The China Virus Was an Inside Job
By Cliff Kincaid
We have lost 564K people to the China virus, while Europe has lost more than 1 million. But Avril Haines, China Joe’s Director of National Intelligence, refuses to say that China is an enemy. It is a “threat,” she conceded, but U.S. intelligence agencies are on top of the problem.
These are real people and real deaths. This is communism in action. And the slaughter continues.
The result: 3 million deaths have been linked to COVID-19 worldwide.
In general terms, she pontificates, the U.S. is faced with “adversaries and competitors, critical transnational threats, and conflicts and instability.”
This pablum costs $85 billion a year ($61.9 billion for the National Intelligence Program, as well as $23.1 billion for the Military Intelligence Program.)
Give us our money back. I want a refund.
President Trump was tough on China and has been proven right. Thanks to Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, a fact recognized by such people as Franklin Graham and Dr. James Dobson, we have the chance of surviving the deadly China virus through revolutionary vaccines.
The Europeans are way behind us, largely because of a vast bureaucracy that didn’t act fast enough and is now overly dependent on China.
Ignoring this mass murder, Haines said that “Domestic Violent Extremism,” or DVE, is “an increasingly complex threat that is growing in the United States.” In her Senate testimony, she referred to “white racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, including Neo-Nazi groups,” being “the fastest growing terrorist threat they face.”
There was no mention of any communist groups active in the United States, many of which support Red China.
Regarding the China virus, as reported by CNN and other media, she said U.S. intelligence agencies do not know “exactly where, when or how Covid-19 virus was transmitted initially” in China. She said there are two theories — that “it emerged naturally from human contact with infected animals or it was a laboratory accident.”
But how can they rule out that it was man-made and deliberately released? The answer is they can’t. They are playing the communist dialectical game – giving us two choices that lead us in a direction that advances the communist plan. The government doesn’t want us to know that they know and that they will not tell us.
Haines alluded to “vaccine diplomacy” on the part of China, the source of the virus. Like “good” communists, dedicated to world domination, they release the virus and then offer their own vaccine as a solution, as they seek “to build influence and in some cases demand accessions from other governments” to control the spread, she said in a matter-of-fact manner.
In the meantime, why not hold China guilty for this diabolical assault and for crimes against humanity?
The answer is that U.S. intelligence knows the virus was man-made but that explanation can’t be offered publicly because it links U.S. Government agencies to the production of the weapon. This is the dirty secret.
People see headlines like, “Pentagon Develops Microchip That Detects COVID When Inserted Under Skin,” and think ordinary civilians are on the verge of getting implants from government, when the evidence suggests that the military recognizes we are in for a period of sustained biological warfare from China. News organs like “60 Minutes” won’t make the necessary conclusion that we are at war with China and that our troops are in desperate need of additional protection, beyond the life-saving vaccines.
Similarly, when vaccine maker Pfizer says a booster shot may be necessary, the company is acknowledging something that former Trump adviser Peter Navarro understands and writes about in the Washington Times: “The high degree of asymmetric spread — along with the rapid and deadly mutations of the virus we are now observing — suggest the possibility of a weaponized virus.”
But here’s his other punch line: “As to whether SARS-CoV-2 was genetically engineered, it is here where Dr. Fauci enters this dangerous picture: In 2017, without sufficient warning to the Trump White House, Dr, Fauci and his NIH colleague Dr. Francis Collins re-authorized the use of so-called gain-of-function research inside China’s Wuhan Lab. Gain-of-function is a genetic engineering tool that improves the ability of a virus to cause disease. In pushing for gain-of-function, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins unilaterally overturned a 2014 decision by the Obama White House to restrict such experiments because of their inherent dangers.”
Navarro is right. Last April I wrote the column, “Obama/Biden Financed China’s Virus Experiments,” looking at the evidence. I noted, “It turns out that one of the country’s most prominent medical and scientific organizations, the federally-funded National Institutes of Health (NIH), has been funding investigations in China’s most controversial and insecure lab of dangerous viruses in China.”
Then I added this column, “NIH Director in the Middle of China Virus Scandal,” about Collins, an Obama holdover who has a long history of collaborating with the communist Chinese regime.
Keep in mind that these dangerous experiments continued until 2014, when the “cooperation” was suspended, and then restarted in 2017 “without sufficient warning to the Trump White House,” Navarro says.
Our intelligence agencies know this. It didn’t take me $85 billion to dig this out.
Here’s some more background you can discover through a simple Google search (if you know what you are looking for) – it’s the history of the US-China Collaborative Biomedical Research Program. American taxpayers have been paying Chinese Communist scientists to conduct controversial experiments that give the communists expertise they can use in weapons.
The Chinese “researchers” at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were receiving assistance from the Galveston National Laboratory at the University of Texas Medical Branch, University of Alabama, University of North Texas, EcoHealth Alliance, Harvard University, and the National Institutes of Health.
All of this was out in the open. You don’t need to be James Bond to discover this.
The Senate hearing on Wednesday on the “Annual Threat Assessment,” as determined by our intelligence agencies, ignores the real threat – those same intelligence agencies that knew what was going on and didn’t protest.
But Haines will not report that fact because the truth implicates Obama/Biden personnel in the production and release of the virus. They know the government has been infiltrated by China sympathizers, and our Intelligence Community has been infiltrated as well.
Politicians on Capitol Hill have their heads in the sand, pretending this evidence does not exist. They know the U.S. Government was involved in these dangerous experiments. They are afraid to follow the trail where it leads because it suggests the release of the China virus was an inside job with Chinese and American fingerprints all over the dangerous and deadly sequence of events.
Until we come up with something or someone that will investigate and name our enemies, and then protect the American people, refund that $85 billion directly to the American people.
Frankly, what we desperately need is a Joe McCarthy-type figure in the Senate (or House) who will investigate these agencies and name the names, as Peter Navarro has begun to do.
© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved
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*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.