The Horrordumbor

By Sid Secular

January 2, 2024

Watching TV and absorbing endless propaganda and drug ads 24/7 drive people to hasten to their medical appointments where they are driven to shorten their lives with Big Pharma’s prescriptions and pills and stop at Taco Bell or fast food dispensary on the way home so they can imbibe some comfort food to feel better. Of course, this recipe just adds to the toxins in their bodies so they can become further dependent on Big pharma. Almost everyone is on at least one pill in a regimented regimen of regular pill-popping that only provides short-term relief. All these folks’ pocket money winds up pocketed by the propagandists while they deteriorate and their lifespans are shorten. Some are becoming centenarians while others are dropping dead in the prime of life, especially from the clot shots (Covid vaccines). Shortened life spans especially affect white males who face a bewildering array of malefactors seemingly out to get them.

The support for the clot shots still is strong among those especially tethered to the medical mentality and modalities and their TV sets.  Beloved leaders, celebrities, and sports figures die in the prime of life and this coterie can’t seem to figure it out or question it, but rather, they see fit to reject the most logical explanation. Tearful eulogies ensue but autopsies are neither desired nor ordered while the most far-fetched medical explanations are cheerfully accepted. Human fertility is collapsing as the clot shots impact the ability to reproduce, changing menstrual cycles and causing formerly unknown numbers of miscarriages. Men’s sperm counts are decreasing. But meanwhile, foolish libbers are fixated on abortion and alternate forms of humanity itself all of which discourage human reproduction.

Worse, only a small number of leaders seem to have awakened to what’s going on. 100% of Democrats and nearly all Republicans are still in favor of these murderous Covid vaccination programs that are, thank God, in a remission of sorts at present due to some pushback by a combination of those who know the score and those who can see the senselessness of the series of boosters that don’t seem to have any effectiveness other than sickness and death. But we need to look at this horror in its murderous face.  The problem is not just Operation Warp Speed but deliberately warped ideas on the efficacy of vaccinations in general. However, many refuse to face reality because they don’t want to be “outside the safe space” and so, they choose to remain the snowflakes they are when it comes to other essential issues.

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