By Attorney Alex Wallenwein
September 5, 2002
Okay, so maybe there isn’t a consciously planned conspiracy to subject the world to a one world government. But consider whether there may be such a thing as a "sub-conscious conspiracy."What nonsense! How can there be a conspiracy that is subconscious, when the very meaning of the word implies a conscious design to do something, right?
But consider the possibility that there is such a commonality of essential flaws in human nature that makes it appear, from the outside, that there is an active, conscious, and purposeful conspiracy at work. So then, what is human nature? To what extent is human thinking, and therefore action, driven by ego? And what is ego, if it is not the potentially unrestrained drive towards more and more individual power?
If we are willing to be honest with ourselves, we can witness this tendency, and this process, in ourselves at the very smallest of levels - in our own personal interactions. (Sacrificing family, etc. to our own lust pattern which is built on - and builds - nothing more than the sense of ego power we get from having another sexual "conquest", etc.)
Alright. Now that we know what manner of silliness and downright callous destructiveness even we individually are capable of, extrapolate that tendency over the entire human race and picture in your mind a basically honest, moral person who, through diligence and hard work, has attained a certain level of political power in his lifetime.
Such a person is now confronted, and consistently interacts, almost exclusively with others like him or her. New bonds of friendship form, but also bonds of an implicit, unspoken level of "brotherhood", of commonality of interest among those who move in that rarefied world of power and influence.
One of the greatest human vices is our lust for approval from other humans who act , look, and think like us; from those whom we want to impress, those from whom we desire approval and acceptance, because it tickles our ego. Picture our imaginary subject now living in this world of power wielders, power grabbers, and power schemers, learning to regard these others like him as his new peers.
Human weakness being what it is, (as we have learned from our brief but honest self examination) the desire to boost our egos can easily eclipse our desire to protect even those who are closest to us, be they our own family, group, or nation.
Let’s ratchet the stakes up one notch higher, and expand our hypothetical exercise to the international scene. Picturing ourselves, with our own known weaknesses and flaws in the position of our hypothetical subject (us), having finally made it to the pinnacle of success in politics in our own country, we now interact with our counterparts from other countries. It is not inconceivable that the same process we have noted among our new political "peers" (fellow power grabbers, wielders, and schemers) at home is at work here, on the international scene, as well - if not more so.
Suddenly our horizon has expanded. Suddenly we have a brand new, even more powerful circle of "peers" on whom we now lavish our attention so we can get the same undefined sense of brotherhood and commonality of interest from them that we earlier got from our political buddies at home. Can human weakness go so far as to virtually neutralize, or even altogether wipe out old allegiances in order to satisfy our lust for approbation from our new circle of "friends"?
Is it possible that we are now more and more willing to give our international head-of-state counterparts some of the things they want from us because they offer (a) their recognition, and (b) approval, and (c) certain more directly material benefits such as new power alliances, Swis bank accounts, etc.?
Could this help explain why even our most obviously patriotic national leaders often get seduced into supporting international power arrangements that run directly counter to their avowed interest in retaining and protecting our national sovereignty and in defending the Constitution of the United States, as they have sworn upon taking office?
Can this explain, without resorting to an outright conspiracy theory, why a president like George W. Bush might do such a thing as support the FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas) and the "United States of the Americas" concept? Can this explain why he might be willing to sell even more militarily sensitive technology to China than even Clinton has sold in his day?
If he is such a patriot and such a conservative as he appears to be, why would he do such things? Why would he pursue political aims that are directly counter to the continued existence of the United States as a free, independent nation, founded on principles of God-given rights and individual liberty? Is he part of a dark conspiracy, or is he just following the negative trends in human nature?
Looking at world history, who could deny that power is seductive?
Looking at our own personal history, who could deny that we ourselves have at times been seduced, having given in to our own temptations and challenges? Why should this be different when we are talking about our political leaders, about our own government?
Certainly, the higher we climb the ladder of worldly success, the higher the potential rewards for little indiscretions become, and the greater the temptation becomes to succumb to our desire for these financial and other ego-boosting "rewards."
When we are "in power," when we are among those who "make" the laws, is it inconceivable that we may come to think that we are (or should be) exempt from these laws? Is it possible that this subliminal "conspiracy" of ego-driven interest may become a conscious, purpose driven effort to cover up our succession of little indiscretions, mis-steps, and the resulting abuses of our newly found power, when they are discovered by the public?
All we need to do is look at ourselves, at our own lives with a frank and honest outlook, and we know the answer.
Let's not kid ourselves: conspiracies exist. They may not start out as such, but the great tempter of human life knows all too well what our weaknesses are. A little nudge here, a little indiscretion there, and it all builds up to a nice little mess that we’d rather not see exposed to the public. And so we all "conspire" to keep the power grab going. And because of our own indiscretions, it has become fashionable, since at least Bill Clinton, to be "more tolerant" of others’ indiscretions as well. So we help the cycle of conspiracy spiral itself deeper and deeper into the fabric of our lives.
What are we to do about this? How do we keep our straying leaders in check?
Only by staying on the moral high ground ourselves and praying for God’s forgiveness and guidance in the process - or else. Only by recognizing that we are personally responsible, even for our leaders’ failings, can we begin to hope for a better future. This is the most important thing our founders knew so well - and we all forget so soon. After all, who lives and works in the society that elected these leaders? We cannot change society without first undergoing the most radical of all changes ourselves.
We found the enemy, and the enemy is us. Unless ...
© 2002 - Alex Wallenwein - All Rights Reserved
Alex Wallenwein is a Houston based attorney in private practice and martial arts instructor. He immigrated form Germany at age 21 in 1981, graduated from College in 1986, and from law school in 1990. Years after graduating from law school, Alex discovered to his surprise that, despite three years of legal training and two semesters of "Constitutional Law" he knew nothing about the Constitution, its founding principles, and philosophical origins. To his dismay, he also discovered that average Americans often know even less about their country's founding history and principles. His articles seek to remind readers of the incredible heritage of freedom passed on to them, and the real dangers of losing that heritage forever.