Survey Results ‘Shock’ The State Of Oregon
by Lee Duigon
August 3, 2023
You learn this in law school: “Never ask a witness a question whose answer you don’t already know.” One “surprise” can blow your case to kingdom come.
With that maxim firmly not in mind, Oregon State University blithely embarked on a survey of engineering and computer science students. The object of the survey was to see what was the students’ attitude toward that great sacred cow, LGBTQetc.
Then horror struck.
Out of 349 students surveyed, 50 submitted “mocking responses” that astonished the surveyors. Oh, the humanity… Students “identified” as attack helicopters, called the questions “stupid” and “pointless” (which they were), and generally displayed a deplorable lack of reverence toward the idol, LGBTQetc. “Slurs” and “hate speech” galore.
Looniversity officials concluded that the science and technology departments were breeding grounds for “fascist ideologues.” They’re thinking they’d better add some compulsory Make-Your-Mind-Right courses before allowing students to sign up for the STEM curriculum. You have no business fiddling with a computer if you can’t name 50 genders—and pledge allegiance to them all.
Officials called the survey results “shocking”—for crying out loud, how can you hope to achieve True Diversity with all those wrong opinions flapping in the wind? One, um, “researcher,” they reported, already more than just a little woozy, had to be checked into “therapy.” He/she/it had suffered “harmful trauma” from seeing those “malicious” responses to the survey. (Check: is there any such thing as “harmless trauma”?)
I’m sorry for all the quotation marks. It’s unavoidable when one is writing about such poppycock.
The transgender movement is a cult. Its devotees cannot imagine why anyone wouldn’t buy into it. They must be fascists! Haters! At best, they must be poor ignorant science nerds who can’t see an inch beyond their test tubes and computers. It’s up to the looniversity to lead them out of darkness into glorious gender-fluid light—and kick ‘em out of school if they won’t be led.
Besides which, exposure to all that vicious mockery is bound to cause severe mental breakdowns among the faculty.
What if a Christian university—presuming we could find one—were to insist that all its science students must be Christians? What if they were forced to sign a pledge of disbelief in Evolution and Man-Made Climate Change? Holy moly, the potato salad would hit the fan! It goes without saying there’d be riots. And a national scandal—Joe Biden’s “devout Catholic” knickers in a twist. CNN commentators would have to be given Play-Doh and stuffed toys to keep them out of straitjackets.
They could, of course, decide that all this gender gobbledygook has no relevance for engineering and computer science and just let it go at that—but where’s the fun in that? Hey, we’re tryin’ to create a utopia here! And it simply can’t be done if everybody’s entitled to his own opinions on such matters. But that’s not what they mean by Diversity, is it?
When will the people run out of patience with this and stop forking over boxcar loads of money to be subjected to it? We work hard to send our children to these looniversities. For this?
When do we decide enough is enough?
I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit; I promise you it’s nicer than college. My articles can also be found at .
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