The lies of Romney, Megyn Kelly, and Ted Cruz

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny. —Thomas Jefferson

Trump has Revived Hope in Americans

death of him. They will do anything to stop him from derailing their New World Order globalist plans. So now they’ve hired Willard Romney.

The Truth of Why Willard Mitt Romney Attacked Trump

Willard the Rat,” and at this point, he fits the description. Romney plans, try to derail Trump for his globalist friends and possibly create a brokered convention. He has been hired to help destroy Trump. Why? Because the plan is to have another globalist in our White House to continue the New World Order Agenda. Since Jeb Bush is out, their last hope is no other than Hillary Clinton. Romney is the hired thug to unseat Trump. 

Romney is again leading the assault.

And guess what? Romney is being sued in federal court for criminal racketeering. Steven “Laser” Haas is the owner and sole shareholder of Collateral Logistics Inc. (CLI) the firm which was retained to oversee the liquidation of assets in the bankruptcy of eToys in 2001. Along with Romney, Haas has named Goldman Sachs, Bain Capital, Michael Glazer, Barry Gold, and Paul Traub in the suit. Haas has claimed that he has evidence that the parties involved have committed perjury on 35 separate occasions — even alleging that there have been murders carried out in attempts to cover up their wrong doing.

Obviously, if Romney were on the stage with these candidates, you can bet this would not be brought up, but a small civil suit over Trump University is a major discussion during the debate. How absolutely asinine. 


The NAU eliminates the borders between Canada and Mexico, and makes us one big North American Union with one currency, and obliterated sovereignty, much like the European Union which is now failing.

he’d vote for Hillary over Trump. So Kristol and his phony Republican ilk prefer to have a corrupt, failed Secretary of State (think Benghazi murders and Libya at the top of the list), than an honest businessman who wants to “Make America Great Again.” What does that tell you?

Glenn Beck Wants to Stab Trump

the stabbing just wouldn’t stop.” Now they’re lying about it after a visit from the FBI.


Beck is not the only crazy in America who is filled with hatred for the one candidate who could turn America around.

Like Louis Farrakhan who has promoted the murder of whitey by 10,000 of his congregants, nothing is done. But let a threat be mentioned against Obama or Hillary and the FBI is there with a warrant for their arrest. 

Report These People!

U.S. Secret Service
Office of Government and Public Affairs
245 Murray Ln,
Washington, DC 20223
(202) 406-5708
For local field office, click here.
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Click here for FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Click here for FBI Field Offices in the U.S.

The Lousy Debates and The Lies

the rating was an A as Trump claimed. 

Rubio and Cruz have jumped on the bandwagon following their orders from the GOP to destroy Trump during the debates with lies, innuendos, and twisted half truths. The moderators were the culprits with starting the attacks on the leading candidate and allowing Cruz and Rubio to continue the attacks. 

CNN did a fact check and found this was untrue. According to the Federal Election Commission and the Center for Responsive Politics, Trump donated one $600 check to Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2007. But Trump also contributed to 2008 GOP nominee Sen. John McCain’s campaign, and gave him more, to boot.


There is only one man who is not part of their train wreck to hell with the New World Order, and you all know, it is Donald J. Trump. Support him or our country is lost.

Thanks to the diligence of Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, many ideas for my articles have come from him. Paul immigrated from communist Yugoslavia, providence of Slovenia, and therefore he sees more clearly the dangers to our Republic than those who have always known free America as home. Please support