“If men of wisdom and knowledge, of moderation and temperance, of patience, fortitude and perseverance, of sobriety and true republican simplicity of manners, of zeal for the honour of the Supreme Being and the welfare of the commonwealth; if men possessed of these other excellent qualities are chosen to fill the seats of government, we may expect that our affairs will rest on a solid and permanent foundation.” —Samuel Adams (1722–1803) Father of the American Revolution, Patriot and Statesman
Election Day

How many of you stayed up all night to watch the final electoral votes come in with Pennsylvania giving Donald J. Trump the victory? The entire day, I never turned on the TV, never tuned into Fox News, because I didn’t want to listen to the pundits with their idiocy about this race. The talking heads make me want to kick the television.

Praying throughout the day was what I was led to do. Even listening to Rush Limbaugh was off the agenda. Silence was truly golden. Many of us just rested in the Lord knowing all was in His Hands.

My husband and I watched a movie, and then he retired for the night. At 10:30 EST, I found an electoral map on the web and watched it for the rest of the night. Wow, what a race, a real nail biter, which it wouldn’t have been without vote fraud, and if our media actually did their jobs.

Trump was at 254 and needed only 16 more electoral votes. Pennsylvania would give him 20, and Michigan would give him 16, but if Hillary took those states, then he needed Arizona with 11, Vermont with 4, and Alaska with 3, to win. The media dragged it out and wouldn’t give Pennsylvania to Trump until very early in the morning. (Surely they made more money that way). Finally, Pennsylvania was called for Trump and he was the winner. Arizona, Alaska, Michigan and Pennsylvania went to Trump, but Vermont went to Hillary.

Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, and another friend both called me when Trump was announced as the winner. Like so many others, we were absolutely joyous and overwhelmed with thanksgiving and relief. Hallelujah…praise God for answered prayer!

President elect Donald J. Trump is God’s gift to America. God’s Hand was all over this campaign and election!

Battered and Bruised, and Victorious!

From the very beginning, when Trump and his wife walked down the staircase in Trump Tower to announce his campaign for the presidency, the globalists on both sides of the aisle excoriated this man’s abilities. The attacks were vitriolic and biased. The primary campaign debates were demonstrative of the hatred by the media and the other candidates. Why? Because Trump is not in their globalist cabal! He’s an outsider…one who loves America, loves her people, and wants her to be strong just as she was when he was a youngster and watched his father build his business.


The Never Trumpers

Remember William F. Buckley’s National Review list of Never TrumpRepublicans who would rather have the corrupt socialist Hillary than vote for an outsider who wasn’t in their globalist cabal? Topping off that list was none other than Bilderberger Bill Kristol, crazy Glenn Beck, Cal Thomas, Ed Meese, Michael Medved, Erick Erickson, Brent Bozell and Club for Growth’s pro-amnesty, David McIntosh. The only one on the list of Never Trumpers who shocked me was Thomas Sowell. Sad, but true. These people would actually prefer another Trotskyite Republican who would lose to the corrupt hardcore socialist, Hillary Clinton, rather than have an outsider who could win and truly Make America Great Again!

Lindsey Graham dropped out of the race and put his support behind Jeb Bush, saying he did not believe Trump was a reliable conservative…and Graham is???? Jeb Bush dropped out of the race, and the entire Bush family voted for Hillary Clinton; great Republican conservatives all who would vote for the corrupt socialist liar rather than their own Republican nominee. Now that Trump is our new President elect; Jeb Bush is saying he and his wife will pray for Trump. Yeah well, Jeb, actions speak louder than words.

Mitt Romney condemned Donald Trump despite the fact that he called Trump in 2012 begging for support and help in winning his campaign. Trump went to bat for him and funded his campaign, but when Trump was campaigning, Romney turned his back on him. Why? Because the Never Trumpers from National Review, Lindsey Graham, the Bushes, and Mitt Romney, are all globalist insiders. But Trump is an outsider who wants to Make America Great Again! And where did Romney go to spew his hatred for Mr. Trump? To the Hinckley Institute…does that name ring a bell? [Link]

The Media

The leftist media spewed its negative diatribe against Trump daily, looking for any crack in his armor to expose him as a foul human being who has no right to even run for high office. The rightwing media was equally as vitriolic in its hatred of Trump. Megyn Kelly on Fox News epitomized the distaste for this blue-collar billionaire beloved by America’s citizens. Of course, few people know that Fox News funded Hillary to the tune of $3 million and allegedly 96% of their employees vote democratic. Fair and balanced my backside.

Not one of the moderators in the primary debates or the three debates with Clinton even came close to being a Republican, much less a conservative, so Mr. Trump had to put up with the leftist pro-Clinton cabal asking every debate question. Then too, Donna Brazile fed the debate questions to Hillary in advance…how special of her. Cheaters didn’t win this time!

The MSM didn’t report squat on the very telling Assange WikiLeaks’ emails, and they ignored or downplayed all of Hillary Clinton’s treasonous activities with Pay to Play, her emails on private cell phones, and the Clinton Foundation.

World Leaders Happy

Obviously, our new President elect has already made a number of foreign leaders quite happy. Not only will there be mutual respect between President Trump and these leaders, but there will also be renewed respect for the United States. Eight years of dealing with Obama has obviously strained many relationships. A number of leaders phoned our new President the day after the election.

Reuters reported that Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who happens to be a Muslim, was the first international call made to President-elect Trump, coming on Wednesday. President al-Sisi expressed his hopes of fostering closer diplomatic ties with the US under the Trump administration.

Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu is certainly happy. For eight years, he has had to deal with Obama treating him as though he’s a nuisance. President Obama has made deals with the country who is Israel’s number one enemy, and ignored Netanyahu’s plaintive objections. [Link]

Bibi called President elect Trump and said, “My friend, congratulations on being elected president of the United States of America. You are a great friend of Israel. Over the years you’ve expressed your support consistently, and I deeply appreciate it.” He added he was “confident, the two of us, working closely together, will bring the great alliance between our two countries to even greater heights.”

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, who has been engaged in an ongoing war of words with Obama and the UN and has expanded to include some diplomatic collateral damage, also offered a congratulatory message. Duterte has been disgusted with Obama’s dismissive, dictatorial manner of dealing with the Filipino leader. He is clearly delighted that Obama’s successor was beaten. 

Russian President Vladimir Putin was optimistic, with the Kremlin writing that Mr. Putin, “expressed hope for joint work to restore Russian-American relations from their state of crisis, and also to address pressing international issues and search for effective responses to challenges concerning global security.”

Trump Supporters Joyous

The working-class Americans have taken our country back. They were tired of losing, and said, Enough! Then they went out in droves and voted for the blue-collar billionaire businessman who spoke their language.


All the grassroots Americans who have supported Mr. Trump from the beginning of his campaign, are ecstatic, and we know in our hearts that God has blessed our nation. We also know that there is a lot of very hard work ahead of Mr. Trump, and that the administration he chooses will be responsible for accomplishing the goals he has set forth.

Our new President will need prayer, as will his wife and family, and his entire administration. His job will not be an easy one, but I am confident that our nation will see changes that will greatly benefit all her people. 

One long battle is over, and now many new ones will begin, but we have a leader who we can be proud to call our President.

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