The horror of Fukushima can no longer be called a conspiracy theory

Unimaginable Carnage From Fukushima Killing Pacific Ocean. As expected my email box dumped a few dozen opinions that appear to be a joint effort all saying the same thing: It’s a stupid conspiracy, the government would tell us if there is a problem, blah, blah, blah.

Taking Politics Out of Solutions. The chapter on Fukushima is frightening and heartbreaking yet most Americans have no clue.

Fukushima radiation has reached U.S. shores, Dec. 9, 2016

Yep. All is well. Levels too low to be of concern for humans. The highly toxic Cesium 134 has now been found in Tillamook Bay and Gold Beach, Oregon is Fukushima.

Incredible: Fukushima clean-up chief still hunting for 600 tonnes of melted radioactive fuel, May 25, 2016

The largest mass die offs of Sea Life ever recorded” now underway on West Coast’ – Sea lions so hungry they’re eating rocks. The BS called ‘climate change’ is being blamed. What better way to keep bleeding we the people dry to fund all the ‘climate change’ programs propped up by the U.S. government courtesy of the DO-NOTHING Republicans over the years. Tens and tens of billions of BORROWED dollars with the interest slapped on our backs to support a monster lie.

Fukushima Nuclear Waste Annihilates Pacific Ecosystem, May 24, 2016

 Fukushima Update-Massive Sea Creatures die-off continues on California Coast
 10 giant whales found dead in Pacific off US coast – The narrative is always the same: ‘mysterious deaths’, ”mystery illness’. It’s no mystery if one has been following
 Radiation levels in seabed off Fukushima ‘100s of times’ higher than prior to disaster, July 22, 2016

 Scientists: “Unprecedentedly huge mortality events” happening along US West Coast — “Die-offs… are ongoing and severe, April 4, 2016
 “Like the plot of a summer horror flick”: All along Canada’s Pacific coast, mussels are dying… Bodies are swollen by cancerous tumors — Unprecedented mutations allowing cancer to spread from one species to another like a virus — Scientists: “It’s beyond surprising” (VIDEO) – July 7th, 2016

Fairewinds Japan Speaking Tour Series No. 1, Feb 12, 2016:

More insanity. Japan prepares for release of radioactive tritium from Fukushima into the ocean, April 13,2016: “Any exposure to tritium radiation could pose some health risk,” said Robert Daguillard, a spokesman for the United States Environmental Protection Agency, which takes steps to minimise the tritium from US nuclear facilities that escapes into drinking water. This risk increases with prolonged exposure, and health risks include increased occurrence of cancer.”

Think of oceans with no fish or in such small numbers the effect would be catastrophic in many ways: Geoengineering And Ocean Die Off, It’s Not Just Fukushima

All Of A Sudden, Fish Are Dying By The MILLIONS All Over The Planet, May 8, 2016

Our oceans provide us with so many wonderful things besides beautiful mammals, heavenly beaches and delicious fish of all kinds for consumption. They also provide critical plant life. Too many do not appreciate the importance of all sea life. TEPCO and the Japanese government are guilty of a monstrous crime against humanity.

New Safe Confinement‘), but get it done and stop the continued dumping of radiation contaminated water into the ocean.

One other thing that should be done if nuclear power plants are going to be built they must NOT be built anywhere near an ocean – especially an area known for earthquakes, typhoons and tsunami’s. God, how stupid and greedy. There should be a written agreement between all the major countries on this earth not to build where another Fukushima can happen.

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