Part 4: Invent multiculturalism

Lamm continued on how to destroy America, “Invent ‘multiculturalism’ and encourage immigrants to maintain their own culture. I would make it an article of belief that all cultures are equal. That there are no cultural differences!  I would make it an article of faith that the Black and Hispanic dropout rates are due to prejudice and discrimination by the majority. Every other explanation is out of bounds.”

In this continuing interview, Bromwell Ault gives you an understanding of the world forces moving to destroy Western cultures and ways of life by the sheer overload of humanity on this planet.

Bromwell Ault states:

Our starting point for review is WW I. That does not mean that WCIV did not incur antagonisms and resentments before then. It did, mostly in Europe’s ages of 16th century exploration and 19th century colonialism, but it has been in our modern period (WW I to the present) that AW thought and speech have grown in number and intensity.

WW I, although it failed in its intent to “end all wars”, was a game changer in other ways. It ended Europe’s centuries old system of government by monarchy; it killed off the best part (physically and numerically) of a generation of males from youths to parents on both the German and Allied sides; and it ominously introduced the new technologies of tank and airplane warfare that would so greatly increase combat and civilian casualties a generation later in WW II.

It was the direct cause of economic dislocations in Germany, brought about by postwar reparations, which enabled Hitler’s rise to power and ushered in an era of prolonged labor violence throughout Europe between Fascist and Communist workers, unions and organizers.

Germany had also become a place of refuge for Russian communists seeing Stalin’s frequent purges following the death of Lenin in 1924. As Hitler loathed the Communist movement and feared its political power, he initiated a program of expelling and/or executing known Communists in Germany and elsewhere.

These two events, one in Russia and the other in Germany, uprooted many Communist agents, academics, sympathizers, artists, professionals, etc. who found their way to the U.S. in the midst of our Great Depression (GD). It was then in the social and financial agony of the GD, when any message that offered relief could get attention here and in Europe, that the AW forces were able to act with a new degree of unison and to escalate their efforts to target and infiltrate academic, political and government institutions.

Again, it is important to remember that the pain of the GD was global, that many forces and functions of government were dedicated to relieving it and that, given this almost total focus on economic/social survival, WCIV’s opponents could initiate their plans and actions with little challenge or notice.

WW II, which began in Europe in 1939 and here two years later, established alliances which required diplomatic and military support systems in the capitals of both combat and neutral nations. The personnel that staffed these adjunct bodies usually arrived from a mixture of civilian and military backgrounds including those of espionage and intelligence operations; and many, especially those from Russia and other Communist bloc nations, stayed on in peace time to continue their covert activities.

This was a momentous time of intense East/West competition which included the formation of the Unite

Nations (UN) and the writing of its charter in both of which Communist effort and influence were later confirmed. Established in 1945 with 51 members, the allied democracies envisioned the UN as an oversight body capable of guiding the development and destinies of third world nations along the path of WCIV’s past and present successes.

It became clear, however, that, as colonial ties were cut and new, independent nations created in mostly non-western cultures, swelling the UN membership to 193, the resulting imbalance set the UN on a different course than originally contemplated. Today it is a vast global enterprise with myriad functions and a high level of corruption whose interests and activities primarily reflect the African, Arab, Indian and Oriental origins of its third world members.

Postwar Changes

Just about half way through our last century, General Dwight D. Eisenhower accepted the GOP’s invitation to run for president in the 1952 election and won a resounding victory. “Ike” was a man of unusual accomplishments and character. After him, history drew a deep line of separation in almost all aspects of our national life — in our politics, our culture, our media and our sense of our individual and national identities. In a changing America, all these gave ground to the 1960s and their legacies — Vietnam, Watergate, Watts riots, our national drug culture, a man on the moon, Chappaquiddick, the Great Society and more. And perhaps most significantly, our msm, with new technology in hand, began the process of becoming a manipulator, not merely a reporter, of the news it covered.

This is a mixed menu picked at random. Each event was significant in its own way and time, but beneath the labels on the surface something really important was taking place. American industry and capital was rebuilding the world. In the process America became richer and more powerful than it had ever been before.

In short time, and with little fanfare, lobbyists from companies that operated in every industrial, agricultural or mining activity, as well as every service industry, arrived in Washington to advise Congress on issues that affected their companies, and to assist in the writing of legislation that could further their companies’ interests. Not surprisingly, they were willing, and even anxious, to pay handsomely to create the new perspective.

Make no mistake. This was by any definition easy money that required in return only a moment of loyalty when legislation was presented for a vote. And there was always more to come. By taking positions on topics pushed by a handful of lobbyists, members could comfortably supplement their Congressional salary while in office and often dramatically increase their retirement income.

Indeed one of the first “duties” of an incoming member of Congress is to appear at cocktail parties given by lobbyists to introduce themselves and the many virtues of their clients. These events have been likened to professional sports’ drafts and signing events when high school athletes announce and commit to their choice of college.

But lobbyists comprise only one side of the shifts in Congressional compensation and service that marked our postwar period of escalating wealth and power. Seemingly to keep pace with our new image, Congress awarded itself frequent pay raises and generous retirement benefits to match.

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