Ruled by the Unelected Bureaucrats
By Lex Greene
March 21, 2025
Today’s democrats continue to make complete fools of themselves by claiming to “save democracy” while being the most “undemocratic” group in the country!
Not only did they illegally remove the only democratically nominated party nominee for President in Joe Biden last year and install an “un-nominated” replacement in Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, they also now use street violence, destruction of private and public property, lawfare and open threats of assassination against the duly elected President Trump and his cabinet members.
After losing all power in the Executive and Legislative branches of government and achieving the lowest approval ratings for the party in history, currently at only 27%, they have turned to the usurpation of Executive Branch authority via the only unelected branch of government, the courts.
Article I creates the sole “lawmaking” branch of the government in Congress, with members in both chambers elected by the people. Article II creates an Executive Branch with sole power over all Executive Branch Agencies, and Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Military.
Article III created the only “unelected” branch of government, the courts, which was supposed to be the least powerful branch of government as it is the only branch not elected by the people. Instead, the branch is made up of partisan political appointees, all of whom have proven to be partisan hacks engaged in promoting a particular political agenda.
These facts should be enough for all Americans to correctly conclude that the courts have no power over either of the other two branches, and for damn good reason. This “unelected” branch does NOT represent the people, but rather only the partisan political interests of those who appoint them, or those who control them!
Of course, any “democratic” form of government requires a government “elected by and accountable to” the people. The Judicial Branch is the only branch of government that is elected by and accountable to no one! As a result, it can not be allowed any power over anyone or anything, yet for over 200-years, this is the branch that has been running our country under color of law!
NOTE: Color of law refers to the appearance of legal authority or an apparently legal right that may not exist. The term is often used to describe the abuse of power under the guise of state authority and is therefore illegal.
Ruled by the Unelected!
Really America? You honestly think that our Constitution created an oligarchy of unelected and unaccountable highly partisan political appointees to rule this nation? Who the hell told you that? Have you never read the Constitution for yourself? Was it the lawyers who benefit from this lie, who convinced you the courts rule this country?
A “democracy” is defined as “a system of government in which power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or through freely elected representatives.” Why did you let your country become a nation governed by the only “unelected” branch of government?
Our Constitution didn’t even create a so-called “democracy.” It created a Representative Republican form of self-governance. Our Constitution requires a duly elected government, of, by and for the people…not an unelected partisan body always in search of more power for itself.
The problem is…people “assume” things that just aren’t true.
Because the Judicial Branch has lived well beyond its constitutional authority for over 200-years now, most Americans “assume” that’s how it’s supposed to be. In case they have any doubts, most lawyers will confirm, you are ruled by the only unelected branch of government, the courts, via so-called “case law.”
But are they right? Is it true? Or are they just additional beneficiaries of a runaway branch of government despotic in nature? It’s human nature to seek self-empowerment. That’s why the 3rd branch was given no such power!
Thomas Jefferson had it right over 200-years ago…
“At the establishment of our constitutions, the judiciary bodies were supposed to be the most helpless and harmless members of the government. Experience, however, soon showed in what way they were to become the most dangerous; that the insufficiency of the means provided for their removal gave them a freehold and irresponsibility in office; that their decisions, seeming to concern individual suitors only, pass silent and unheeded by the public at large; that these decisions, nevertheless, become law by precedent, sapping, by little and little, the foundations of the constitution, and working its change by construction, before any one has perceived that that invisible and helpless worm has been busily employed in consuming its substance. In truth, man is not made to be trusted for life if secured against all liability to account.” (Jefferson’s letter to A. Coray, October 31, 1823)
As the only “unelected” body of government, it was granted no such power whatsoever in the Constitution. Yet, before the ink was even dry on that document, a single judge in a single court opinion, stole the power from the people in Marbury v. Madison (1803).
Since then, we have watched the court “create law” via mere court opinions (aka case law) and even amend the Constitution by the same method, including amendments never intended or envisioned by any American, legislative body or Chief Executive in the White House.
The Rule of Law, or of unelected Lawyers?
We are not a nation under the Rule of Law, but rather under the Rule of unelected lawyers. Congress makes laws…not the Judicial Branch. Even Congress is prohibited from making laws which are repugnant to the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
But the courts have been allowed to destroy our system of self-governance under the color of law, the mere appearance of such power, which constitutionally, does not exist at all.
So, it is “unconstitutional” to use the courts to overthrow the legislature or executive branch. In fact, it is an overt act of usurpation, subversion, sedition and treason!
But so long as the people know no better or lack the courage to stop the practice of lawfare in America, the courts, and anti-Americans, can do anything they want to you and this country.
What happens next is up to you, the people!
Now you know! So, what are you going to do?
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