- Pearl Harbor Survivor Remembers: A Day of Infamy, 12-7-15
- Giving Thanks to Vets For Our Freedom, 11-29-15
- Black Students Occupy Coons Hall at Liberal occidental College, 11-27-15
- Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial Cross - Saved "As It Is, Where It Is", 7-25-15
- Memorial Day: Can Freedom Survive, If We Won't Die For It?, 5-27-15
- March 31st - Why A Holiday For Cesar Chavez?, 4-3-15
- Feb. 22, George Washington's Birthday - No Longer Honored, 2-23-15
- Why no Focus on Black Female Supervising Cop in Garner Case: Equality?, 12-25-14
- Pearl Harbor: A Survivor Remembers A Day Which Should Live in Infamy, 12-7-14
- Veterans Day - Keeping Faith With America's Veterans, 11-11-14
- Elect Vets To Congress-It Makes A Difference, 10-31-14
- Supreme Court Denies Expedited Review of Mt. Solidad Cross Case, 7-5-14
- Flag Day 2014: Where Have All the Flags Gone?, 6-15-14
- May 18: Tribute to Karol Wojtyla, Pope John Paul II, Greatest Man of Our ERA, 5-20-14
- Tribute to an American Hero: Admiral Jeremiah A. Denton, R.I.P., 4-1-14
- Will Animal "Civil Rights" Trump Human Rights?, 12-20-13
- Pearl Harbor: A Survivor Remembers A Day of Infamy, 12-6-13
- Black Racist "Knock-Out" Attacks Must End, 12-2-13
- Constitution Day—Sept. 17, 1787: Can it Survive in 2013?, 9-17-13
- Col. Bud Day: America Loses a Legendary Hero, 7-31-13
- D-Day: June 6, 1944, 6-7-13
- New Court Action, Legislation, In Mt. Soledad Cross Case, 5-18-13
- New Film: VA "Betrays" Homeless Vets, 5-14-13
- April 29, 1975: Vietnam War Infamy, 4-30-13
- End the Disgrace of Unprocessed Disability Claims of Veterans, 4-19-13
- Easter Sunrise Services at Mojave Veterans Memorial Cross, 3-30-13
- The American Legion: For God and Country, 3-15-13
- February 3: Four Chaplains Day, 2-3-13
- Liberators Arm, Totalitarians Disarm, the People, 1-15-13
- Vets Die Waiting for Obama VA Action, 12-29-12
- Pearl Harbor Day 2012: A Time to Remember and to Heal, 12-4-12
- Benghazi-Gate: A Disgrace To The Nation, 11-3-12
- Creating and Conserving Liberty: Constitution Day, 9-18-12
- San Bernardino County Supervisors Honor Those Who saved Mojave Cross, 8-25-12
- Remembering the Korean War and Those Who Fought, 6-25-12
- Obama's Queering of the Military, 6-22-12
- Flag Day 2012: Pass the Flag Amendment, 6-16-12
- Memorial Day 2012: Time to remember the price of freedom, 5-26-12
- California Legion Scandal: Convicted Child Molester Ordered Removed, 4-3-12
- Convicted Child Molester Case in California Legion Youth Program Deepens, 3-25-12
- Corruption, Convicted Child Molesters, In California Legion, 3-13-12
- Portland Schools Anti-Military "Counter-Recruiter" Policy, 3-3-12
- Restore "Washington's Birthday" Holiday, 2-25-12
- Occupiers Occupy While Soldiers Die: Enough is Enough 11-21-11
- Supreme Court to Review Stolen Valor Case "Right to Lie" 11-4-11
- In the Hand of God: U.S. Constitution Day - Sept. 17, 1787, 9-20-11
- Korea: Remembering the Forgotten War, Forgotten Warriors 7-30-11
- Government Bans "God" at VA Cemetery in Houston 7-2-11
- New navy Homosexual Love Boat to be Named for Cesar Chavez? 5-21-11
- Celebrate American National Day of Prayer, Not Mexican 5-10-11
- Remembering Cesar Chavez: Christian, American, Veteran 4-2-11
- Valor Stolen by Judge Alex Kozinsky: Proven Porno Pervert 3-29-11
- Will Ordinary Americans Fight For the Bill of Rights? 12-30-10
- Repeal the Homosexualization of the American Military 12-28-10
- Is it Time For an Official National Tea Party Day? 12-18-10
- Portland Oregon Progressives to Launch Almost-Free Breakfast For Themselves 12-14-10
- Why no Salute by Obama at Medal of Honor Ceremony? 11-26-10
- Anniversary of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address: A Milestone of Liberty 11-22-10
- Ronald Reagan, Tea Party Patriots, and an Historic Election 11-6-10
- Repeal It, Repeal Them, Repeal Him 11-2-10
- Threats to Troops Opposed to Open Homosexuality 10-15-10
- Allegiance to Only One Flag and Nation 9-20-10
- Stolen Valor - Stolen Constitution 8-29-10
- American Freedom: Resistance or Abject Submission to Tyranny? 7-7-10
- New Developments Against ACLU to Save Veterans Memorials 5-31-10
- ACLU Defeated in Mojave Desert Veterans Memorial Cross Case, 5-5-10
- Homosexuals, Liberals and Lawyers Attack Boy Scouts of America, 4-19-10