The Blasphemer President Joe Biden – Forget Easter-It is Transgender Visibility Day
By Dr. Laurie Roth
April 6, 2024
The war against God and Christians has been loud and vivid by Joe Biden throughout his pathetic career. He has always worshiped at the altar of all kinds of abortion and murder of children in the womb. Forget the right to life defined in our Constitution, The Holy Bible, the Catholic church he pretends to be involved with and God himself.
Now, in the name of more blasphemy against Jesus, he has declared the day of Easter as the day of transgender visibility. Biden’s middle finger has once again flipped off Christ and all real Christians everywhere. It wouldn’t have mattered what other group he declared as getting Easter as their special day ‘ gays, illegal aliens, pedophiles, terrorists, and satanists, it is blasphemy and beyond comprehension.
Most real Christians I know support love and kindness and the message of Jesus, even toward those who disagree with us. Regardless, Easter has always been a sacred day for us Christians. I reckon all groups and sexual persuasions who think they need to have more special days and rights than they already do can at least stay away from Easter and Christmas. Pick another day.
It is time to rise up and demand an apology from Joe Biden for daring to put a ‘transgender day of visibility on Easter, as Donald Trump also demanded.
The great news about this drama queen blasphemy by Joe Biden is that he has only awakened millions more Americans and believers in Jesus to get off any fence they may be sitting on. Millions more now will run with ‘nascar’ speed to vote for Donald Trump this next election and never again vote for a democrat.
Thank you, Blasphemer Joe Biden. You are deeply immoral and dumb as a post.
May our Lord Jesus be praised for His sacrifice on the Cross, conquering death and raising from the dead on Easter.
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