The Biggest Risk of Genocide in World History – Experimental Vaccines

Laurie Roth

One of the Cabals’ favorite depopulation strategies has been people ‘accidently’ and over time, dying from vaccines.  We are here.  This is happening now.  Genocide is upon us and we must figure out now if we will live or die.

Snap out of it people.

There really is a world-wide plan by global elites to reduce the population down to 500 million.  Bill Gates has gotten hit hard by us ‘Conspiracy theorists, allegedly taking his statements out of context, implying he wants to kill off 3 billion people, along with his Communist, anti-American buddies Klaus Schwab and George Soros.  Some of you don’t know that George Soros was a NAZI who turned in his Jewish neighbors during WW11.  His evil and deadly values and empire grew from there.

Even reading all the ‘sold out’ fact checkers who defend Bill Gates and all on the cabal-left, they even admit he has said that vaccines will take care of world population by taking it way down since they reduce fertility and birth rates.  What?  Gates is a saint for saying this part?   The blessed Vaccines will control our population by destroying the pregnancies of women and murdering their babies.  I feel so much better now that I know he doesn’t want to murder hundreds of millions – only useless eater pregnancies and crying babies.

Real numbers are not being reported to deceive the population into take a first, second and now a 3rd (are there 4th through 15th rounds of these shots.  If they worked in the first place, why would they need endless more.  Because, they don’t work, except to soon, kill you. Maybe the FDA and CDC will just give out a daily shot/vaccine pill you can take so that the killer proteins can attack you more frequently at your home.

It is known and getting out there more and more, the deadly spike protein that attaches itself to your blood wall and renders your immune system worthless.

The amount of death already from taking the vaccine are not accurately known due to the lies and corruption in so many Governments and institutions like the CDC.  One whistle blower came out saying that the CDC was lying about the vaccine deaths.  They were reporting 11,000 deaths,  but it was more like 45000.  Since most vaccine related deaths are not even being reported by medical professionals due to them being threatened or paid off, the real number may never be known.

One hero, Doctor and truth teller states that there are most likely only 10-20% of the real vaccine related deaths being reported.  That 45,000 number is probably more like 250,000 or more.

Doctors throughout the world are coming forward and telling us the truth of the real danger of the Vaccines.  Check out the brave words of Peter McCullough, MD.

Once again, we are told the truth by a Medical Doctor, risking their careers and life to say what is really going on.

Life and truth giving information is leaking out all over about the deadly dangers of taking the Covid-19 experimental vaccines.  It is also coming out the corruption, depopulation agenda and enslavement and control plan associated with all of this.

Join me.  Fight and stand.  Don’t get on the death train.  Live.

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