUSA, a company that built a database that marketers use to sell everything from consumer products to politicians.
According to the new York times, a 2006 lawsuit filed against gupta by disgruntled shareholders — Connecticut-based hedge funds, dolphin limited partnership and cardinal capital management — charged that bill Clinton and current presidential candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton, took a January 2002 family vacation to Acapulco on infauna’s private jet — costing the then-public company $146,866.
Gupta also financed a voyage for bill on American princess, the $3 million, 80-foot yacht with an all-female crew bought with infuse funds, according to the lawsuit.
He helped Hillary as well. In January 2004 infuse paid $18,480 — about $2,000 of which was reimbursed — to fly Mrs. Clinton “and her four-person entourage” to New York from New Mexico, where she had made a campaign appearance and attended a book signing, according to the lawsuit.
But that was only the tip of the iceberg. As the times wrote, “infuse paid Mr. Clinton more than $2 million for consulting services and spent almost $900,000 to fly him around the world for his presidential foundation work and to fly Mrs. Clinton to campaign events [when she was running for senate in New York].”
Patrick Howley@HowleyReporter
BOOM: Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. (who went to Ukraine in 2017) was a board member of Viscoil and executive at its related company NRGLab, which DID ENERGY Business in UKRAINE!
And Nancy Pelosi appeared in a promotional video for the company!
5:59 PM – Oct 3, 2019
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