Restoring The Original Purpose Of Schools
By Ron Edwards
If you have read my columns, listened to either my talk show, The Ron Edwards American Experience or my radio commentary The Edwards Notebook, chances are you have read or heard me declare that the government school system is the number one enemy of our republic. Years ago, when I first made that declaration, people disagreed with much vigor. Some said that I was looney for saying that, considering enemies like China, Islamic terrorists, Russia, hordes of illegal border crossers, etc. Of course, those are all major enemies. But in my opinion, none of them compare with the great enemy from within, the government school system. Since before the establishment of our great republic, there have been those in our midst who have desired to prevent the establishment of a republic where the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is recognized and honored. The reason being is that out of both Judeo and Christian principles came the wonderful concepts of unalienable rights, Liberty and Justice for all, equal opportunity and the right of self, family and property protection and much more.
The United States of America was the first major nation officially dedicated by mankind to God before and after being completely established. For you fact checkers, Israel was designated by God himself and then given over to the people. Schools as originally established here in our republic were for the expressed purpose of both advancing the Christian Faith and through the high moral principles of Christianity offer the highest quality education possible for all students. Even during the wrongful age of Jim Crow, segregation, etc. if you went to school you received an education that was far superior to the intellectual bilge being offered in more recent years. In 1836, Noah Webster, often called “The Father of American Education,” stated, “In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children under a free government ought to be instructed….No truth is more evident to my mind than that of the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people.”
When you observe the hateful harbingers of the leftist philosophy destroy Portland Oregon, Chicago, Houston “the greatest city in the world’ New York City and many others,you are witnessing the literal end result of so-called education, today. Beginning during the time of leftist John Dewey, there was and continues to be a concerted effort to rid our exceptional nation of high education and moral standards. They understood that as standards of morality and education are diminished, the nation as a whole would deteriorate, thus opening the door for increasing government controls over and elimination of our God given “Unalienable Rights.” John Dewey, known as the father of “modern education” said, “There is no God, and there is no soul.” Hence, there is no need for the props of traditional religion.” Those so called props have been knocked away, as a result the loss of good moral and education standards has opened the door to untold numbers of unwanted teen pregnancies, abortions, drug abuse, unnecessary types of violence, including riots, increased suicide, open border advocacy, rampant pedophilia, etc.
I for one believe that the Funders of our republic were spot on in asserting that the United States would fall like a rock if it lost its Christian, high standard foundation. It is primarily incumbent upon Christian, Conservatives and Refounding Patriots to reaffirm and fight to reestablish our high standard Christian educational heritage with the same passion and commitment of the original Founders. There are numerous avenues and many levels at which to instigate and completely bring about needed change. But it begins with you and I, or better yet “We the People” with a strong willingness to become fully engaged in the war to win our republic back from the clutches of those hell bent on their globalist/satanic mission of utter destruction of our exceptional nation way of life. The time is now, not later. Jack booted thugs destroying our once beautiful cities are not peaceful protesters speaking out against oppression. They are the oppressors of today seeking to complete their part in the overall leftist mission to turn the United States into a much larger Venezuela.
To prevent the collapse of the United States, schools must once again operate as they were originally purposed. Teachers must properly educate students and encourage a good moral code and common decency, not indoctrinate students into rejecting all that is good and enlightening. God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.
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