President Bush: Islam Is The “Religion Of Peace And Tolerance”
One of the strangest and most misleading statements ever uttered by an American President occurred when George W. Bush described Islam as “a religion of peace and tolerance.” He was probably told to make that statement by his controllers who were busily planning the New World Order.
The true nature of Islam is found in the 109 verses of the Koran that demand war against all non-Muslims, or so-called “infidels.” Many verses are quite graphic, and command believers to sever heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be.
If Islam were subjected to the same scrutiny and historical standards by which the West is routinely judged and condemned –- based on such considerations as slavery, imperialism, warfare, intolerance and misogyny — the verdict would be devastating for Islam.
Some Westerners accept the notion that Islam is simply another monotheistic religion, and thus similar to Christianity and Judaism: They believe that Islam preaches the New Testament virtues of peace, love, and tolerance. Many are shocked or embarrassed to discover the bloody genesis of Islam and its history indicate otherwise.
Paying “lip service” to peace and tolerance may win over naïve infidels, but when every twelfth verse of the Koran speaks to Allah’s hatred of non-Muslims — or else calls for their death, forced conversion, or subjugation — it is little wonder that sympathy for terrorism and violence runs deeply in the broader Muslim community. Very few Muslims can bring themselves to roundly condemn Islamic terrorism.
Violence is so thoroughly a part of its religion that Islam has perpetually waged war, either with other religions or among its own factions. Moreover, Muslims who don’t join in Islam’s latest “Jihad” (holy war,) are called “hypocrites,” and warned that Allah will consign them to Hell if they don’t join the slaughter.
Except for a few rare instances where Islam has not massacred infidels within their domain, there is little else they can point to suggesting theirs is a peaceful or tolerant religion. Where Islam is dominant — as in the Middle East and Pakistan –- religious minorities usually suffer brutal persecution. Where Islam is in the minority — as in Thailand, the Philippines and Europe — there is often violence when their demands are not satisfied.
Whether Muslims are in the majority or the minority, either situation affords them a justification for religious terrorism, which is endemic to Islamic fundamentalism. Islam parades as a religion of peace when they do not have sufficient power and numbers on their side, just as violence and terrorism increase as their power and numbers increase.
Dr. Salah al-Sawy, the chief member of the Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America, stated in 2009 that “the Islamic community does not possess the strength to engage in offensive Jihad at this time.” His statement tacitly implies that an “offensive Jihad” is a legitimate option once Muslims DO achieve sufficient numbers in America.
Islam is the only religion that has to retain its membership by formally threatening to kill anyone who wants to leave the fold, much like the old Cosa Nostra used to do. Islam also teaches that non-Muslims are less than fully human, and by “dehumanizing” its enemies, it facilitates killing or terrorizing all infidels.
The Koran has few verses extolling the virtues of peace and tolerance to balance those calling for infidels to be fought and subdued until they are humiliated, converted to Islam, or killed. Muhammad’s own legacy, along with the remarkable emphasis on violence found in the Koran, have produced a trail of blood and tears across world history
Muhammad was himself a military leader, laying siege to towns, massacring their men, raping their women, and seizing the property of others. He often rejected offers of surrender from the besieged inhabitants and butchered those he captured. When his men had reservations about the manner in which they fought, he promised them slaves and booty if they fought and Hell if they did not.
The violent verses of the Koran have played a key role in many very real massacres and genocides. These include the brutal slaughter of tens of millions of Hindus across five centuries, beginning around 1000 AD with Mahmud of Ghazni’s bloody conquest. Both he and the later Tamerlane (Islam’s Genghis Khan) slaughtered an untold number who were merely defending their temples from destruction. As a consequence, Buddhism was very nearly wiped off the Indian subcontinent.
Judaism and Christianity experienced the same fate — albeit more slowly — in areas conquered by Muslim armies, including those in the Middle East, North Africa, Turkey and parts of Europe. Zoroastrianism, the ancient religion of the Persians (modern day Iranians) is despised by Muslims, and today barely survives in Iran due to its persecution.
Just as many Christians never read their Bibles, Many Muslims are willfully ignorant of or “blissfully” unaware of verses in the Koran that preach universal non-violence. Their understanding of Islam comes from what they have been taught by radical and fundamentalist Imams.
Unlike most Old Testament verses containing violence, most verses in the Koran are open-ended, meaning they are not restrained by historical context or that context found in surrounding text. Many Muslims interpret the Koran in this manner.
These violent verses are just as relevant or subject to interpretation as anything else in the Koran, and thus part of the eternal and unchanging word of Allah. Although the Koran itself claims to be clear and complete, apologists and Islamic leaders speak of the “risks” of trying to interpret verses without their assistance.
The Sunni theologian, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi justifies terror attacks against Western targets by noting that there is no such thing as a civilian population under “Jihad.” He openly sanctions offensive Jihad because the Islamic state must spread the word of Islam and remove all obstacles in its way.
He declares that “Islam has the right to take the initiative…this is God’s religion and it is for the whole world. It has the right to destroy all obstacles in the form of institutions and traditions…it attacks them to release human beings from their poisonous influences that distort human nature and curtail human freedom. Those who say that Islamic Jihad is merely for the defense of the ‘homeland’ of Islam diminish the greatness of the Islamic way of life.”
The widely respected Dictionary of Islam states: “Jihad is a religious war with those who are unbelievers in the mission of Muhammad. It is an incumbent religious duty, established by the Koran and in the Traditions as a divine institution, and enjoined specially for the purpose of advancing Islam and of repelling evil from Muslims. The destruction of the sword is incurred by infidels although they be not the first aggressors.”
Followers of Islam never relinquish what they conquer. They also never make any real effort at moral progress. They are the least open to dialogue and the most self-absorbed people on Earth. Since they feel Islam is perfect and has divine sanction, they brutally shun self-examination and repress criticism of Islam for their behavior. “Moderate” Muslims do not dare to contradict or dispute fundamentalist Muslims.
The popular argument among apologists is that the many verses encouraging violence in the Koran apply only to war. They often claim that Muslims may only attack in self-defense. This is undermined by the fact that war has frequently been instigated by Muslims as a pretext for violence, both in Muhammad’s time and since. Islamic armies have traditionally waged campaigns of aggression against their enemies, which they define as all non-Muslims.
Many Westerners turn a blind eye to Islamic violence, having swallowed the Liberal poison that all religions and belief systems are of equal validity. In this sense, Muslims and empty-headed liberals can condone Western juries that exonerate perpetrators of so-called “honor killings,” because they are merely following their cultural norms found in Sharia.
Liberals will defend Muslim violence just to spite patriots, conservatives, or nationalists who condemn the violent and savage practices of the Islam. Their control of the dominant narrative will be the death of the West, if we don’t do what must be done now, and not allow phony accusations of racism or bigotry to distract us.
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