Arizona-Mexico Border Crisis

by ID State Senator, Phil Hart

May 26, 2023

“Whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.”  —Mark 9:42

A couple of weeks ago I visited the Arizona/Mexico border at Seabee Arizona.  I had been there before, in 2008 and 2013.  The purpose of my visit was to see firsthand the circumstances surrounding the wave of illegal immigration flowing north across our southern border.  I agree that today it is a wave and that it is out of control.  As I write this, Title 42 is expiring, and predictions are that it will get worse.

The situation has gotten significantly worse since I was last at the border in 2013.  Before, illegals would sneak across the border and hike across the Arizona desert in the darkness until they were 30, 40 or 50 miles north of the border.  At their pickup points, they would shed their desert crossing clothes, put on a change of clean clothes and try to fit in as if they had always been living in the pick-up point community all along.  Or they would get picked up in their clean clothes and taken to places further north.

Now there is no sneaking across miles of Arizona desert.  Instead, the illegals (women and children) just cross the border and once they are inches north of the wall, essentially, they have a Disneyland E ticket to the USA.  Our Border Patrol picks them up, takes them to a sorting facility, and sends them on their way to parts further north into the USA with a plane ticket or bus ticket paid for by U.S. Taxpayers.

Where I was on the border, Trump’s wall was obviously newly constructed.  At the time of my 2013 visit, there was a shorter and more lightly constructed wall at this location, but the new Trump Wall is taller, stronger and more difficult to cross.  Oh, that is where the wall was continuous.  But there were also plenty of holes in the wall.  I saw 6-foot-wide holes where a section of wall was missing.  I also saw 75-foot-wide gaps in the wall at locations that get flash floods from desert monsoons.

There is no excuse for any of these gaps in the wall.  On my day job I work as a civil and structural engineer.  I could design a wall that would secure our border yet allow for monsoon sized flash flooding to pass through the wall while keeping illegal aliens out.

While on this remote 6-mile section of the border for two and a half days, I saw over 100 illegal aliens appear out of nowhere on the border, and shortly after being discovered, get processed by our U.S. Border Patrol.  The first group I witnessed illegally entering were 12 women and children in the late afternoon.  We found them hanging around just 5 feet north of the border wall.  No need now to travel 50 miles further to the north and act like you fit in.  All they must do is get north of the wall and they are in.

At this location on the wall, the terrain was hilly and there was a nicely built new gravel road running parallel to the wall.  The 12 illegal aliens were milling around looking bored.  When the Border Patrol van appeared over the hill immediately to the west traveling in our direction, these 12 illegal aliens straighten up and got in line as if they were waiting for a municipal bus!  They were obviously coached that the U.S. Border Patrol was their friend and ally.  In reality, U.S. Border Patrol is law enforcement, and these people were committing a crime of illegal entry into the USA.  It is an upside-down world at our southern border.

The last group I saw were 64 illegal aliens from Guatemala, all women and children.  These 64 women and children appeared out of nowhere just north of the 30-foot-tall structural steel border wall at our remote location.  They were all dressed the same, they acted the same, they all seemed to be from the same economic and social class, and they saw our U.S. Border Patrol as their Disneyland E ticket provider.   Just an hour earlier we had driven past this spot on the border, and no one was there.  Then suddenly, in the middle of the night, 64 women and children appear, and only one of them spoke English.

This is a coordinated operation taking place.  It is organized.  At the location of the border I visited, the on the ground organizers of this illegal alien invasion are the drug cartels.  I understand the aggregate amount of fees they get for transporting illegal aliens across the border is more than they get from drug trafficking.  Add to that the fees collected for sex trafficking and sex slavery, and we are talking tens of billions of dollars, all occurring under the nose of the United States Government!

At other border locations, non-government organizations (NGOs) are getting the illegal aliens across the border.  The NGO’s even have staging areas and are also making money off of the U.S. Taxpayers.  These people heading for the border are not politically persecuted, or religiously persecuted refugees that we offer asylum to.  They are economically motivated immigrants.  However, many of them are going to end up as sweatshop workers with part of their paychecks skimmed off by the cartels, or their social welfare payments are skimmed, and their outlook is to be forever stuck in an underprivileged class.

Worse yet, some of these border crossers will be trapped in sex slavery or will have their organs harvested.  One member of our team on the border has witnessed a surge of children crossing the border immediately ahead of satanic holidays.  Entering the United States with the aid of the cartels does not provide for a prosperous future for these people.  This is a humanitarian crisis.

Those we discovered just a few feet north of the border wall were all women and children.  I understand the males are hoofing it through the desert carrying drugs.  We located a few food and water drops many miles north of the border that are used to refresh and feed the males making their way through the Arizona desert.  These food and water drops consist of a 55-gallon barrel full of water and another 55-gallon barrel with food.  Those who replenish the food and water claim they are helping vulnerable women and children.  But these days, only the drug runners are hiking through the desert north of the border.  Corruption of local officials seems to placate this process.  Otherwise, the drug runners would be arrested.

Complaisant in this, and a facilitator of the entire process is the media.  Most people believe they are informed on local and national events if they watch the nightly news.  But the media is lying by the practice of omission.  Let’s say it how it is, the mainstream media is a co-conspirator aiding and abetting the invasion of the United States.

The responsibility to solve this problem ultimately rests with We the People.  It is from our personal sovereignty that we delegated to the county, state and federal government that gives these three levels of government the authority to do what they are supposed to do.  But if these government entities prove to be incompetent, or act in a way that is treasonous to We the People, we are justified in taking back that delegation of authority.

The ultimate judge of our actions is the One from which we got our rights.  That would be “Nature’s God” as Thomas Jefferson referred to Him in the Declaration of Independence.

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