The High Cost of Cheap Tomatoes

By Karen Schoen

This weekend is Labor Day weekend. Each year we celebrate Labor Day in a dual role.  One way is massive sales so we shop till we drop.  The other way is the end of summer.  As Americans gather, shop and barbeque, I wondered if anyone knows the history of Labor Day.  Is Labor Day even taught in school?

Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday in September. It honors the American worker and the American Labor Movement.  Without the American workers and their continuous contributions to the American economy we would not be experiencing the incredible economic growth and stock market. The work ethic that American workers have made to the development, quality, growth, endurance, prosperity, productivity of American products have made American products the most sought after in the world. Labor Day is a federal holiday celebrating American workers.

“Beginning in the late 19th century, as the trade union and labor movements grew, trade unionists proposed that a day be set aside to celebrate labor. “Labor Day” was promoted by the Central Labor Union and the knights of Labor, which organized the first parade in New York City. In 1887, Oregon was the first state of the United States to make it an official public holiday. By the time it became an official federal holiday in 1894, thirty American states officially celebrated Labor Day.”

According to PEW research Over the past three decades, the share of American workers who are union members has fallen by about half.  Union membership peaked in 1954 at nearly 35% of all U.S. wage and salary workers, but in 2015 the unionization rate was just 11.1%. However, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the actual number of union members has risen in recent years, from 14.4 million in 2012 to 14.8 million last year.

Great News: Labor Force Participation Rate in the United States increased to 63 percent in July from 62.90 percent in June of 2019. Labor Force Participation Rate in the United States averaged 62.99 percent from 1950 until 2019, reaching an all time high of 67.30 percent in January of 2000 and a record low of 58.10 percent in December of 1954.  (Bureau of Labor Statistics).  Why great news?  People need to feel a sense of accomplishment. A satisfying day at work fills the bill. Less crime is committed by people who feel fulfilled and satisfied in their job.

More significantly, the jobless rate for African Americans fell to a record low 6.8% in December from 7.2% the month before. And it was the first time ever that unemployment for African Americans ever fell below 7%.

Hispanics, too, have seen unemployment drop to record-low levels. For Hispanics, unemployment fell below 5% for the first time ever in October. It stood at 4.9% in December, just a tick above its all-time low of 4.8% in October and November.

Meanwhile, Asians as a group saw their unemployment rate spike to as high as 8.4% in 2009. In December, it fell below 3% for the first time since 2007, dropping to a record-low 2.5%.

Americans are ready to work.  Wages have increased for the first time in decades, Yet we continually hear, we need more immigrants and illegals to fill the jobs that Americans wont do. BS I say to that.  Pay a living wage and Americans are happy to work.  Even Bernie said so. Here is the break down of industries that “require” illegals.

Reference: June 3, 2007 NY Times Sunday MONEY section, page 4, article entitled Shattering Stereotypes about Immigrant Workers by Daniel Altman.

Although his article is biased in favor of what he calls “undocumented” workers and he quotes suspect sources claiming illegals don’t depress US citizens’ wages, the statistics he cites are significant. They do shatter the oft-repeated myth that illegal immigrants are doing work “nobody else” wants to do. Altman gives the following statistics which he obtained from the Pew Hispanic Center’s estimates for 2005:

Percentage of [illegal] workforce who work in:
19.9 Construction
14.3 Manufacturing
3.9 Agriculture, forestry, fishing, hunting
0.2 Mining
17.2 Leisure/hospitality
12.9 Business/professional services
11.4 Wholesale/retail trade
5.6 Education/health services
3.2 Financial activities
3.0 Transportation and utilities
1.2 Information
7.2 Other services

Look how old those numbers are. Are they afraid to publish new numbers? Are they afraid to show how illegals are really taking jobs from Americans and depressing wages? If you can hire an illegal at a fraction of the wage, the illegal wins every time.

Taking jobs is one thing but what is the cost of these illegal aliens to the bottom line of America’s budget? We constantly hear Illegal Aliens pay taxes and contribute to the economy. But do they?

The study by Robert Rector and Christine Kim concludes that American taxpayers spend a total of $89.1 billion on some 4.5 million low-skilled immigrant households (comprising some 15.9 million individuals, or roughly 5% of the population of the United States), costing each non-immigrant American $330 per year.  The study also notes that about 60% of these households were headed by legal immigrants and about 40% headed by illegal aliens.

Illegal aliens receive Section 8 housing and subsidized rent
Illegal aliens receive food stamps

Illegal aliens receive free (no deductible, no co-pay) health care
Illegal aliens receive free breakfasts and lunches at school

Illegal aliens receive bilingual teachers and books-

Illegal aliens receive relief from high energy bills
If they are or become, aged, blind or disabled, they qualify for SSI. Once qualified for SSI they can qualify for Medicare

Not calculated in the charts above is the fact that 64% of American jails are filled with illegal aliens. U.S. Taxpayers Pay about $1.2 Billion to Incarcerate Illegal Immigrants.

Breitbart reports: The number of federal arrests of foreign nationals, that is non-United States citizens living in the country, has more than tripled over the last two decades, new Department of Justice (DOJ) data reveals.

Basically, each illegal alien is costing the American public about $20-25,000 a year. Do you think you could use an extra $20,000 a year?  Our Veterans? Our students? Our roads? Or do you prefer cheap tomatoes!

Is America Worth Saving?

Will you support the President and build that wall?
Will you demand E-verify in your state?
Will you comment and correct the narrative?

If not you, who?  If not now, when?

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