The Looking Glass

By Dennis L. Cuddy

November 28, 2023

In the 1800s, British authors criticizing the crown often used symbolism so they would not be jailed. Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, was one such author who used to also like to play with young naked girls. He made up characters like Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum symbolizing the leaders of the two major political parties to show they weren’t really much different. The Red Queen running with Alice told her that “you have to run twice as fast just to stay where you are” to symbolize the effect of inflation. The “Mad Hatter” refers to politicians meaning the opposite of what they say when they sing “A Very Merry Un-Birthday To You!” The Rabbit in Alice going down the rabbit hole saying, “I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date” refers to George Orwell’s concept from his future 1984 book saying they would “quicken the tempo of human life.” The Caterpillar smoking a water pipe refers to the use of drugs. The Cheshire Cat appearing and not appearing but always smiling is like politicians.

The reason nothing gets done in the U.S. is that Congressional leaders often greet new members with a big smile. Then through a series of questions the leaders determine whether the new member will do their bidding. If not, they are assigned to the Postal Committee where their bills go nowhere. And they are then ousted by the same voters who elected them because they didn’t get the money for their constituents’ highways.

In George Orwell’s 1984 book he also says “you are going to come to love Big Brother.” And people today love their computers, cell phones, and credit cards. These are the tools Big Brother (the world dictator to come) uses to monitor our activities and control our behavior. American authors such as L. Frank Baum did similarly in his The Wizard of Oz. With courage (the Lion) a brain (Tin Man) and a heart (Scarecrow), they can save Dorothy (Mother Gaia, the earth). You can also find out more about this reading my 1991 440-page book Now Is The Dawning of the New Age New World Order (second edition).

The idea of the Power Elite is to keep the people occupied. As Nero said 2000 years ago, “Give them circuses.” Today, instead of chariot races we have NASCAR. Instead of gladiator fights we have wrestling, football and martial arts. A recent saying is the people are “fat, dumb and happy.” This would fit with the 2016 email of top Democrat strategist Bill Ivey saying they had already conspired to create “an unaware and compliant citizenry” who are clueless and manipulable, willing to accept a return to a high tech feudalism under the Power Elite. As Power Elite member Klaus Schwab said, “By 2030 you will own nothing but you will be happy.”

You are comfortable with your life now, not realizing you are like the frog in the increasingly heated water, being boiled until it is too late and the secret Nazi and Communist plans come to fulfillment. When you then ask yourself who is to blame, look in the mirror (looking glass) and respond as Pogo did to Albert (the alligator) in the cartoon strip about saving the environment. When Albert flicked his cigar ashes into the punch bowl, Pogo shockingly said, “Albert, we have met the enemy and he is us!”

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