Rep. Nunes to Comey: Our Referral Puts You In Danger of FISA Conspiracy Prosecution

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

After over two years of constant investigations, indictments and prosecutions by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the U.S. Justice Department (DOJ), Special Counsel Robert Mueller, panels in both Houses of Congress, and much of the nation’s news outlets, it appears that the so-called investigators will now get a taste of their own medicine.

There appears to be one difference between the Trump-Russia Conspiracy investigations and the investigations by the anti-Trump Impeachment brigade: the Trump-Russia Conspiracy is based on the flimsiest of evidence or no existing evidence, while any actions taken by the justice system against a growing number of Barack Obama-appointed officials.

For example, the House of Representatives’ Intelligence Committee’s former chairman — now ranking member – during an interview this week was very cautious not “naming names” of those directly or indirectly involved in the real “Spygate” scandal. However, the Republican lawmaker did seem to be alleging that former FBI Director James Comey might be a target of the de facto special prosecutor

In his interviews with One America News (OAN), NewsmaxTV, Fox News Channel and other news outlets,  Rep. Devin Nunes R-California,  who has had access to most of the evidence pertaining to the securing Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court warrants in order to spy on members of President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, said he didn’t want to discuss anything about Comey’s alleged role in Spygate.

But, Nunes did intimate that if federal prosecutors and investigators assigned by Attorney General William Barr to thoroughly probe Spygate gave the investigation a serious unbiased criminal process, there’s an abundance of proof available to place Comey in the center of the plot to oust a duly elected U.S. President through impeachment.

“So this is a guy who is definitely not telling the truth, and the good thing about the [Justice Department Inspector General’s] report is he’s now made himself, the IG has now made him eligible for a larger conspiracy charge—a criminal conspiracy charge—which is what we really hope the attorney general [U.S. attorney] out of Connecticut is able to do,” Nunes said in an interview with Breitbart News.

“That’s the big thing that we need. We need real charges brought. And I think a lot of people are frustrated because they feel like Comey leaked classified information. But the question is would a panel of jurors in Washington, D.C., [convict]?” he asked rhetorically.

Meanwhile, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz released the first of several reports that slam Comey for breaking rules, regulations and FBI policies in leaking the contents of several memos he allegedly wrote after meetings with the President-elect during the transition, and then meetings with President Trump in the White House. U.S. government officials and lawyers have stated the information contained in those memos were classified and Comey knew it.

In his interview with NewsmaxTV, Nunes stated:

“There would be so much ambiguity because he claims—I forget the exact numbers, but like [memos] 1, 4, and 7 contained classified information but those weren’t the memos that he gave to his professor friend that went to the media.

“It would be almost impossible to prove and he would probably skate. And probably the worst thing to happen would be for him to skate.

“So I think that in the end, the Attorney General made the right decision as long as they continue to press on the larger issue which is: How did this whole investigation begin in the first place with zero evidence, zero evidence that Trump had any involvement with Russia?”

“I’ve been very careful. It shouldn’t be this way, but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and I like to not name names until there’s been a fair process and we’ve given the U.S. Attorney time to do his work.

“However, with that said, the one thing that is clear is if the U.S. Attorney decides to take our complaint—I’m not saying he’s going to do exactly what we’ve asked him to do but he’s clearly looking at all this..

“If he looks at conspiracy, on the FISA courts and the manipulation of intelligence for political purposes, it is now impossible—there is so much evidence that puts Comey right in the middle of this—so that’s my point. If they’re going to go down that road, Comey has got to be involved in it. The evidence is there.”

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