Shocking Truth About Manipulation of America
This should be considered required reading for ALL Americans. Have you ever heard about HAARP? It is time you learned. A story broke on NewsWithViews by N.Y. Journalist Joan Swirsky that digs into every puzzling event that has shaped America with full documentation.
How many have wondered secretly if the weather was somehow manipulated? Has anyone ever traced how far back murderous Muslims have been active? The way Communist came out in the open and began it’s takeover of the world is amazing to learn.
The story BEHIND Saul Alinskl the Communist rabble rouser who sponsored and taught Obama is in this story. You are about to learn all the things you wondered about but were afraid to ask for fear of being a Conservative Conspiracy Nut. It’s all in this story, with PROOF.
Even though there were early attempts to make America something it was not created to be, President Franklin W. Roosevelt (FDR) was where it all officially began. Columbia University, now get this, considering how long it has been in existence, LOATHED CAPITALISM!
Two Columbia Professors, Robert Cloward and his wife, Frances Fox Piven planned to destroy capitalism and {to[ do so, stated, “The more chaos, the better.” And it should not be surprising that Ms. Piven today is the honorary Chairman of the Democratic Socialists (Communists) of America.
Some will be astonished that weather IS manipulated and is now used as a weapon. The manipulation of weather began many years ago. I remember as a young boy walking through the fields and would see a small building with a sign stating, “weather station.”
It was to be realized that those were scattered throughout the U.S. They were weather control stations to experiment with the weather to achieve exactly the powerful weather destruction we are seeing today.
The recent weather activities, flooding, droughts, hurricanes that drowned Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands were man made. It has been so perfected that now man can create the earthquakes and yes, the California Fires. Below you will see how they do this...with all documentation revealed below, so much so, it cannot be doubted.
There are the Chem trails, those white trails being expelled from from the back of every jet airliner flying across America. Now think about this. No private jets the same size of these airlines expel those white trailing gasses that follows every commercial government airline.
It is known that the government has sprayed deadly gas from boats in San Francisco Bay to certain neighborhoods to determine how many people would get cancer and die….this is thoroughly documented, and yes, many, many families in the SF Area were infected by the cancer gas and died. Those Chem trails are basically doing the same thing.
Also, hopefully you know about Billionaire George Soros, the most evil man IN THE WORLD. He virtually runs the United States, provokes and pays for Black Lives Matter protests, destruction and chaos. You will learn more frightening details about that Satan incarnate creature. And do you know that the NFL is very much linked to Soros? That explains the insults to the National Anthem and the Flag.
Oh yes, Both Republican, house speaker Paul Ryan and traitor John McCain are on his payroll. It is actually a genius pairing. Paul Ryan appears to sponsor a Republican bill, yep a real conservative; then John McCain votes against that bill and stops it. This is a modern version of good cop, bad cop. The big issue is that BOTH of these so-called republicans are in the paid pocket of the greatest enemy of not only America, but the world.
And there is so much more that one might think of just throwing up your hands and say, “what’s the use,” and give up. D O N ‘ T
Prepare yourselves, make sure you have the necessary security in your home, meaning arms, stand firm, and be ready to defend yourselves, your family, and America at a moments notice. And back President Donald Trump in everything he does. For any newspaper that writes against him, fire off letters to the editor–every Trump supporter. Respond to any so called comedians who rip President Trump Readers, WE MUST NOW PUSH BACK. I will die standing firm and fighting back rather than being killed while just sitting and watching.
“The Hate America Death Squad“
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