Sinking Into Tyranny

by Lee Duigon

August 29, 2024

Hmm, let’s see… [Shuffles through a sheaf of news reports.] Oh, here’s something. Holy cow.

Solingen, Germany: To celebrate its 650th anniversary, this mid-sized city—naturally!—held a Diversity Festival. I’m not quite sure what that might be, and I rather hope we never have one here.

Anyway, a “Syrian man” (they say) went on a rampage and stabbed nine people, three of whom died. Hint: He was shouting “Allahu akbar!” as he did it. I am ashamed if you think I mean a Presbyterian.

So they had this guy who got a little too diverse and kind of flew off the handle. We don’t know what triggered him, any more than we know why he chooses to live in not-yet Muslim (but getting there!) Western Europe.

Are we all still on board for unchecked Muslim immigration?

Here’s another one.

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, sugar daddy to dozens of Democrat candidates nationwide, now says he’s sorry he caved in to “relentless pressure” by the Biden-Harris regime to censor millions of Americans off his social media platform. He’s sorry, he admits he was wrong, and has promised not to do it anymore.

Silly rabbit. All those millions and millions of dollars, all those Zuckerbucks, that he poured into Democrat campaigns in 2022—what did he buy with it but his own subservience? No contrary word about the Regime’s handling of COVID… and hands off Hunter Biden. Watch what you say, boy: we’d better like it, or else.

Has he really had a change of heart (“My goal is to be neutral” from now on)? Or does he know something we don’t know that’s scared him straight?

Follow the Zuckerbucks. He might be playing possum.

Here’s another one.

The mayor of Surprise, Arizona, ordered the arrest of a woman for criticizing city employees at a city council meeting. Gee, I thought one of the purposes of such a meeting was for the council to hear those complaints and answer them. But according to the mayor, their city has a “rule” against that very thing. No complaints allowed! So she was ushered out of the hall and charged with “criminal trespass.”

How do you “trespass” by entering a public building that’s open for public business—including grievances presented to the government? Where else is a citizen supposed to go to voice a complaint?

Shut up! Or we’ll arrest you.

How is that even remotely compatible with the First Amendment?

Or, more to the point, why in heaven’s name do we elect these people who despise us?

There: put these three news items together and what have you got?

To me it looks like our Western civilization sinking into tyranny. Violence in the streets, as our namby-pamby leadership tries in vain to appease Muslims with a screw loose; the government reveling in unlawful censorship; and a trip to the cop shop for anyone who has a beef with a public employee—is this what passes for the Free World, nowadays?

I would say we have to un-elect these tin-pot tyrants, pronto…

But who has any faith in our elections anymore?

I really don’t want to see what Kamala and Tampon Tim have in store for us.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and join the fun; I promise not to have you arrested. My articles can also be found at .

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