Tendering Transgendering to the Tender of Age

By Sidney Secular

February 4, 2024

The creepy transgender movement has crept into all areas of modern Western life. All sorts of assorted genders and gender-fluid categories are constantly being created for public consideration, consumption and (required) adoption. These include binary, non-binary, queer, bisexual, homosexual, intersexual, pansexual, asexual, along with trans this and that, that is, people in the process of transforming into this and that reality at the time. As usual, big pharma, the culture-mulcher Marxists, the Freudian-style mind benders, along with avaricious surgeons, are the main players and, as a result, the beneficiaries in this production of the frightful, the tragic and the absurd.

Pubic-oriented  “government” schools promote genital surgeries, prostitution, sex novelties, and violent sex. It is pushed on children from kindergarten through college, avoiding parental knowledge – much less consent! – where possible. Schools set up “queer” contact points which have become today’s equivalent of guidance counselors, a sort of a secular priesthood in which the callow and deceived can come and confess their newfound abnormal proclivities and receive affirmation therefor. Hormone treatments, genital surgeries, and mastectomies are promoted and even often provided. Schools have “lie”braries giving pupils access to books loaded with pornographic images of all sorts of sordid sex practices, associated violence, and prostitution. Associations and groups across the homosexual and transsexual lobbying spectrum provide windfall grants to fund abnormality and depravity while the FedGov provides funds and guidance on promoting alternative sexual scenarios. School parties, school trips, and even parents evenings are organized to foster the transgender bender culture/cult to indoctrinate the “influencers.” In just the last 16 years, the number of sex reassignment operations has increased more than 20-fold in Germany, and it can’t be much different or better in the globohomo center, the USA.

Depending on the complexity of the makeover, as much as 10 surgeries have to be carried out to achieve the intended sex change objective – or at least its outward manifestation since no true “sex change” can take place. This “health  program” will result in consequences that range from infertility, deep scars (both physically and mentally) and inflammation to mental derangements that often result in suicidal thoughts and actions. One “trans man” shot up her previous grammar school killing both children and adults while her “manifesto” regarding her actions was concealed from the public. Meanwhile, videos of trans people enthusiastically showing off their new bodies make the rounds of social media, that new source of solace for the lonely, and a major source of human conversion and perversion. By this means, entire groups can simultaneously come to the conclusion that they are transsexual if for no other reason than to give their previously hollow lives some sort of meaning. But, in reality, the actually sexually weird comprise only a fraction of 1% of the overall population. This means that the number of what might be seen as medically justified sexual interventions is infinitesimally small. “Social contagion” is actually the most common of modern maladies, and movements can be created in a New York Minute as electronic messages vice germs can spread instantly taking advantage of people who have little or no self worth.

One of the primary reasons that the transsexual movement has been able to establish itself so widely in society is that gender reassignment modalities are a huge market for the pharmaceutical industry, that is expected to grow at rates of up to 25% per year over the next several years. The super-rich such as the Soros clan and Warren Buffet, finance the transgender lobby and organizations. Pharmaceutical companies donate millions to the LGBTQ* movement. They even “buy” universities, hospitals, and medical facilities with millions in donations. They set up “chairs” for transgender studies in prestigious universities. The notorious billionaire drug manufacturing Pritzger family is one of the main investors in LGBTQ* clinics. The transgender lobby is seeking to define “trans rights” as human rights in order to palm off the costs of gender surgery to the general public while preventing any anti-trans opinions from being considered “acceptable” in the public forum.

Bringing the transsexual movement into the consciousness of children is done by all means possible such as in filthy, flimsy, films; TV; and books. Disney, for example, wants to make sure that every future movie will have “trans” people as a staple requirement and, possibly eventually, make that way of life “normal” and “ordinary.” Powerful black “trans women” seem to be the ideal role models, combining as they do, many abnormal characteristics as possible in one person, thus creating an ideal heroine. Children’s books that propagate gender reassignment surgery are emerging. Drag queens are reading stories in which lonely people feel loved and understood as soon as they declare they are transsexual. In a complete inversion of values, guidelines for parents that explain the dangers of trans activism and its cult-like characteristics are classified as “harmful to minors.” One such guidebook is called “Desist, Detrans, Detox: Getting Your Child out of the Gender Cult” by Maria Keffler. The thrust of all of this is to make any child with an “issue” (as most children do have!) believe that it can be overcome if only they are admitted into the “trans” community.

Gender ideology is being pushed onto society by perverts and profiteers through their money and influence and with the help of the same virtue-signaling Karens and Kevins who supported the COVID lockdowns. Yet, the entire ideology contradicts all common sense, disregards all decency and all propriety and barring the victory of evil as the result of our apathy, it will ultimately fail! But until then, the relentless drive and uniformity with which trans-activism is approaching children throughout the culture, will mentally and physically distort millions and drag down decent society. It is high time to defend and protect our children, and to publicly expose and define the devastating effects that these evil masterminds are foisting upon us all.

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