S.C. GOP leader says Trump has supernatural power behind him

The State Chairman of the South Carolina GOP, Matt Moore, was on Fox News this morning, February 17, 2016.

Why The GOP Establishment Hates Donald Trump.

Has God Given Us a Second Chance with Mr. Trump?

See Mr. Trump at a S.C. rally holding up one of my articles a few days ago.

Jonah and Nineveh

They tried to bring the ship to shore, but could not, so they threw Jonah into the sea. Immediately the storm stopped. Jonah was swallowed by a great fish and was in the belly of the beast for three days and three nights.


So, Matt Moore, GOP leader of South Carolina believes Trump has a supernatural power behind him, and I believe that supernatural power is the Lord God who is hearing our prayers for our country. I believe we have a hope for our country in Mr. Trump. God can use whom He chooses to use to answer our prayers. We have an opportunity, a last chance before total destruction, to save our country from disaster, and God has chosen Donald Trump as the vessel who can save us.

Yes, Supernatural powers are behind Trump, as well as the American people who are for the first time in decades, hearing the voice who resonates with them.