So-called ‘Antifascism’ Groups Becoming Bigger Threat To U.S. Says Intelligence Expert
By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri
Antifascist (ANTIFA) groups in the United States have become far more organized, equipped, funded, and even trained in special camps to bring about large-scale social disruption, public and private property damage (arson and looting), destruction of businesses, financial loss in the public and private sectors, and high-profile violent clashes with law enforcement preferably with the news cameras capturing police using force against ANTIFA members, according to intelligence and security expert Dr. Lyle Rapacki.
These groups are sorely underestimated by many city and other elected officials, while other officials actually encourage them to participate in violence and destruction. For example, during her presidential campaign Democrat Hillary Clinton compared police officers to the radical Islamists who comprise the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
Do not confuse these zealots with the hippie rioters of the Vietnam War era of the late 1960’s, said Dr. Rapacki in his email intelligence briefing.
He noted that members of ANTIFA are extremely mean-spirited and prone to violence. Recruitment programs seek members as young as 6th graders in public school. The current government education system encompasses indoctrination into Marxism that is hardly hidden; whether for young students or college age adults (18-28) who comprise the largest block within the organization.
“Today’s teachers are more concerned with indoctrinating students than in educating them. Their idea of educating youngsters is more in line with the Hitler Youth in Nazi Germany or the Palestinian terrorist children’s summer camps in the Gaza Strip,” said former police detective and military intelligence operative Michael Snipes.
The ability to be mobile, bringing additional resources to multiple cities simultaneously, is also a new development aided by large cash infusions from financial pockets dedicated to the overthrow of America, her values and principles, traditions and form of government intent on creating a Communist system. This is not mere philosophy or flashy talking points, this is the “end goal” of the Antifa movement.
The Obligations of active ANTIFA members is to:
- Track white nationalists and Far Right groups in every region of the United States. This includes over the internet, public records, and surveillance.
- Oppose public Far Right organizing whatever it takes, and disrupt and crush all activities and even individual members.
- Support all anti-fascist groups aligned under the banner of ANTIFA.
- Build a culture of non-cooperation with law enforcement. This includes violent confrontations, use of unsophisticated items like Molotov cocktails, M80s, pepper spray, balloons filled with urine and/or feces thrown at LE.
Knowing about a threat…knowing how to respond to a threat might make all the difference between successfully repelling an attack or succumbing to an attack; whether from terrorism or domestic violence or criminal activity, or even becoming a victim in a catastrophic event “down the street.” If you are a leader of a business or corporation or the leader of a family, knowing what could jeopardize the safety, well-being and continuity of your business or family could determine if you will still enjoy your business or family after the threat announces itself.
Lyle Rapacki earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and a Master’s Degree in Counseling from Northern Arizona University and his Doctorate from Clayton College of Natural Medicine specializing in the treatment of psychological disorders with natural medicine. He enjoyed a 20-year private practice. Approximately one-half of his practice case-load was delegated to Behavioral Forensic Profiling and Threat Assessments, and he earned a Post-Doctorate Diplomate in Forensic Counseling. A former police officer, Dr. Rapacki assisted law enforcement from 1985 – 1991 regionally and nationally with intelligence analysis and investigations of deviant movement groups and taught at law enforcement academies nationwide. From 2000 to 2005, Dr. Rapacki taught in the Criminal Justice Department at Wayland Baptist University Phoenix campus. He briefly held the position of Director for the Public Safety Administration, Homeland Security and Crisis Management Programs at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona in 2008.
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