- The War On Nothing, 12-18-15
- The National Geographic’s War on Science, 11-23-15
- Why Do “Conservative” Republicans Love Obama So Much?, 10-31-15
- There’s No Illegal Immigration Problem in the U.S., 10-16-15
- Conspirators, The Next American President, and Donald Trump, 9-14-15
- Fidel Castro’s Dreams of Nuclear Armageddon, 9-1-15
- And Now . . . Its Pitchfork Time, 8-15-15
- Conservative Republicans’ Immutable America, Part 3, 8-1-15
- Do We Need a New American Flag?, 7-4-15
- Changes in Cuba? Don’t Hold Your Breath!, 6-15-15
- Conservative Republicans’ Immutable America, Part 2, 5-21-15
- Give Your Vote To Hitlary, 5-9-15
- There’s Something Very Dangerous Happening in Apple, 4-22-15
- Conservative Republicans’ Immutable America, Part 1, 4-14-15
- Secession? Hell no! Revolution? Hell Yes!, 3-10-15
- Playing the Game of Government With a Deflated Constitution, 2-7-15
- Smiling at the Gas Pump? Thank The Russians, 1-13-15
- Abolish the Second Amendment. We Don’t Need It, Part 2, 1-3-15
- Abolish the Second Amendment. We Don’t Need It, Part 1, 12-27-14
- Terrorists Wanted. All Interested May Apply. No Experience Necessary, Will Train, 12-6-14
- Conspiraphobia Runs Rampant in Both Branches of the Repucratic Party, 11-21-14
- Voting is Treason, 11-15-14
- Ebola: A Conspiratorial Analysis, Part 2, 10-31-14
- Ebola: A Conspiratorial Analysis, Part 1, 10-25-14
- The Cold War Hoax, Part 3b, 10-17-14
- The Cold War Hoax, Part 3a, 10-11-14
- Bumps in the Road to the New Gay World Order, 10-3-14
- Obama: Worst U.S. President Of All Times?, 9-9-14
- The Cold War Hoax, Part 2, 8-29-14
- The Cold War Hoax, Part 1, 8-15-14
- Amerika: Imagine A World Without Her, 7-25-14
- Servando’s Anti-Anti-American Manifesto, 7-11-14
- The Current Tragedy of the Commons, 6-27-14
- Expected Effects of the Law of Intended Consequences, 6-12-14
- The End of The Bully Nation?, 5-27-14
- The Last Line of Defense, 5-13-14
- We Have Seen the Enemy … And He Is One Of Them, Part 2, 5-3-14
- We Have Seen the Enemy … And He Is One Of Them, Part 1, 5-3-14
- The National Security State: A Symptom, Not A Cause, Part 2, 4-13-14
- The National Security State: A Symptom, Not A Cause, Part 1, 4-13-14
- The 9/11/2001 Events: An Intelligence Appraisal, 3-25-14
- Is Putin a New Hitler?, 3-18-14
- Is it Time to Overthrow the Government of the United States?, 3-8-14
- The Gay Movement and the CFR’s Anti-Russia PsyOp, 3-1-14
- Obama Imperator?, 2-21-14
- Conservatives? We Don’t Need No Stinking Conservatives, 2-5-14
- The Global Warming PSYOP, Part 2, 1-25-14
- The Global Warming PSYOP, Part 1, 1-14-14
- Obamacare Fell Off the Website, 1-4-14
- Rush Limbaugh: a Roosevelist in the closet? Part 2, 12-28-13
- Rush Limbaugh: a Roosevelist in the closet? Part 1, 12-21-13
- Why the House Can't Impeach Obama, 12-10-13
- The Selection of Hillary Clinton, 11-18-13
- The National Security Agency: Spying for the Rockies, 11-8-13
- The Nazis' "Other" Culture, 10-26-13